Is Powerleveling possible?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
got 2 accounts as me and my girlfriend play
ive tried taking my L60 to a L1 area an grouping with the L1 alt but they get almost no exp. like 300kills to get from L1 > 2 o_0

is there a viable way to powerlevel within this game?

ta for any info


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 2, 2004
take your 60, and grp with the lvl 1 ( you as grp leader) ..

and go to a lvl 50+ area ?


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
Good luck keeping the lvl 1 alive in the lvl 50 area ;) There's no need to powerlvl. You better off lvling the char yourself solo then with a bot. The only times you wanna use the lvl 60 is for ressing, healing (in emergency cases) or taking over cause the enemy attacking is too hard. But for most of the times lvling solo goes >> botwise.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 2, 2004
Like Khale said trying to PL a lvl 1 with a lvl 60 is a waste of time.

With smaller lvl differences it will be more effective, but I don't think you'll be much better off then playing your alt "normally".


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Just play a same level character as your girlfriend :) You will both have more fun playing the game as it was intended - a duo that always play togheter will level fast and have no problems completing quests or getting instances done (well depending on classes ofc, if you both play hunters f.ex you likely wont get into the same instance grp).


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
what do u need to PL for anyway? not like there is anything to aim for at 60. im level 19 and im effective in pvp as it is. got snare, DoTs, traps the whole shebang. got 50 kills so far in 1 hour of pvp :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Uhh, tris.......

well, any point I make will surely be lost on you, nm


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
tris- said:
what do u need to PL for anyway? not like there is anything to aim for at 60. im level 19 and im effective in pvp as it is. got snare, DoTs, traps the whole shebang. got 50 kills so far in 1 hour of pvp :)

one could always argue that the epic dungeons are a "aim" and the uppcomming battlegrounds to. and trust me, at level 19 ur not effecting at any pvp unless its of your own level (and hardly even then) ;)

and just because u have 50 kills doesent mean u acually got anything for them. its not like DAoC, tag a enemy player and leech RP's. u acually need to do quite alot of damage to acually gain anything worth the trouble :) honourkills means absolutley nothing, its just something for the elitist S.O.B's to keep track of how much they are supposed to "pwn teh n00bs!!!111one" and at the same time fail to realize that its the contribution points that acually matters

Not saying you are elitist here Tris, being lvl 19 and all ;)


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
i got contribution pts too, 30 last time i checked. and i am still level 19 :) and ST, your a nob fuck, but please feel free to make your point.


Kicking squealing Gucci little piggy
Dec 24, 2003
Play nice lads and please try to keep petty insults out of this.



Fledgling Freddie
Mar 25, 2005
Alunaa said:
is there a viable way to powerlevel within this game?

Why oh why would you want to powerlevel? :twak:

Imo one of the best things about this game is that there's no point having a second account (yeah I know you have 1 for each person so you're excused ;) ), & thats coming from somebody who had more than 1 account in DAoC.

It's so nice only having to play WoW on one PC! :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
tris- said:
i got contribution pts too, 30 last time i checked. and i am still level 19 :) and ST, your a nob fuck, but please feel free to make your point.

Ok. 50 Kills = 30 Contrubution Points, which is not very much in the grand scheme of things.

However, thats not the point. The point is that you had fun getting those 50 kills!


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 1, 2004
Theres one method which takes practise, armour and a high lvl friend... Go to a place where mobs con orange/red to the noob. Let the noob tag/hit the mob 1st and then the high lvl player kills em in one hit.

This works very well up until about the point when mobs are green to the lvl 60.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
tris- said:
i got contribution pts too, 30 last time i checked. and i am still level 19 :) and ST, your a nob fuck, but please feel free to make your point.
Well done your one hour of pvp netted a fraction of the CPs my single kill of yesterday did (it got me 145 CPs). Still feel effective? :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
>Well done your one hour of pvp netted a fraction of the CPs my single kill of yesterday did (it got me 145 CPs). Still feel effective?

But the key issue is, did you have more fun getting your Ceebees than he did when he got his? Effectiveness, gosh, it is just an entertainment software, not a software to manage complicated logistical processes :D That said you can have a lot of fun as low level in pvp, at least as long as there are lots of non level 50+ people on the server. In a year or so the situation will most likely have changed.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Iceflower said:
That said you can have a lot of fun as low level in pvp, at least as long as there are lots of non level 50+ people on the server. In a year or so the situation will most likely have changed.

I've really enjoyed PvP on my server as I've been able to partake of it while levelling up on a par with everyone else. Its been very rare for me to find more than 5 or so levels between myself and the opposition, so since day 2 I was taking part in PvP fights and having fun.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Iceflower said:
But the key issue is, did you have more fun getting your Ceebees than he did when he got his? Effectiveness, gosh, it is just an entertainment software, not a software to manage complicated logistical processes :D That said you can have a lot of fun as low level in pvp, at least as long as there are lots of non level 50+ people on the server. In a year or so the situation will most likely have changed.
He was talking effectiveness. I pvp for fun (hence only getting 1 kill some days).


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Sorry if I misinterpreted your post Danya, but it sure looked like you lived on the effectiveness train too from that post I cited.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
pl is possible, just get a lvl 60 char to race you thru dungeons and you will lvl rather fast...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Iceflower said:
Sorry if I misinterpreted your post Danya, but it sure looked like you lived on the effectiveness train too from that post I cited.
I'm a hardcore PvEer, any PvP rank I happen to attain is a bonus not a target.


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
Have to agree with Tris (it's a first!) -- the level 60 game in WoW is pretty dull unless you are in a raiding guild and have time/patience to do the raids. Much like DAoC after ToA was released I am having my fun in the lower level Battlegrounds.

Even if you are set on getting to 60 there is no need to powerlevel in WoW, its one of the simplest and funnest games to level in. Why pay to let somebody else play the game? Bizarre.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 8, 2004
Alunaa said:
got 2 accounts as me and my girlfriend play
ive tried taking my L60 to a L1 area an grouping with the L1 alt but they get almost no exp. like 300kills to get from L1 > 2 o_0

is there a viable way to powerlevel within this game?

ta for any info
just my 2 pences worth. there are a couple of ways to do this in my view.

1. like im sure someone mentioned before hand is to let the lower lvl char start a quest and the high lvl finish it off fast, so xp gained at end once quest has been given in. becuase for a start u are able to complete a lot higher lvl quest than u would possible be able to do on ur own or even in a group. )i done all gnomeregan quests in 1 run with my priest (lvl 30 at the time) with the help of my rogue mate(lvl 60) was soon lvl 31

2 which i like to do, and that is a slower way but you get to lvl 2 chars at the same time (that is if ur GF is out and that way u can still lvl both), and that is have both accounts running (preferable on 2 pc's)
but that does not matter as it can be done on 1 (alt tab, can be a pain, but works well if u got a decent machine) i was running my rogue and priest in group, using my rogue and if needed i wil alt tab to my priest for a heal or 2 or to collect from the dead mobs, PS it is a big tip on making the group loot as free for all, with the exception of having to loot for quest items but once again alt tab works well, use to do this with daoc and works fine on wow as well


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
The big disadvantage with the first option you suggest is when the higher person is not online or has stopped helping you, you find yourself at a point where you have done all the quests for your level and either have to take low level quests you didn't do (to open up new quest chains) or to take high quests you cannot do alone. In that case you'd probably end up grinding which in my opinion is the fastest way to level anyway. I don't like grinding but with the added money you earn it is easy to buy a few blue items (especially a weapon) and make the game even easier.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 30, 2005
Powerquesting :)

get the level 1 to get loads of high level quest and grp with the level 60 to do em for em very very quik got 1-20 im bout 4-5 hours using this method

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