Is this an exploit ?



Originally posted by Whisperess
Why stand on top of the roof at all if it doesn't give you any benefit whatsoever?

Case closed - it's an exploit.

Ohh you are so smart arent you.. so when im a hunter and killing a mob im trying to stand as far away as possible cause it gives me a advantage then IM EXPLOITING???

And why not stand on a ROOF looks cool doesnt IT..

Sure this could be an exploit but some people just open there mouth without thinking...

Also in RvR im standing on a keepwall people can only nuke me from downstairs.. im exploiting since my enemies cant melee me.. your way of thinking doesnt work..

for it to be a exploit it should be that the mobs cant hurt him.. if they can nuke him they can hurt him..

Brannor McThife

A retired E&E perspective:

If the creature can hurt you, no matter how (melee/casting) then wherever you are is legal.

However, if just one of those creatures you pull, does not have the ability to reach you (i.e. it is a pure melee mob) then you are exploiting.

If you are standing on a roof that is 60 ft in the air, and pulling caster mobs that can nuke you back, then I believe that you are in a legit position. However, if in pulling that caster mob, you get a melee mob add, then you are exploiting game mechanics if you engage the melee mob.

Hell, I levelled my necro in the Barrows and those celtic lichs would stand in the wall and nuke me... talk about exploiting game mechanics. :p

As for pulling tough mobs...the Hibs worked out the perfect way with those puppies...I used to help with my L50 (50 Mana) Manachanter.

Fully buffed healer pet (it evades and lives longer), send pet in to attack one, put damage shield up and put pet on passive, bring back, and proceed to have 2 other manabombers PBAE the snot out of them, as they'll be perfectly stacked. Have a bard sit with powersong on, and a druid for buffs/heals. Accept melee classes if you want to...but they're no longer needed... :D




They can hurt you on the roof.. i just expect the fact that a SM has BT, mobs miss sometimes and when a pet is on passive it intercepts most attacks by these mobs... add this to the fact the mobs are dieing very quick due to weakness to spirit.. a SM should rarely get hit if he's hunting properly. Especially if he has damage shield (which draws more than normal amount of aggro on to the pet as the mobs are weak to spirit) sets pet to "passive, here" then pbaoes... the reason he wanted you to leave is because there probably isnt enough mobs in the camp for the speed he is pulling at...


Originally posted by Hargh
Think I saw someone doing this last night. Might /anon and go spying with screen shot ready. Was running for my life at the time :D

Wether its Exploit or not, ive never done it myself, but you Hargh are quite a sad person. Do you realise that the next guy you see doing this might just have heard it from a friend, didnt see all this controversy on the forum so gave it a try. You spy on him, report him and hes banned. XX number of months down the drain because of some little nark out doing GOA's job. Do you really care that much about the game? Will this guy finding this spot and maybe PL'ing some alts to 50 affect you in anyway? Some people are really taking this game far too seriously and not seeing what they can do. Just remeber you little spy game could land someone in a serious mess, all those months playing the game wasted. Report it if you want, but do something like... "To Goa, heard there was this place in vanern that could be exploited blah blah, please do something about it before people get banned."

And btw, im not positive, but dont these mobs nuke sometimes (albeit rarely) ? If so doesnt that make it not exploiting since they can actually hurt you?


was at usual hagibu pulling spot this week pling my sb and my missus hunter..... melachi hit the nail on the head, the hagibus thane nukes .... and hits very hard. alll of the other hagibu mystics also add, and nuke, and itterupt and hit hard. thats pulling from the normal pull spot at the water edge.... i see no reason why they would stop nuking you if you stood ontop of the roof.


Originally posted by Melachi[Mid]
Wether its Exploit or not, ive never done it myself, but you Hargh are quite a sad person.

I am now :(


Ok sorry i did go a little over the top last post. But remember these 'exploits' are there because of sloppy design, punish the desinger rather than the exploiter. Report someone whos 'exploiting' it and he could get banned, is that fair? Dont use annolgies by the way for in real life either, ignorance of the law is no excuse in the country you in habit, but not for a game you bloody well pay to play for.

Mardan Stryker

Well first of all, I think the place should be fixed and agree strongly with Melachis opinion.

Found out by the rooftop spot by accident myself really..
I was powerleveling some lowbie guildies and after they logged I wanted to suicide . So I ran on top of one building there, just sat down and went to have a nice slow killing but lethal smoke. Took few mins there and when I came back my spiritmaster was still alive with few pixel lines hp left. I swiftly nuked the mobs all around, jumped off the building and died. What comes to casting Hagbui.. the caster hagbuis are bit further away and dont usually add to melee ones. There are few thane hagbui too, but they cast so rarely..
Fully buffed supp sm can kill those mobs usually with 1-3 nukes. So I would say those mobs CANT hit you and would think it as an exploit.

But then again, dont piss on your own shoes when reporting game bugs that get exploited. Actually got nice example story:

Back when I was in the army..
we had a free weekend coming up and listening the last words from our dear captain about how to put condoms on the right place on our body, taking the brains with us again from the lockers depths and the usual jokes.
Everyone was thrilled to get out sooner and without running to busses this time, because the captain had forgotten all about cleaning duty.
So the captain yelled the last words and we yelled to him the proper answer and off we were going... BUT
Some guy from the back row of the lines yelled at the same second we started to run out of the building
"Aren't we cleaning up this time, SIR!"

So the shit hit the fan so to speak.

You can imagine how 'popular' that guy was after that stunt.
Almost as famous as the guy who called his own company from camp and said there was a bomb in the building.. doing it with his own mobile phone.

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