Is it "OK" to TK someone called AdolfHitler...



found myself itching the other day... but my good nature made me hold my hand

saw him again last night

my hand "almost" slipped

if I see him tonight, he will certainly die a horrible death.


Better to piss him off by getting loads of people to surround him and then go AFK :D He's just trying to attract TK's so people get locked out (there's a lot of it going around today).....


Or perhaps it's just a kid who thought it'd be "funny"...

try ignoring him rather than lame tk-ing... and when he asks why ask the moron why he picked such an obviously lame name ;)


If you could go back in time would you do it?


Sorry, but a name like that isnt lame, its offensive.

Best bet is to simply ignore that player, they are obviously looking for attention so why give them what they want.


Character names in PlanetSide™ should reflect the genre of the game, original names are highly desired.

The following types of names are inappropriate and may be changed by an SOE CSR with or without warning:

1. Vile, profane, rude, or racist names including common swear words, anatomical references, racial slurs, and homonyms of these words.
2. Combinations of words that produce an offensive result (e.g. Hugeaz, Tug Mcgroin).
3. Names of religious, occult, or significant historic origin (e.g. Jesus, Allah, Satan, Stalin, Angel, Devil, Demon).
4. Trademarked names of products, services, or concepts (e.g. , Marlboro, Sony, Band-Aid).
5. Copyrighted names from popular fiction or non-fiction media (e.g. Rambo, Indiana Jones) or real life celebrities or famous people (e.g. Garth Brooks, Pierce Brosnan, Ronald Reagan, Michael Jordan).
6. Common words and phrases that would not be found in the place and time setting of the game. This includes references to drug substances or drug related paraphernalia. (e.g. Ecstacy, Cannibis)
7. Names chosen with the intent or possessed with the effect of harming the reputation of or used to impersonate a Customer or representative of Sony Online Entertainment.
8. Fantasy-oriented names that are easily recognized from popular existing media (e.g. Merlin, Gandalf, Belgarath, Drizzt, Tanis).
9. Names where the combination of the first and last name violate a previous rule.

For all of the above, misspellings and alternative spellings of the word or words are also unacceptable.

If a name is found to be in violation of any of the above polices, a member of the Customer Service Team will then use the following process:

For category 1 or 2 violations, a member of the Customer Service Team will change the name of the character as soon as it is discovered. You may be notified of this name change either in-game or by email. Depending on the nature of the offensive name, the account may also be subject to disciplinary action including suspension or banning. A CSR will contact you to inform you if disciplinary action is taken.
For categories 3 through 9, the member of the Customer Service Team will contact you either in game or via email to notify you of the character's name change.
Conditions for Name Changes: Names are generally not changed unless they violate the Naming Policy.

So just report the wanker.

Scooba Da Bass

Originally posted by old.Cordain
3. Names of religious, occult, or significant historic origin (e.g. Jesus, Allah, Satan, Stalin, Angel, Devil, Demon).

Do you think 'Vanu Jebus' is allowed?


Originally posted by Scooba Da Bass
Do you think 'Vanu Jebus' is allowed?

Seems pretty harmless to me, can see any reason why they would change that.

Neural Network

Who would want to be known as "Ronald Reagan"?

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