Is Star Wars Galaxy better than DAoC?



My mate plays SWG and he says that it's better than DAoC.

Any of you tried SWG yet? :)


I enjoyed SWG beta, its a different game tho, and they released it several months before it was fixed, maybe get a family member to buy it for you at christmas, it should be a decent game by then.

Btw that sig, it fails to mention that Mythic obviously wanted mid to buy more buffbots, as a playing shammy has no chance of buffing a group now.


i have swg (i'm a sad git who got it shipped over) and sure it's a good game and all, but it's buggy to hell and one thing i don't like is 1 character per server, and i find there ain't enough grouping in swg.

so these games are both good but good in different ways


my copy just arrived so im trying it out now :D

Urgat Rip-Eye


Originally posted by healer_mcheal
my copy just arrived so im trying it out now :D

Could i ask you where you got it from?


It costs about £70 to import the standard version and £90 for the Special Edition.

Places like DVDBoffice sell them (cheaper) but take ages to ship.

So does this mean DAoC is no more? ;)


I frequent a Lan centre quite a lot. My friend left DAoC for SWG, in his opinion it is better. I have watched and I have played some SWG. In my humble opinion SWG fails in contest with DAoC. Apart from the graphics and the backing of the Star Wars films the game is complete and utter crap. That is, unless you have bought the game and are:

- Only interested in graphics.
- In Denial.
- Fanatic of Star Wars & Star Wars merchandise.
- Didn't play DAoC for long enough to get the best from it.
- All of the above.


Originally posted by Ekydus
I frequent a Lan centre quite a lot. My friend left DAoC for SWG, in his opinion it is better. I have watched and I have played some SWG. In my humble opinion SWG fails in contest with DAoC. Apart from the graphics and the backing of the Star Wars films the game is complete and utter crap. That is, unless you have bought the game and are:

- Only interested in graphics.
- In Denial.
- Fanatic of Star Wars & Star Wars merchandise.
- Didn't play DAoC for long enough to get the best from it.
- All of the above.

SWG offers a new challenge to all those jaded by the DAoC scene. I think that some of the mission based tasks are mundane but I've always been a big fan of SW and the ability to interact with geeks in a SW universe seems to appeal to me more.

I doubt most people here could support both games and the costs of subscribing to both is probably too much.

We'll see.


Originally posted by Vaire
is the 36-line-sig necessary btw?
Sorry - but I feel that the info contained in my sig is important information to all DAoC players.

You can adjust how many lines you view in you Profile options. :)

One word of warning about SWG though - you need a pretty fast PC to play to fully appreciate the graphics but once you see them you will be converted to a SWG geek forever!! :clap:


It'd be important if it told the full story :/


Congratulations Ono, your sig has been successfully nerfed.

Was a bit over the top though. :)


Originally posted by Ekydus
Congratulations Ono, your sig has been successfully nerfed.

Was a bit over the top though. :)


We should be allowed to post images in our sigs. ;)


I successfully "nerf" all sigs longer than 5 lines...


I shipped my copy of swg here on release day +I was in beta3 (only for the last couple of weeks tho).

I played the free month and found the game lacking in many areas: lots of bugs, balance issues, crappy support and customer relations, and not much respect for the (paying!) customer. The biggest let-down is that SWG severly lacks in content and goals as it is now. When youve played it for a month youve seen and done most of what there is to do.

It does have some positive traits as well: excellent grapichs, inovative crafting system and the option of playing a completely non-combat oriented character.

Nevertheless - I canceled my subsription when the free month was over. I might go back in time, when there has been alot more content added and bugs and balance issues are somewhat in line.

Until then i am strongly considering re-opening my daoc acc (thats why i was browsing the forums^^)

Urgat Rip-Eye

Next question

Is account trading against the EULA of SWG?

If not, is there anyone in the uk who had a copy shipped that doesn't want it?

I will buy it, and the account from you.

Since i have no credit card, i am unable to order a copy from overseas.


Yes SOE doesnt permit you to sell SWG accounts since the accounts are the property of SOE: i.e. the customer only pays a rent for the use of the account - and you cant sell anything that is not your own property without permission from the owner.
That said, they have yet to enforce this, as EBAY is full of SWG accounts and items that they havent cracked down on.


Since i have no credit card, i am unable to order a copy from overseas.
So how are you planning on paying the subscription?


Originally posted by Ekydus
- In Denial.
- Fanatic of Star Wars & Star Wars merchandise.
- Didn't play DAoC for long enough to get the best from it.

I got a close friend that fits the description except for the grahpics thing (mostly because i don't know if graphics is THAT important to him) :p

Covering up the points:

- He certainly must be in denial... SWG isn't that good... really... not for that fee at least.
- About the merchandise... He's not only obsessed with star wars but buys junk from some anime-series aswell.
- Daoc he only played like 2 or perhaps 3 months. He stopped xping somwhere at 20+ with his ranger and spent rest of his days out in emain... I wouldn't say he played long enough.

kind of irritating, i wan't him to start playing daoc again so we can team up in RvR. :p


Urgat order it from
I ordered it Sunday night and it had arrived Wednesday morning.
It was quite expensive, to import to England cost me 65 dollars + £17.50 VAT...but I think its worth it.
Havnt played it yet, going on holiday Sunday so dont want to waste my free month + waiting on new pc...but reading the manual it sounds great. :D

Also the box is really cool, so really get your $$$ worth! :p

Urgat Rip-Eye


Hmm... that is a really good point about the subscription...

/slaps head.

Guess i am going to have to persuade a friend/relative to let me use a card.

Thanks for the info guys.


Well you get a free month, without entering any card details (i think) so you dont have to worry about it for a while. =)



Apart from the bugs (the dev team however are constantly updating) SWG is far better (IMO) than DAoC. it looks nicer, one you get your head round the controls it plays better, macros make stuff really really easy to do, crafting is actually fun !, the player run economy is cool, though will take a while to properly settle down. the 1 char per server is a pain in the arse, however a character is so customisable that you can run pretty much everything over time.

i started playing it and aint looked back at DAoC yet, I've reformatted my HDD and am passing my copy of DAoC and SI along to a mate.

And of course in a few months there's the Space expansion pack (really hoping i've unlocked fs by then so i can aim for a jedi/pilot/ship engineer kind of blokey)

The skill system is superb. much better than "here have a level, you get +25 hp +2 con blah blah blah and you will miss 0.000004% less than last level"

On another note: I got my copy of the game from ebay, some us loke who dint like the game was flogging his copy for $40 so naturally i jumped at it. ended up costing me £40 (£30 for game and £10 for postage) i would seriously recommend this to ppl who would rather not fork out £70 for it.

The Kingpin

I already can't stand star wars...
Playing a game with a load of fanbois, no thanks.

Am also fed up of the recent; "Lets release our game in beta stage, even tho the game is pants, we can still make money from the suckers" trend that every MMORPG is doing.

So, i think am going to pass SW:G, and keep playing single player RPG's, and online fps untill World of Warcraft is released, if they release a game in beta, i'll be disappointed.


I played Star Wars: Galaxies right through Beta 3 and I have to say having done that, I cancelled the pre-ordered copy I'd had with dvdboxoffice since last March.

The potential for the game is great, there's good things in it already, the crafting system has been mentioned, the great customisation of how your character looks, the skill tree options, but....

At the end of the day, there is still too little content (that is coded not player driven), it's buggy as hell, the missions are even more boring and repetative than DAoC (ie fetch and carry, seek and destroy are all varients on the same thing), getting faction with either the Imperials or the Rebels takes forever, entertainer xp is borked totally and making money basically requires you to take marksmanship to some degree so that you can do missions incase NPCs/Mobs try to kill you.

Personally I'll be having another look at it when it releases in Europe after six months more work on it.

It's difficult to compare the two games really, they're both a different kettle of fish with different playing styles. SW:G is far more player driven with a higher potential for role playing and if you had a good guild, then I'm sure it would be a lot of fun, otherwise it's a slow, lonely trail ;)

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