Is the subscription e-mail up or not?


Georg Granfeldt

Originally posted by tonita
the problem is not who or how ppl are defending goa, the problem is, any respectable informatic support team would have the work done by now or at least a decent line of info between them and the costumers... by respectable informatic support teams i mean most of the ones i've worked with... and i would be selling crack for a living under a bridge if i took this much time to solve a problem on the paying department of a site that lvies from that service:D

yea couldnt say it better .. my self

nice round up at the end hihi


Originally posted by tonita
the problem is not who or how ppl are defending goa, the problem is, any respectable informatic support team would have the work done by now or at least a decent line of info between them and the costumers... by respectable informatic support teams i mean most of the ones i've worked with... and i would be selling crack for a living under a bridge if i took this much time to solve a problem on the paying department of a site that lvies from that service:D

well put imo


I bought the game on the day the subs page went down :)

And I've taken it back and got my money back :)

Goodbye :)


i also bought the game on the day the servers went down however i still have my copy although i am starting to get a little impatient, i mean even SOE had a better custer relation team than this and that really is saying somthing


DAoC probably isn't GOA's top priority anymore, it's a fairly old game that has been losing customers like mad lately, maybe it has like a 4. priority to them, which sucks, but is understandable. I don't know how many jobs GOA take on at a time, but the fact that their only way of income via DAoC has been down for weeks, in my eyes, indicate they have something else brewing somewhere. Can't blame them if that's the case, but if they had some common decency (spelled incorrectly, I know) they would at least inform their costumers on a ETA and reason why this is taking so long.
And should this be their only way to make money, I'd have to say (although I dislike whining) : GOA you're doing a piss poor job


Its been down since the 22nd August - 13 days and counting!

Complete lack of customer service and they dont respond to or acknowledge emails!

Considering the European market has more players than the US, I must admit im shocked that it has lasted this long....


Go to goa website:D and you see:

Top jeux

1 Dark Age of Camelot 20041 Joueurs
2 HL/Counterstrike ® 331 Joueurs
3 Age of Empires 2 ® 196 Joueurs
4 Warcraft 3 ® 60 Joueurs
5 Age of Empires ® 39 Joueurs
6 Medal Of Honor ® 37 Joueurs
7 Tournament ® 36 Joueurs
8 Cossacks ® 31 Joueurs
9 Sudden Strike 2 ® 29 Joueurs
10 Marbleous ® 28 Joueurs

If the game that has 2/4 -> 3/4 of their entire gaming population's not worth a effort... damn wonder what's their real way of making money.


Dont forget GOA's top priority is the development of their own mmorpg, called Ryzom. The game world consists of a single tree, and people play pixies and bugs and other such crap. Really seems like they are trying to ditching being a licencee for other people's games and develop their own. To be honest, it seems like some mad marketing person has decided to try and target the under 10 market, which is crazy as they have no money.

Once they've got this finished and launched, I suspect they'll wind down their DAOC support and maintainence. They wont cancel it as they will have a contract with Mythic for a set period of time, but they'll just leave it to rot. Much like Blizzard have done with Diablo 2 these days, as their focus moves on to other products.


With so many mmorpgs coming within the next 6-12 months, the market will be seriously overcrowded, and there will be a lot of casualties. Only the biggest and best will really survive, and I cannot for the life of me see Ryzom as being among them. The core market for these games, are males aged 20-35, and while others certainly do play, this group makes up the majority of gamers and therefore the majority of cash. Ryzom really seems to be aiming at different sectors and as such will crash and burn horribly.
Will be interesting to see if they turn back to supporting DAOC after it does.


@ the_smurflord:

Holy shit that sucks! We are GOAs bit on the side?!? WTF Really, really bad...Mythic should find another company to give its franchise to. Hopefully mythic will see the diabolical job GOA has done over the past two weeks and do something.


Originally posted by old.Schenton
What the hell is a "Joueurs"??

its either days,weeks or months :)
think its weeks but dont quote me on it


Jouers is french for players i think, goes with the context of the sentence too.

(Back on topic) GGGGGGGRRR, to think i was trying to defend GOA. *Fumes*


I just wish they would but some information up on their website, ive got to say that is probaly the most uninformative website for an online game thats meant to thrive on its online community :(


seems goa isnt the only one

hmmmm is there a plot here
9/2/2003 EST: GuildPortal is down for emergency maintenance. .
We apologize for the inconvenience!

We apologize for the inconvenience! this seems to be fotm

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