Is there really such thing as a gimp spec?



seen 2H paladins/armsmen, sure..i have seen some 2H paladins/armsmen fight, heh so what they dont have slam OMG THEY AER GIMP! no, they have some pretty good styles and can kick out good dmg + they have multi dmg types for speccing one line yeah its totally gimped.

Void elds, heh so what the bolts are buggy, catch a person off guard and they can kill it, + they get GTAE and a nice AE with it.

thrust 1H armsmen/paladins, so what they dont get evade? not a lot of people HAVE thrust resist so they can sometimes give better dmg than the UB4H SL4SH tanks.

omg pet specced pet classes are gimped! errr, ever fought their pet? they are some of the best PvE specs all round their pets when fully buffed hit like a truck.

Ice/earth spec wizzie gimped? heh i dont think so, earth can AE anything and solo multi mobs, Ice wizzies get pbae which when used correctly is the most dmging spell in alb.

all this OMG J00 AER GIMPED! is utter BS.

what would be the point in having a spec if its gimped!?

go figure, give the lesser used templates a try, you might like em, i know i liked my void eld.

oh secondly, RC RMs own


I always try to make a char out of the norm. Just to prove that the game is balanced and there is no "ubermuber" temp out there.


I tried going for the lesser played classes (like friars BEFORE they got 1.5 spec X level when they were rare and not flavour of the month) and the like. But sooner or later they all become the new fad.

Play what you enjoy. I get people going on at me for not being a hybrid spec, but I love being pure pole and fully offensive spec. If its how you want to play, go for it, just don't get upset when you have trouble finding groups due to your spec.


due to the amount of dickheads in albion, there is currently about 5 earth theurgs left in albion because they all though earth was "gimped" which is stupid, yeah wtf ya gonna do know against legion not much since he will one shot cos theres no fucking PBTs left!


Originally posted by sharma
due to the amount of dickheads in albion, there is currently about 5 earth theurgs left in albion because they all though earth was "gimped" which is stupid, yeah wtf ya gonna do know against legion not much since he will one shot cos theres no fucking PBTs left!

uh, take any 2 non gimp theurs and get 5sec pbt instead? =)


Pets are just annoying, not making any dmg - cept for the companion

2h armsman is ok, 2h paladin is laughable

Thrust is not a good choice as arms/pala - sucky styles

Void is only good for GTAE, and some debuffs but them u dont use in RvR

Icewiz has good PBAE, but rest in ice-line pretty much sucks

Earthwiz can aoe-root tho, but thats not enough

Just my thoughts, tho total diffirent in PVE - this is strictly RvR :)


Anyone who could say a Warrior with 50 in Throwing weapons isn't a gimp is quite clearly mad.

I was originally specced 50 in Parry with my warrior. I got got called gimped quite allot. It was gimped for RvR, but in terms of PvE no shield warrior could last as long. With 1h/ shield combo I was virtually untouchable in PvE (I parried 9 times out of 10 with the other times being filled in by the odd evade or block).


Is there really such thing as a gimp spec?

41 shield.
49 celtic dual.
rest parry.

If that aint gimp, then shoot me :p


talking PvE here mostly anyways, people with extreme specs such as 50 stealth 50 env or something is certainly daft as with 50 throw weps/x-bow

but to be quite honest, this is what a 50 earth theurg told me got from my GL in a group a while back

Theurg: hi can i join your group please?
GL: whats your spec
Theurg: full earth spec
GL: sorry no thats gimped bye

that pissed me off to a tee and i left immediately after she told me that


also when i played Mids, apparently is was a must for every RM to have PBT after 30, heh i think its BS forcing people into specs, thats when people whine about lack of individuality, its not the spec thats limiting really its the people in game saying you HAVE to be this spec or you are gimped Oo


When is the first respec available? Just fmi...kinda fits the topic...

Roo Stercogburn

Pet classes generally rely on their damage shields to do superior damage to an enemy if the pet has been specced.

Guess what.

Damage shields only work if you hit the pet.


You hit the caster that owns it, mezzing, rooting or stunning the pet, you don't have to worry about the damage shield (don't get me started on the SM damage shield). Nobody in their right mind wastes any time on the pet.

So yes, pet-specced classes are gimped for RvR, they have nothing particularly good to fight back with.

In the last year, the pet focus-gimped-to-hell damage shield has been useful maybe twice in RvR.

This post is based in theory, not practical experience if you are quoting that as something that occurs regularly and is generally effective in RVR. Sorry for the strength of my reply, this is a particularly annoying topic for a pet class where the pet-spec has been downright ignored for a year now.

Junior has duelled many peeps from Midgard and made lots of peeps wonder why they are suddenly face down - its not a true test of battlefield conditions. Pets are extremely easy to negate to those that aren't AFK ;)

Roo Stercogburn

Erm, you mention fighting a pet. That doesn't happen in PvE. You duel it or encounter it in RvR. Not really PvE then :p


PvE as in sending a pet to fight a mob :)

buffed pets take red/orange fairly easy and can make a good tank without the styles :)


Originally posted by sharma
talking PvE here mostly anyways, people with extreme specs such as 50 stealth 50 env or something is certainly daft as with 50 throw weps/x-bow

but to be quite honest, this is what a 50 earth theurg told me got from my GL in a group a while back

Theurg: hi can i join your group please?
GL: whats your spec
Theurg: full earth spec
GL: sorry no thats gimped bye

that pissed me off to a tee and i left immediately after she told me that

i dont force anyone into specs.

i think mythic have terribly neglected the earth line for theurgs.


apparently earth pets hit harder than the other pets, imagine about 3 of those hitting for 200 each and un CCable, might make earth more viable


un mez and root-able. can still be stunned (aoe by healer, or by any hib tank/caste).



44 Two Moons Onslaught High bonus Low Medium Stunned

high to hit, 9 sec stun, low end cost, better than slam

yeah ofc 2H is gimped


"is there something like a gimped spec?"




Originally posted by sharma

44 Two Moons Onslaught High bonus Low Medium Stunned

high to hit, 9 sec stun, low end cost, better than slam

yeah ofc 2H is gimped

prereq side positional, anyway no sane person would not a let a full earth theurg into a group.

Roo Stercogburn

Originally posted by sharma
PvE as in sending a pet to fight a mob :)

buffed pets take red/orange fairly easy and can make a good tank without the styles :)

If by buffed pets you mean pets buffed other than by their caster its no longer solo in any kind of way. Actually, even with shammy buffs, Junior doesn't take down red unaided tbh. Yes, the pressure is off, but thats all.

Pets simply don't solo orange or red mobs. Its not like fire and forget. Pet CLASSES might but the caster is required to offer some kind of support to the pet throughout.

The pet is merely something to hold agro while damage is applied by DoT, damage shield or DD and often they can't even get the agro in the first place without debuffs because of the level difference. (This is exactly what makes it ineffectual in RvR since it can't hold agro from real players so unlike other classes play styles, all the tactics you use in PvE with pets are pretty much null and void).

Pets are not uber and to spec them you become non-group friendly and extremely limited for RvR. Though you may not agree but in the eyes of 90%+ of the DAoC player base, that makes them gimped.

The new pet classes for SI may change that, but to date, this is the case.


Also I can 2-3 shot most pets in RvR with my nuke due to their low resists and level (crit more on blues etc.) A pet that dies so fast isn't that useful. :p

As for theurg pets, they're still susceptable to confuse which just kills them oiutright.


every class is gimpable , that is if you consider gimped as "not being able to use it to the full potential".

examples as warden without pbt, battlebard , nature druid, rejuv friar, mending shammy, mincer without songs, skald without songs etc

if classes fall out of their 'spectrum' and suddenly start speccing in lines that aren't worth speccing high (eg, who wants a healer type class that doesnt heal ?)

do keep in mind that there's a huge difference between pve and rvr
eg. :
How nifty a damage shield may seem, it sure isnt going to help you in rvr, since nobody bothers hitting the pet

who cares about your dots if you rely on mezzing the enemy to win?


and as someone said before : speccing 41 shield is just stupidity


Originally posted by sharma
due to the amount of dickheads in albion, there is currently about 5 earth theurgs left in albion because they all though earth was "gimped" which is stupid, yeah wtf ya gonna do know against legion not much since he will one shot cos theres no fucking PBTs left!

naw it's because running 6s bubble as a theurg is the most dull thing in the universe - no mana to do anything else (not that you'd want to...

Be afraid of the unspecced DD! Be afraid of the speed decrease! Be afraid of the pets!

Better off earth buffing and tanking ;)


Whilst you can certainly screw over your character in interesting ways (e.g. 50 thrown) you'll still be able to do something...

if that 50 earth theurg being turned away was in PvE then I would like to spend the next week laughing at that group leader.

Please post a name so I can stop and mock them if I ever should meet them.

Heck, even in RvR 6s pbt is not to be sniffed at - it's dull as shite for the theurgist but it's superb for the rest of the group (assuming you have someone else with speed... otherwise you've just removed the entire point of the earth theurgist as people will demand caster speed over Skin of Diamond)

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