Is there really such thing as a gimp spec?


Roo Stercogburn

Part of the problem with pure speccing a line is basically that few classes have anything class-defining or specialisation-defining by taking a skill all the way to 50. Few classes have something that extra bit special to reflect the huge cost of specialisation in a line and the fact that you are now focused on one area of expertise.

Usually the lvl50 skill/spell is just a more powerful version of what's gone before and since some lines are filled with fairly useless stuff you are heading for trouble in the end game.

I cite the end game because many character class specs don't fully come together until you hit 50, when you have the full combination of skills from that carefully worked out template.

I've wondered in the past if maybe the lvl50 epic quest should allow you to respec when its completed. You've hit the end game and regardless of what some might say, your focus in game changes.


Yes you can gimp a character easily - I have spoke to alot of mid range shadowblades for example who have gimped their character around lev 20-40 by speccing in too many lines.

You can gimp Runemasters and other casters easily too - just spread those specs out across all 3 spec lines and see how easy it is to level...

I think it is pretty much impossible to gimp a tank, at least in Midgard but again I have spoken to some people who have given it a good try. (eg speccing 2 weapons)

On the whole I think any accepted template can be made to work at 50, but I also think it is possible to create a template which just won't work. If you have picked a template which doesn't work so well at the moment but it is focussed properly on a given tactic or playing style then not only will you be unusual in the interim but I think eventually Mythic will get around to balancing you. The reason Alb might be suffering a bit at the moment is that for a long time I think there was no question Alb was the best realm in terms of what classes were available to them - at the moment I would say it is Hib but Midgard is being balanced and so the 'gimped' classes will be getting upped. (Consider how many people played a Shaman for RvR about 5 months ago). Because Alb was in a position of strength it will get less attention for the time being in terms of balancing.



Originally posted by sharma
seen 2H paladins/armsmen, sure..i have seen some 2H paladins/armsmen fight, heh so what they dont have slam OMG THEY AER GIMP! no, they have some pretty good styles and can kick out good dmg + they have multi dmg types for speccing one line yeah its totally gimped.

- Simply.. Paladin needs Shield. Think abit and you figure why. 2H arms? Hmm you can have Pole = Much better. GIMP! Beat 44 2H Arms with lvl39 Friar and he got 2 hits to me \o/ Did twice, first time was close tho

Void elds, heh so what the bolts are buggy, catch a person off guard and they can kill it, + they get GTAE and a nice AE with it.

- I don't think that they're gimp, If you like soloing go ahead..

thrust 1H armsmen/paladins, so what they dont get evade? not a lot of people HAVE thrust resist so they can sometimes give better dmg than the UB4H SL4SH tanks.

- Spellcrafting.. Thrust resist 24%-30%.. Sounds fun? Otherwise S/S Thrust Arms/Pally is ok imo, never considered them as a gimp.. Just simply Amethyst Slash is uber :p

omg pet specced pet classes are gimped! errr, ever fought their pet? they are some of the best PvE specs all round their pets when fully buffed hit like a truck.

- Yes, if you have a cash farm char. But it's useless in RVR, End of discussion

Ice/earth spec wizzie gimped? heh i dont think so, earth can AE anything and solo multi mobs, Ice wizzies get pbae which when used correctly is the most dmging spell in alb.

- Ice Wiz gimp? Who the hell has called PBAOE as a gimp? :p

oh secondly, RC RMs own

Maybe vs Single target...

- Supp and Darkness are both better (Full Supp = Good RVR both Solo and especially GROUP wise, 47 Darkness 26 Supp = Good Nukes Plus lowest PBT)



Gimp specs:

Dividing all your points between different weapons
Full speccing parry instead of shield
Not specing in the speciality lines of hybrids
Full specing healing line on a secondary healer class
Various mage specs (mentalism, theurgie earth, summoning...). Might not be bad with PvE but they're totally useless (or in the case of theurg, boring) in RvR.

If you listen to Mythic's advice of not full specing, it is quite easy to gimp yourself. I was a split spec mentalist before I respeced; Okay, I had crack 4. (nearly) All bards have that too, and there is quite a decent number of mana ments around so who'd want that? Okay, I could nuke and charm better than mana ments. On the other hand, a light ment could charm and nuke better than I could. You don't really want to be a splitted spec mage anymore, it's pointless with resists. Instead of having one spell line doing crap damage, you have 2 doing even crappier damage.


My Enchanter is 60/40 light/ench, this is perfect for solo pve, the pet is as tough as old boots and your nukes don't pull aggro.
Not too good for groups, I cant hit high lvl mobs, but I solo so well I don't bother.
A mana chanter is faster, but I can go places a mana chanter wouldn't dream of using his pbaoe.
Uber pets are good for keep defence, they are perfect for blocking casters, just set one on the mezzer and all the tanks will have to help to get him off. Don't remind stealthers what it's like to have a fully buffed pet chase them through stealth.
I am seen by many as gimped, but they don't say it after I've given the a nice dmg add.

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