Is Star Wars Galaxy better than DAoC?



Originally posted by Serbitar
And of course in a few months there's the Space expansion pack (really hoping i've unlocked fs by then so i can aim for a jedi/pilot/ship engineer kind of blokey)

Hah! Triple that and you might get close...


Originally posted by The Kingpin
I already can't stand star wars...
Playing a game with a load of fanbois, no thanks.


We're DAoC fanbois (sic) aren't we?

As much as DAoC is good, it is getting a bit long in the tooth IMHO and a new and exciting game has appeared. We geeks shouldn't feel threatened by it. On the contrary we should embrace new ideas and technology which can only make the MMORPG experience better and hopefully encourage people who are not as geeky as us to join in.

Anyway, DAoC 2 will blow SWG away. :p :p


Originally posted by Ono
Is Star Wars Galaxy better than DAoC?

not that hard for a game to be better than DAoC tbh :)


The game is a beauty. Awesome graphics, nice enviroment. But this game is the living proof that graphics aint everything.

I used to be in the beta, and the lol:able part is that after each fix, they broke two new things in the game. I swear to god it's true. Then they released the game with about ..20 % of everything broken. The frame rate is horrible in the citites, the bugs are gamekillers, there's shitload of exploits, among others item-duping and exping-exploits. The playerbase consist of many roleplaying fanboys that will teach you a new meaning of the word "insult" if you as much as whisper that you might not like some aspects of SWG on the main forum. The game lacks content aswell, there's nothing even remotely close to the high-level RvR in daoc. People are jumping ship in hundreds , the only reason that SWG dont follow the same road as SB or AC2 is because of it's name. And perhaps the awesome crafting system, i guess there's lots of people out there that enjoy being a chef or a miner and have fun spending hours upon hours of crafting stuff.

There you go, my point of view about SWG.


Bugged it may be, but once it has been around a bit and the patches are in it will run just as smoothly as DAoC does IMHO.

If only they would do a MMORPG with the Star Trek universe I would be in geek heaven. :)

The Kingpin

By the time SW:G pulls its head out of its arse, their will be plenty of new MMORPG's to choose from.


Don't forget us euro folk got daoc well after the states, they had the bugs and apparently were fighting renamed spriggarns to 50.

Almost every mmo is released before its ready, look at swg by chrimbo and it should have everything sorted.

Im on planetside till wow is released (he says)


Originally posted by Esoteric
Don't forget us euro folk got daoc well after the states, they had the bugs and apparently were fighting renamed spriggarns to 50.

Almost every mmo is released before its ready, look at swg by chrimbo and it should have everything sorted.

Im on planetside till wow is released (he says)

I played AO from start, and up to the date when SWG got released, i thought no other game could top AO when it came to bugs. Obviously, i was wrong.

DaoC imo was flawless compared to AO and SWG when it launched.


Just as an example, a large playerbase have had their entire inventory wiped out in SWG. Imagine if your inventory and equip would be wiped out in DaoC. You would go crazy. Up to this date i've never heard of anyone who lost their stuff in DaoC, but if u skip over to SWg's forum, you'll see lots of daily posts about people that beg for their stuff back.

And the BH can take ANY chars out in PvP , there's not a profession that have the slighest chance against a BH. And the devs state it's supposed to be like this , because " Bountyhunters were badasses in the movies".

I hope SOE and verant goes bancrupt, serves them well.


dunno, BH's aren't that hard....

a quick mindshot2 and /burstrun away will see anyone in the game on the ground

PvP still needs work... but atleast its fun... most of the time


Originally posted by noaim
I hope SOE and verant goes bancrupt, serves them well.
I think it's unlikely that a game with Sony & George Lucas involved would go bankrupt tho ;)


Originally posted by Omniscieous
I think it's unlikely that a game with Sony & George Lucas involved would go bankrupt tho ;)

true, but one can always hope.


Originally posted by noaim
And the BH can take ANY chars out in PvP , there's not a profession that have the slighest chance against a BH.

You obvouisly havent played it that much.. im yet to lose to a BH. and for the amount of points BH's must use to get there they should be damm good in combat.


Originally posted by noaim
true, but one can always hope.

Did SOE kill your family or somthing :p you seem a little jaded


Originally posted by Omniscieous
I think it's unlikely that a game with Sony & George Lucas involved would go bankrupt tho ;)

Not too sure about that, my mate's brother-in-law is a designer for Lucas Art on SW:G and he said they had staked not only their reputation but most of their cash on the game being a success.
Him, and a lot of others at LA are, apparently, a bit worried for their jobs/future should SW:G not actually rake in shitloads of dosh.

Although, as is always the case, this comes from a source other than the horse's mouth although I think brother-in-law is at least near the head ;)


Originally posted by Ebonn
You obvouisly havent played it that much.. im yet to lose to a BH. and for the amount of points BH's must use to get there they should be damm good in combat.

You obviously havnt played a bountyhunter that knows his shit , if you've never lost to one.


*bam, bam, bam*

and if you're still alive, hello knockdown again.

Been watching my friend play his BH, and do believe me when i say that he stomps all opposition, and the laughable part is that he aint very good nor observant in his gamestyle either.

And as far as SOE/Verant goes, i truly loathe them. Not only do they nerf their games ( for you that think mythic is bad, they are boyscouts compared to verant) , but they 'introduce' things such as one-char-per-server and nasty monthly-rates in their mmo's. Yeah, i know, it's their game and it's optional if i want to play it or not, but they 'raise the standard' for many other mmo developers/publishers aswell, and that ticks me off tbh.

SWG will prolly be a modest success, not because it's very good, cuz it aint, but because of all the carebears and roleplayers playing it. Ebonn, if you're not one of these 2 categories, i can promise you that you will not play SWG within 2 months.

Let me know when the 2 months are up.


Originally posted by noaim
You obviously havnt played a bountyhunter that knows his shit , if you've never lost to one.


*bam, bam, bam*

Most combat proffesions have a ranged knockdown including myself. BH's dont get panicshot if you know what that is :)

Originally posted by noaim

but they 'introduce' things such as one-char-per-server

I think thats a brillant idea, it makes chars part dependant on other players which in turn makes the whole player run econamy work well, also it actaully gives each player an identity instead of just random chanter #736349 etc.. also with the abilty to drop any of the skills you have picked up at any time so you can free up skill points for other proffesions is a great idea.

Originally posted by noaim

carebears and roleplayers playing it.

Im neither, although im not adverse to a little roleplaying when the mood takes me.

If anything DAoC is a carebear game, xping is nothing but a way to get to 50 and after the first time is just a chore to get another char to 50, the xping/lvling system in SWG works very well, its fun even after you have maxed out your total skill points and there are many ways to get diff types of xp. RvR in DAoC is repetative no matter how you say you do differant things its all the same, the sheer open-endedness and options in SWG make it a better game on them points alone.

Sure its not perfect, everyone has the own ideas on what a perfect game is, sure it has flaws but no more than any other mmorpg at release ( except DAoC simpler the game, less bugs at start, although if you played usa release you may differ to this :p) and yes they released it 1-2 months before they should have done, but none the less it is still a very good game and the possabiltys are imense.

DAoC is just Counter strike in teams of 8, or more if your an alb :p simple game but sure it works well but only has so much of a lifespan.
SWG feels and plays like a 'Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game'. if you have ever played games like Morrowind or other massive RPG games and liked them, then SWG would apeal to you.


Originally posted by noaim

Let me know when the 2 months are up.

Been playing it over a month so far and it gets better every day :) it will be a long long time before i have even got close to doing most things.


Originally posted by noaim
Yeah, i know, it's their game and it's optional if i want to play it or not.

That's the feature I like best about SWG.

I got into DAoC when one day a french guy armed with a croissant and a copy of the game showed up at my door.

Him smelling of a heavy intake of redwine and being very insistant in a language I don't know very well, caused me to start playing.

I have never considered quitting in fear of retribution.

Oh and I think it said 'GOA' on his T-shirt :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Ebonn
Been playing it over a month so far and it gets better every day :) it will be a long long time before i have even got close to doing most things.

Weird, cuz most people i know from Ao , DaoC, EQ etc told me that SWG is by far the game with less content they ever played. I guess it's a good thing that we all got different taste tho.

As for SWG pvp better than DaoC's - I couldnt disagree with you more. SWG PvP is even more pointless than AO's PvP before the Notum War booster pack. DaoC PvP is by far the most sucessfull mmo PvP ever created.

One char per server: Totally sucks arse. Even as early as a month into the game people have to resort to exploits in order to get their apprentice points up. I can imagine what will happen once the flow of new players will tap off, they will be stuck at their master-whatever and stomp on the same ground.

Anyway, im glad that you're happy with the game, cuz thats what counts in the long run. Do get back to me in a month or two and let me know if you still play it tho :)


hmm, PvP in DAOC is a bit shite... judgeing by Camlan anyway :)


Originally posted by noaim

One char per server: Totally sucks arse. Even as early as a month into the game people have to resort to exploits in order to get their apprentice points up.

I find that hard to belive tbh, i have over 1300 'spare' app points i havent even tryed once to get any, anyone who exploits for app points just dosnt have a clue about the game, they dont even do anything once you get your 620 to get the final box in each proffesion lol.

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