Is this against CoC?


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 30, 2004
I like how your instant reaction was to finish off Erimani for yourselves, i bet not even a single thought about rezzing us passed through your greed filled mind. After doing such a thing like that i fail to see how you can pick faults with Tiki and his actions.

When Amagad asked if he could hit it for ML xp i would have said no too for the simple fact there was no need to do so. Why run the risk of having the other group members start attacking because they seen Amagad do so? Why run the risk of losing the artifact to your group due to so many bugs with mobs and artifacts?

Not only did witchen politely say 'no' instead of 'f**k off! this is mine, mine, MINE!!!' you need to weigh in the factor of what there was to lose along as an understanding of this realms attitude for greed and self prosperity. Most peoples reaction in that situation would have been to say no, you may argue that all you want but you know its true.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Lifetime said:
Most peoples reaction in that situation would have been to say no, you may argue that all you want but you know its true.

Tbh. most people I come across would both invite to BG for encounter, and let me hit for ML-exp if I ask them. But since you still dont got the point, after really pointing it out, I will not bother with explaning it to you again, you can read previous posts until you get it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
noaim said:
Tbh. most people I come across would both invite to BG for encounter, and let me hit for ML-exp if I ask them. But since you still dont got the point, after really pointing it out, I will not bother with explaning it to you again, you can read previous posts until you get it.

are u dumb? or just acting? or can't u read our post... u did wrong and u know it... don't try to shipp it over to someone else


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Lawless said:
are u dumb? or just acting? or can't u read our post... u did wrong and u know it... don't try to shipp it over to someone else

For the ones like Lawless, where the shoesize by far exceeds the IQ:

Its not about why we didnt help, or if it was right or wrong to not help. HE is is no position to whine about us not helping. Got it now?

And yes, I know you are a kid that threatens to ban people from dragonraids, if they take an artifactmob even AFTER you fail to kill it, and clearly states before that they´ll give you and your group first shot, but pls take your stupidity someplace private, no need to expose it really.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2004
Tbh the skald should've been allowed to hit the arti mob.

If a group wants to steal the artifact, they don't even need to hit the artimob, since the way the game handles some of the artifacts, everyone can pick it up.

So 'risking losing the arti' is not a reason to not let a l45 skald hit the mob.

Infact, the group not having access to the loot can easily steal it IF THEY WANT TO, since they can only target the arti item with the nearest lootable object key.

As again, if you show good morals and let the skald hit it for a bit of ml xp, I fail to see the reason why they would freak out and steal the artifact.

Noaim just keeps telling that you denied them this simple wish, and so he wasn't forced to help you, not even by good morals.

There's this silly saying.
What you give, is what you get. (You give nothing, you get nothing)

- English -

Resident Freddy
Apr 7, 2004
Well my point of view (as the shaman Fremen in the s/s). I arrived at Eramai receiving numerous DM spams of Red Guard. (Lifetime, Witchen and Buffmynerfs. I took a s/s to prove this as i knew the would be aggro about this.

Anyway, as i arrived RG where Dead. I quickly grouped up with a near by Warrior and started to kill Eramai. Whilst attempting to kill him i received a number of /s spam from Lifetime who seemed a little angry about the opportunity that he seemed to have waisted in killing Eramai (alot of this is swearing, which i have s/s of and will upload at your request if you want when guild website back up). The warrior died due to over damage, any i started running away, and kiting to try rescue something and perhaps have a 2nd chance. (there was a few healers about who instantly ressed him).

Whilst kiting, more mids arrived. The warrior was ressed, and with a bit of luck we could perhaps have a 2nd chance. Although, i ran through Lifetimes FOP which caused aggro to his group. I have no idea about this situation, as any warrior would do to protect his group mates, Witchen attacked Eramai and did so untill he died due to this aggro problem.

The other fg mids killed Eramai at about 25% and got the cloak drop....

Eramai spawned again 10mins later and me and witch duo'd it, i won the random.

Few days later, i got alot of RG spam from his mates saying i was the one who ran aggro through Lifetimes FOP causing them to die.

I dont know wether to report Lifetime for this language on /s etc or post it on FH so you can decide.

But i dont really care anymore :drink:


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 30, 2004
Get your facts straight, i pull Erimani with Amnesia and you jumped in and attacked it while it was on route to me.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 18, 2004
- English - said:
I dont know wether to report Lifetime for this language on /s etc or post it on FH so you can decide.

But i dont really care anymore :drink:

I think GoA is interested in this... And ofc it would be nice to see what this lovly fellow says...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Lothandar said:
Tbh the skald should've been allowed to hit the arti mob.

If a group wants to steal the artifact, they don't even need to hit the artimob, since the way the game handles some of the artifacts, everyone can pick it up.

So 'risking losing the arti' is not a reason to not let a l45 skald hit the mob.

Infact, the group not having access to the loot can easily steal it IF THEY WANT TO, since they can only target the arti item with the nearest lootable object key.

As again, if you show good morals and let the skald hit it for a bit of ml xp, I fail to see the reason why they would freak out and steal the artifact.

Noaim just keeps telling that you denied them this simple wish, and so he wasn't forced to help you, not even by good morals.

There's this silly saying.
What you give, is what you get. (You give nothing, you get nothing)

Actually, to butt in here, since i'v been in the same situation, a guy on alb/excal with GoV encounter, a guy asked to join for mlxp and was allowed to, he then stole the arti and logged, (as the arti drops on the ground as previously stated) in wich he was also reported to GoA.
Thing is now, that since he was allowed to help kill the mob and hit the mob, GoA could not take actions, since it was then in his rights to have the artifact. I'd say no too, as then if it were to be stolen, i could report the incident and know it would be delt with. Unfortunately this is imo not good, as it makes people now rather reluctant to allowing others that they dont know to hit a mob or join bg's for credit.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
noaim said:
Tbh. most people I come across would both invite to BG for encounter, and let me hit for ML-exp if I ask them. But since you still dont got the point, after really pointing it out, I will not bother with explaning it to you again, you can read previous posts until you get it.

Still, when they are killing the mob successfully - and its on its way down. You don't think about that, and how much ML xp would he get? Not like it would make his week.

Anyway, they werent "bad-guys" for not letting him hit the mob, or atleast I think so.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
etcetra said:
Still, when they are killing the mob successfully - and its on its way down. You don't think about that, and how much ML xp would he get? Not like it would make his week.

Anyway, they werent "bad-guys" for not letting him hit the mob, or atleast I think so.

For the third time: Its not about why we didnt help, or if it was right or wrong to not help. HE is is no position to whine about us not helping. Got it now?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
noaim said:
For the third time: Its not about why we didnt help, or if it was right or wrong to not help. HE is is no position to whine about us not helping. Got it now?

heard this before, is it only me or do it echo in here? :m00:

btw, say 1 GOOD reason why u let Tiki and his friends die of aggro that someone else gave them? Saying That the skald didn't get his 5% ml exp aint a valide resone.... if u think so, why did't u go help him kill a triton shaman? he gets 5% there aswell.....

Only asking for ONE resone..


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 29, 2004
Just looks like plain old Arti horny people. Seen it far too much since ToA came about.

This isn't people's fault, they can't help being the way they are. But I blame Mythic for inventing such lame ways to have to get the best items.

Either way, truely crap to take Eramai after you watched the RG chap get pwned by random aggro. heh. Even if he said no to the skald for ML Exp, it doesn't excuse you watching him die just to get the shot at the arti yourself. And lets face it, thats what you did. Don't worry, its not a crime to be greedy or Arti horny, just makes you a worse person. Think that comes through on a couple people posting on this thread.

And don't try to justify what you did by saying, "He didn't wanna help the skald so we didn't wanna help him". I don't buy it.

Water under the bridge though. Nothing anyone can do now.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Lawless said:
heard this before, is it only me or do it echo in here? :m00:

btw, say 1 GOOD reason why u let Tiki and his friends die of aggro that someone else gave them? Saying That the skald didn't get his 5% ml exp aint a valide resone.... if u think so, why did't u go help him kill a triton shaman? he gets 5% there aswell.....

Only asking for ONE resone..

I think its your head that echoes, empty places to cause echo. Said it 3 times, you and some other dumbasses still havent understood. I wonder if you can manage to wipe yourself in the ass, or if you have a personal assistant for that. I could try to draw you a picture, but I doubt that would help either. But please try to comprehend this now, because it will not get any clearer. Skald asks Tiki to hit mob. Tiki says no. Tiki wasnt helpful. Tiki gets aggro. Tiki dies. We take mob. We get cloudsong. Tiki whines about spirit of midgard etc. Tiki didnt wanna help himself. Tiki is in no position to WHINE. We didnt take encounter because skald didnt get to hit mob. We dont need a reason to kill a mob thats not engaged in combat. Tiki is still in no position to WHINE, as you can read before, Tiki was not helpful either. Why we took the mob is clear, he was not engaged in combat so we were allowed to. Tiki did not help us. Therefor Tiki shouldnt WHINE about us not helping them. It would have been nice of us to help. It was not nice to do what we did. It was however legal. Therefor we do not need a reason to do so. Tiki shouldnt WHINE about it, he wasnt helpful towards us.

I think even you should have gotten it now.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 30, 2004
i fail to see how you can make up such a fuss over tiki saying no to amagad, amagad accepted the no and probably knew the reason why. there are far more negative things that could happen from him attacking the mob than the posative. knowing this realms attitude for artifact stealing and generally being c**ts most people will say no in that situation.

And not helping kill the adds or rezzing us to finish Erimani shows just how greedy and unhelpfull you are. youre preaching like youre some uber, caring, helpful person yet the way you acted proves otherwise and if anything youre amongst the ranks of all the other lowlife artifact stealers out there.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Lifetime said:
i fail to see how you can make up such a fuss over tiki saying no to amagad, amagad accepted the no and probably knew the reason why. there are far more negative things that could happen from him attacking the mob than the posative. knowing this realms attitude for artifact stealing and generally being c**ts most people will say no in that situation.

And not helping kill the adds or rezzing us to finish Erimani shows just how greedy and unhelpfull you are. youre preaching like youre some uber, caring, helpful person yet the way you acted proves otherwise and if anything youre amongst the ranks of all the other lowlife artifact stealers out there.

Whatever makes you happy. Please show me where I preach about being uber and caring.

Since its obviously useless to discuss this, and noones oppinion will change, I see no reason to keep replying in this thread. Just dont whine about not getting help from us, when you were not interested in helping yourself.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Only thing I see here is a excuse (lol..) to be Artifact Horny :p

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