Is the subscription e-mail up or not?



So we could WHINEEEEEEEEEEEE to GOA so they'd send our passwords via post mail ..... QQQQQ_QQQQQQ


Don't think it's up yet.. We'll have to wait a couple of weeks probably, so be patient


We'll have to wait a couple of weeks probably

I very much doubt that GOA would take weeks to get the subscription page up. For every persons account that has expired since it came down is a day of lost money every single day. If a few hundred people need to renew their subscription you are talking about a LOT of lost money to their company.

It already amazes me that they've let their only way of making money stay down for so long. Im sure they have adaquate reason for it.

I personally doubt they will get a fix done over the weekend but i see no reason not to expect a fix early next week. They already said it was their main priority...

Our priority is of course the re-opening of the main services such as the subscription pages and RightNow.


Pitspawn stop beleaving in god, he's not there...
The subs page has been down for 1 week and 3 days, why not + a couple of weeks, not like the look like beeing bothered with it, or they would work on weekends and would start sending the sub pass mails :p


Mu guess is they will start emailing out new sub passwords on mon/tue, once the passwords have been changed and started to email them out to users there is really no reason why rightnow/subs cant be opened on the same day - unless there is something else they are not telling us.


Originally posted by icedguardian
Liar GoA.

iced will you kindly STFU - no wonder your email was lost/sent to the wrong address - By your attitude im happy you CANT play !!



Originally posted by -Nxs-
iced will you kindly STFU - no wonder your email was lost/sent to the wrong address - By your attitude im happy you CANT play !!


my all providers isp and mail and bLa and bLa works very good! they can't sent to a lot of peeps their pwds and they lie.......

who knows!!! worms viruses bLa bLa bLa.........



ive sent an email to subscription@goa yesturday about it and it didnt bounce or nething, so its either not sent at all or itll be at the start of the queue lol


very much doubt that GOA would take weeks to get the subscription page up. For every persons account that has expired since it came down is a day of lost money every single day

Wonder if they will renew the accounts on the day you renew or will back date them :)


Our priority is of course the re-opening of the main services such as the subscription pages and RightNow.

Hmm... is that means a week, a month or a year? Damnit tell us the esitmate time at least plssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aye can't they just reopen the subpage and put a new password there, so ppl can check it, think that have save alot of time than send email to each of us? Then change the damn subscription password after that?



Only hope that i get back all my lost days :( .. after all i worked hard to pay for them, woul be most annoyed if i lost them.


#goa on quakenet

ask them for your password :lol:


Originally posted by icedguardian
my all providers isp and mail and bLa and bLa works very good! they can't sent to a lot of peeps their pwds and they lie.......

who knows!!! worms viruses bLa bLa bLa.........


who knows with any luck u'll never get yr pass and daoc will be a more respectable place bLa bLa bLa......

think everyone is suffering atm. So wot u never got yr pw, alot of ppl never deal with it and grow up ffs, saying "fu goa" on every single thread that has goa as the topic kinda makes me wish u don't get yr pw.

As i sed alot of ppl are suffering some alot more than others and i think alot of ppl are suffering a hell of alot more than u, they don't whine half as much as u... and when they do they extend thier vocabulary past "lier goa" and "fu goa"

And the siggy... v mature

(btw on a side note hope the subs come up v soon as all 3 of my accs are down still, but tbh dunno whether to expect them up tomoz or in 2 months time)


Originally posted by Tucke-Wai
who knows with any luck u'll never get yr pass and daoc will be a more respectable place bLa bLa bLa......

think everyone is suffering atm. So wot u never got yr pw, alot of ppl never deal with it and grow up ffs, saying "fu goa" on every single thread that has goa as the topic kinda makes me wish u don't get yr pw.

As i sed alot of ppl are suffering some alot more than others and i think alot of ppl are suffering a hell of alot more than u, they don't whine half as much as u... and when they do they extend thier vocabulary past "lier goa" and "fu goa"

And the siggy... v mature

(btw on a side note hope the subs come up v soon as all 3 of my accs are down still, but tbh dunno whether to expect them up tomoz or in 2 months time)

r u God?


nope just a mear mortal same as u and the goa folk... y not grow up like the rest of us do and post something contructive or new rather than Fu Goa or bLa bLa ect


to all 3 of my accs... now ask me if i have any money on my acc's and ask me if i've been able to play since the first day the subs went down

my fiances acc she is trading doesn't have its pw and she has to go through the same means u do only difference is i don't see her or me or anyone else for that matter posting useless comments like FU goa at every oppurtunity... do u really think saying that stuff will help yrs or anyones elses cause for getting lost pw's? I know if i worked at goa if i saw even 1 of yr threads and saw yr thread if i came across yr email i'd put it right to the bottom.

Goa imo are doing a v hard job and as far as i can see are doing it V WELL, having to email everyone thier new pw's and then email thier new subs to everyone... then have to deal with the 474369364 emails from ppl complaining then they gotta deal with ppl who never changed thier emails so want thier pw's posted and ppl who haven't recieved thier pw ect ect. Hardly a easy task and u posting useless spam (which is wot it is) will help nothing.

Y not cope with it the same as everyone else and stop the useless posts

Georg Granfeldt

Originally posted by Tucke-Wai
to all 3 of my accs... now ask me if i have any money on my acc's and ask me if i've been able to play since the first day the subs went down

my fiances acc she is trading doesn't have its pw and she has to go through the same means u do only difference is i don't see her or me or anyone else for that matter posting useless comments like FU goa at every oppurtunity... do u really think saying that stuff will help yrs or anyones elses cause for getting lost pw's? I know if i worked at goa if i saw even 1 of yr threads and saw yr thread if i came across yr email i'd put it right to the bottom.

Goa imo are doing a v hard job and as far as i can see are doing it V WELL, having to email everyone thier new pw's and then email thier new subs to everyone... then have to deal with the 474369364 emails from ppl complaining then they gotta deal with ppl who never changed thier emails so want thier pw's posted and ppl who haven't recieved thier pw ect ect. Hardly a easy task and u posting useless spam (which is wot it is) will help nothing.

Y not cope with it the same as everyone else and stop the useless posts

first off I must agre on the costumer who forgot to update their
email jisses thats hm

second please dont defend them and for god sak edont say we have good service from GOA

I want ingame SUPPORT NOW..................


I would sell my family for a job where i can have the sub page down for 1 week and the costumers will still say "they are doing a great job, they will take care of us!" :)


y not defend em imo ;)

whining has done nothing but wind ourselves and eachother up, maybe giving em a little more support than they have offered us will make em work harder (lol as if, but whining hasn't helped so trying new approach)

and no i don't think the service we have had is anything apart from terrible but tbh alot worse things can happen as someone else posted u've only to look as far as EA games, they shut down a game completely how would u cope with that if u can't cope with a little time away. Its a game ffs we haven't been able to play for top 12 days and might not be able to play for a while longer we're all in the same boat i just can't see how these million threads of ppl whining will achieve abything. No offense intended here but a observation.


aye btw they've had the sub pages down loosing money all the time (money that will eventually determin thier wages and how many jobs the company can hold) and u think they're not working to get them up?

How niave are u ?


They are taking to long, how informatic system naive are you to think they are taking all this time working hard on trying to solve it? :p


Originally posted by tonita
They are taking to long, how informatic system naive are you to think they are taking all this time working hard on trying to solve it? :p

so i take it u rather have a unsecure subscription service and can resubscribe faster then having to wait a tad longer to have a more secure server/subpage or whatever...

ok ur sub has run out and u cant pay them. whats the problem? its not like YOU loose any money on it. ok u lost max a week when they shut down the play servers. but moaning about not being able to pay them is silly. go do something useful insted of posting whines that GoA prolly wont even read :)

my main account is still dead coz i cant resubscribe. but i rather have them making VERY sure that their services are secure then having them making a shitty job just so they can open sub pages faster. if theres even a slight chance that this hacker or whatever have found ANYTHING they can abuse i sure as hell would want GoA to close that door.

IMO the longer they wait the more secure service we get.

and why should they tell us what they are doing? its none of our buisnes (or however u spell it)..

a little more info would be nice. but its not like its needed.

ok u cant play a game for a few weeks.. big deal!! go help ur mom and do the dishes or something :) or go suck up to ur grandma and make sure u get what u can when she passes away for example :)


Georg Granfeldt

Originally posted by tonita
I would sell my family for a job where i can have the sub page down for 1 week and the costumers will still say "they are doing a great job, they will take care of us!" :)

hehe I would start thinking my costumers hade a serios
mental illness.. But I guess I wouldnt have the only means to get there money down soo long

I would start working around the clock to fix it.

But this only show what kind of costumers GOA have :)

O some of them :) not all ..

I see your point of veiw on that comment.. this people who can defend GOA what ever they do... it´s amusing to hear them..

I guess I know some of them too hehe


im not entirely trying to defend GoA here.

im just trying to give some ideas as to why those ppl that cant subscribe cant subscribe...

as i posted on another thread. i bet they can open the sub pages right now if they wanted to. but if it isnt safe i cant see the point in open it....


I can't see how they're having so much problem, thousands of websites are able to do it and be certified as secure. Remember it was "meant" to be secure before, hope they get it right this time ;)


the problem is not who or how ppl are defending goa, the problem is, any respectable informatic support team would have the work done by now or at least a decent line of info between them and the costumers... by respectable informatic support teams i mean most of the ones i've worked with... and i would be selling crack for a living under a bridge if i took this much time to solve a problem on the paying department of a site that lvies from that service:D

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