Is this against CoC?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Im not entirely sure if this is against Code of Conduct some people have said it is some have said otherwise.

The place is "Green QQ glades" the mob is Eramai as you can see from the screen shot below fop is up and running im enguaging and the mob is nicely at 25% hp.


The screen was taken more for the treat of PP grp and the nub Nazgul skald wanting to hit the mob for ml exp. I guess I was quite suprised to see a FoM shaman Buffbunny trail around 4 red con mobs directly to me and the Font of power. Of course the fop aggro'd the mobs and i was left to deal with Eramai and 4 red con's. Midgard spirit came through and no one helped, we died and the PP and some other grp outskilled eramai's remaining 15%hp and randomed the cs cloak

What these grps did is not in question, they waited till we died then cleared up thats harsh but not breaking coc :)

My question is about the FoM shaman that dragged 4 red cons from out of clip range into 5 units of the fop ward that our healer stands on. Should i bother reporting or just return the favour some day? ty



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
The SS don't say anything so I don't know why you posted it.
IF Buffbunny did what you said he did, he is a big jerk tbh. Then again he could have got the aggro by mistake and wanted help. It doesn't look like he had anything to do with the PP + Naz grp getting the artifact so nothing in it for him to get you killed.
FoM being the second best guild in mid (TDD the best ofc:)), its hard to believe he did it to kill you.

PS. FFS RG, claim a mid keep already. It's starting to get pathetic. :touch:

Urme the Legend

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Tiki said:
My question is about the FoM shaman that dragged 4 red cons from out of clip range into 5 units of the fop ward that our healer stands on. Should i bother reporting or just return the favour some day? ty


Wasn't this reported? Since I know Buffbunny (aka Stoneface: got some sort of punishment for this.. probably 3+ days ban since he hasn't logged in his BB for a few days.

If you haven't reported this and he was involved in some other incident.. I stronly advice you to report this kind of behavior to RightNow asap.

Edit: Drag mobs into someone elses FoP to intentionly(sp?) get them aggro is against the CoC.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
ye the sreenshot is purely to set show the mob was enguaged, we were going to win and that you had run some distance to get aggro onto us.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
/nohelp makes sure others dont leech from you by placings fop / foh on you while you hunt... (e.g. they cant help you)

It doesnt allow you to shut off fop/foh for them...

But running mobs into you to agro you, is against CoC...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
Think I know some of the story about your spectators. Atleast from my view.

Some people had gathered to go do Shield of Khaos for a person, mainly <Rabid Badgers> and <Pagan Prosperity>, and as far as I know Amagad that you are refering to was not with them. While people had gathered in Aerus Haven much Eramai deathspawn came. So they desided to go check what was going on, and mabe kill it if none was there. Someone in the /bg said it was allready to late and they were going to head to the Shield of Khaos camp, but one healer had ld'd. They desided to stay and watch the match while waiting for the ld to return.
After a while there came random aggro toward Eramai, what caused it I do not know, but it might as well have been baf since Eramai was close to other aggro. Since it've been known that add might accure they desided to do notthing. There was speak of helping, but that might've been looked wrong upon also so notthing was done.
The ld return, and ld again :twak:
Witchen is now dead and Eramai on 25%, so there is words if he should be killed or not. It ends with the /bg killing Eramai, the cloak drops, they lotto it and continue to Shield of Khaos.

That's another side of the story, if someone was wondering why there was so many people on the ss :fluffle:

[edit] If the mobs actually was drawn to you, it was a breach of our beloved CoC.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Firstly, yes I agree if he pulled them into a FoP on purpose, then yes its against the CoC, however; you cant prove it was deliberate, secondly, anyone in a blind panic being chased by mobs will run full sprint towards others, normally spamming /help.

Was witchen ressed by the killing group, if not, why? Just curious to see if you had the chance to res him, but didnt because you wanted the prize...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Denisée said:
After a while there came random aggro toward Eramai, what caused it I do not know, but it might as well have been baf since Eramai was close to other aggro. Since it've been known that add might accure they desided to do notthing. There was speak of helping, but that might've been looked wrong upon also so notthing was done.

Ive killed Eramai now around 15-20 times, the mob was far far away from any help shout range. Other by standers which werent part of the Sheild of Khaos artifact questers have and can back this up. The outcome was quite simple, wait for the guys who actually needed and activated the encounter with the music box to die and gank the mob.

In someones defence from the sok artifact questers, I saw a /say "shall we all random up then as we all helped to kill it?"

But well.....that would have been fair now wouldent it.....pfft

nm though nothing can be done about it now, except i hope "soon" to show those with the same method of midgard spirit :m00:

Urme the Legend

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Tiki said:
Ive killed Eramai now around 15-20 times, the mob was far far away from any help shout range. Other by standers which werent part of the Sheild of Khaos artifact questers have and can back this up. The outcome was quite simple, wait for the guys who actually needed and activated the encounter with the music box to die and gank the mob.

In someones defence from the sok artifact questers, I saw a /say "shall we all random up then as we all helped to kill it?"

But well.....that would have been fair now wouldent it.....pfft

nm though nothing can be done about it now, except i hope "soon" to show those with the same method of midgard spirit :m00:

But you did report it? Or at least someone did, since Buffbunny got his punishment. So don't do this to someone else Tiki :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Urme the Legend said:
But you did report it? Or at least someone did, since Buffbunny got his punishment. So don't do this to someone else Tiki :m00:

Humm after all the cs trouble i believe there was around 3 people wanting to get people banned, so maybe they took it further. I didnt know for sure if what buffbunny did was against coc so have asked here, now I know. Ofc i wont do it this method, but im starting to think im the last of a dying breed which would help people out in a tight spot if they have earnt it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
Tiki said:
In someones defence from the sok artifact questers, I saw a /say "shall we all random up then as we all helped to kill it?"

But well.....that would have been fair now wouldent it.....pfft
Mabe it was said, mabe it wasn't. But nevertheless I can't remember it.

Did you ask for help ? (can't remember, was busy figuring out where the ld was and if he would return)
If you didn't, why would you demand help then? They would've done something they would've been reported for if they'd helped also.

[edit] I do believe Witchen was rezzed.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
About the Nazgul skald, he is someone removed from guild but it seems not all his chars left.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
vintervargen said:
of course it was fricking deliberately, a shammy can outsprint them ffs.
And that has to do with what?
a. He pulled them on purpose??
b. He pulled them by accident??

Don't do drugs mate. They fry your brain :rolleyes:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 18, 2004
vintervargen said:
of course it was fricking deliberately, a shammy can outsprint them ffs.
Oh since ive become some kind of pinata (?) here i think its time to speak.

First of all its always nice to see your guild master (Urme) stab u in the back in public, great fun. Secondly, what i did was testing my AoE desease on the Centaurs close to the eramai spawn spot. What i didnt expect was that they nuked, which makes my permasprint pretty useless, so i didnt get very far, I got about to the FoP/Heal Font that thoose have been speaking about. Before i died the friggin font healed power or hits on me making the agro go after that eramaigroup. Now, what I did was stupid, but it wasnt intentionally. GoA will not listen ofc, they even claim i was in the BG of the ones killing Eramai (to leech encounter) even tho I know i wasnt, anyway. They banned the account 3 days after some heavy QQ from the group who:
1. Got the cloak
2. Got the encounter.

Me on the other hand got:
-0 artifact (since i didnt hit the mob ofc)
-0 encounters (they removed my encounter which I had from a previous hunt, how now that is possible. Thats like giving radar users a 50p fine... Or destroy someones house for leeching exp)
-Had my account closed for 3 days.

Now, again, all of you who has no idea of what happened and just want to get some attention - hush.

Stoneface aka Buffbunny :eek2:

Urme the Legend

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Nah I'm not a GM of FoM... doesn't matter if the guy who is doing it, is in the same guild as me or not.. I'm not supporting it anyway.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Stoneface said:
Now, again, all of you who has no idea of what happened and just want to get some attention - hush.

Stoneface aka Buffbunny :eek2:

maybe dont test your spells next to artifact encounters, on nuking mobs. if you do dont try to run away, becouse as we can see you cant see further then your nose (accidently runing into fonts is priceless). I dont say you deserve the 3 day ban, as you have been childlessy foolish only (sp:() but lesson learned i guess.


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
Denisée said:
Did you ask for help ?
Well, if I ever saw a Warrior been beated on by 1 purp mob and 4 red mobs I would not have asked him if he wanted help or not(That should be obvious), I would charge in directly take aggro and kite em away. But it seems like I'm the onlyone thinking like that. If the mobs were on 15% or so, you could atleast just ress him and let him get the cloak for all the hard work he did.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 10, 2004
Stoneface said:
Me on the other hand got:
-0 artifact (since i didnt hit the mob ofc)
-0 encounters (they removed my encounter which I had from a previous hunt, how now that is possible. Thats like giving radar users a 50p fine... Or destroy someones house for leeching exp)
-Had my account closed for 3 days.

Not more ?! imo kinda stubid to even run there, usualy is it FoP, healfont up when ppl try to kill eremai. give this man a big Star for midgårds stupides (sp? :D ) or greediest(sp? :D ) person ?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
LOL you went to test your AOE disease spell on red mobs.... Go back to vasudheim and start all over again m8:)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 26, 2004
I was the bd in that pic (admitedly idle for a large part due to snacking in the kitchen nerf custard cream biscuits tbh) But i did once i was fully back notice the red cons and start nuking at one of them and buffed witchens group with absorb. Not sure where that aggro came from and eramai was well out of aggro range at the time. Well these things happen i guess not the end of the world if you have another pve arti to xp then i don't see why the rush xp that while you wait.

Matchstick Man

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
Sorry to see things like this happening :(

And about the Nazgul member, he is an alt of someone who was asked to leave, if anyone sees him on could you please message an officer in Nazgul, thankyou.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 30, 2004
Stoneface your excuse has changed 3 times now, first you said you were going to solo the mobs, then you said you were suiciding but wanted to see how far you could run and now youre saying you were just testing AoE disease.

Im happy i did report this incident and get you banned, youve done nothing but speak shit and purposly get us killed.

edit: if i could post a screenshot i would


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Well, ive left Nazgul with Amagad, the day after this accident, the reason was cuz i wanna join FoM again with him. Planning to make him my main. Some people say that i was kicked from Nazgul, the thruth is that i left cuz some ppl asked me to, for my plans to create a rvr guild. (all sorted with Banrak)

The thrust about the Eramai accident is,
RB, PP and me headed for Chief Creon, i ran to check if eramai was up just in case. When i came there the red guards was fighting eramai, we stood watching for a while. I was not in their bg with Amagad. Someone pulled some centaurs and the red guards died. Eramai began his original route and i attacked him. Sat LAN with a RB member and i told him to attack. They did and we killed eramai. We took the CS and continued to the Chief,


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2004
Well yeah, if we can, we Take from others, this is how toa works.

Isn't nice, but hell, gotta cope with it.

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