Is it ok to post an ebay link for an account sale?

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Surely people are jsut bypassing playing time by purchasing tho. Swapping time slaving away for £££. If they can't play their character, and it bothers you, don't play with them.
Shopping them to the authorities is like ringing the police when you see someone doing 80 on the motorway and giving them the licence plate.
Isn't it?


Originally posted by Hargh
Shopping them to the authorities is like ringing the police when you see someone doing 80 on the motorway and giving them the licence plate.
Isn't it?

Yup - but i have to pull over at the first exit tho, your not allowed to use your mobile when driving - or pull on to the hard shoulder unless its an emergancy


The point is - if someone wanted to do that about speeding drivers they could - but the police would get pissed off very quickly, maybe GOA get anoyed with all the reports of ebay selling, well if so then they should relax the rule.


Originally posted by Hargh

Shopping them to the authorities is like ringing the police when you see someone doing 80 on the motorway and giving them the licence plate.
Isn't it?

I do! I also call the police when people help grannies across the street, when police are helping grannies back across the street and when grannies bash the police for helping them back across the street.

It all ends up with one police helping the granny -again- across the street, one policeman beating the living hell out of the original helpyhelper, two policewomans helping the police who gets beaten by granny and it all sounding nad/or looking like a bad episode of "Fresh Prince of Bel Air".

Without the black people.

Or any racial innuendo.

Or fancy words like innuendo.

But the point is that grannies arn't cabable of causing such havoc without my help!



Relax sit back and take a couple of deep breaths, than log in game and enjoy it.

Why do you care if someone buys an account with 8 lvl 50's in it as long as you are happy with your characters?

It took me almost a year to lvl to 50, and im happy, if someone buys an account with a lvl 50 NS in and avoid the leveling part of the game, and they are happy, good for them.

And the only reason GoA doesn't allow account trading is because they lose money, i really dont understand you Nxs because you are wasting valuable time from your life to protect a private company from losing money and not only you don't get paid for it but i bet some employee in GoA is getting praises or maybe a raise because of your work. /srug

Oh and by the way if ever some people decide to actually read and get legal advice about the agreements they sign in online games in general, you will find out that they are filled with stuff that are illegal in themselves, and if an agreement is illegal it doesn't matter jack if you sign it or not you will not be hold responsible for your acceptance.

And that is why the worst thing they can do to you is cancel your account, and not sue you for RL money, for the majority of the agreement violations, and that is because you accept the fact that they can do it for any reason or no reason at all when you buy the game.


Sichama, how would you feel if I sold your computer for cash? Or any other part of your property?


Originally posted by Vell
Sichama, how would you feel if I sold your computer for cash? Or any other part of your property?

That actually depends on how good a profit you'd make.

If you sold my homecomputer for, say, 5$ i would be amazed by your marketing skills and would hire you as a marketing thingyperson to my revolving icefloat restaurant(coming to a sea near you)


Originally posted by Belsameth
whatever your oppinion is of account selling, GOA forbids it, and thus we won't permit the posting of links.

Think I missed something.

When did GOA buy BW ?


Originally posted by Denisée
Think I missed something.

When did GOA buy BW ?

Yesterday, just around tea-time. Didn't get the memo?


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Yesterday, just around tea-time. Didn't get the memo?

They did? NOOOOO!!!!! Just lost my point over Belsameth!

PM me the memo ;)


Well here you see things get a bit strange.
Because for you to sell my computer or computer parts, it would meen you broke into my house and stole them, which is i believe more serious than resseling a game you bought.

I did not say however, and im sorry if it seemed like that, that it is a good thing to do, actually its as bad as downloading a movie or mp3 music for free from the Internet, which is illegal.

What i did say is that i dont care if Mythic, GoA or any other company is losing money because of someones illegal actions.
And i definately don't understand how someone can go out of their way to protect them, with absolutely no gain for himself.

Personaly i was allways a bit annoyed by the fact that i could not ressell things i have bought (and by definition are mine now) just because the companies want to sell theirs, its not that simple ofcourse and that is why we have the laws we have, good or bad, to which we must all abide.

I even understand why people get upset when they find out that someone can actually buy or be given the same thing they worked their ass off to get. I don't accept it but i understand jelousy, and inferiority/superiority complexes can do it.

But to protect a company from losing money, a company that has no respect for its customers, and don't get me wrong it's not only GoA, Mythic, but every single online game company out there does not respect its customers, only translates into one thing into my mind, spite.

And by my experiences spitfull people are very dangerous, and they themselves will never hesitate to brake any law as long as they can act against those they are spitful at. But oh whell they are not the only kind of people that harm society, and we have to accept them and deal with them untill they do break the law.

By the way this post has strained my English knowledge almost to the limit of what i can do casually :) So i hope the meaning of what i say isn't lost into giberish that seem ok to me but probably are giberish anyway.

Hhhhm maybe i need to lay off DAoC for a while, the word spitfull constantly brings a spitefyll sylvanshade in my mind, and the word giberish, glimerlings.


Originally posted by Sichama

Personaly i was allways a bit annoyed by the fact that i could not ressell things i have bought (and by definition are mine now)

You see, that's the problem. Yes, the CD, manual and case are yours, but the characters and items are not. The characters still belong, and are the property of, GOA.

Understandably, they are quite annoyed that people are trying to sell things that belong to them.


Keeping back on topic..

Originally posted by Sichama
Relax sit back and take a couple of deep breaths, than log in game and enjoy it.

Why do you care if someone buys an account with 8 lvl 50's in it as long as you are happy with your characters?

It took me almost a year to lvl to 50, and im happy, if someone buys an account with a lvl 50 NS in and avoid the leveling part of the game, and they are happy, good for them.
This is where we differ, I think that in order for people to enjoy the "end-game" they should suffer the L1-50 grind, its really embarasing when a L50 asks where so and so is. Im also not happy when grouping in RvR with a character that knows how to click buttons, but not what buttons to push when things go bad, or if they are a completely new player thats even worse as they dont understand certain game mechanics such as "agro"

And the only reason GoA doesn't allow account trading is because they lose money, i really dont understand you Nxs because you are wasting valuable time from your life to protect a private company from losing money and not only you don't get paid for it but i bet some employee in GoA is getting praises or maybe a raise because of your work. /srug
It only takes 5 minutes to do a seach on ebay then copy and paste to rightnow if thats all that is needed, infact it prolly takes less. I'd never thought about GOA and profit or money, its just a subject that pisses me off.

And that is why the worst thing they can do to you is cancel your account, and not sue you for RL money, for the majority of the agreement violations, and that is because you accept the fact that they can do it for any reason or no reason at all when you buy the game.
Absolutly theres very little that can happen, I just feel for the poor sucker who spends over £150 on a character only to find the account blocked within a few days - i mean the first thing he will do is demand his money back.

Anyway thanks for a constructive reply :) nice to see someone can see past the vulgaraties.


Originally posted by Denisée
Think I missed something.

When did GOA buy BW ?

we are promoted by GOA as being the semi official boards,
in return we don't endorse anything that isn't allowed by GOA's CoC and EULA.


You are right in fact the account is still owned by the online company, even if i deleted all characters i still would not be allowed to resell it. I am however allowed to resell the cd, case etc. but the buyer is not allowed to use my online account, and if you wonder what good that would be think about games that have a single player version along with the online version.

But anyway i allready stated that i understand its not that simple, and that because i bought the cd case etc. although i have the right to destroy them or give them away, i dont have the right however to resell them.
I don't like it not because i want to resell it, i never do resell anything i buy anyway.
It just annoyes me to feel like i am half buying something but i am not half paying for it.

I am not fighting against that rule i just commented that it annoyes me a bit, but its there and there are valid reason fot it to be there, can't a rule that i deem right for general purposes be a bit annoying at the same time? Now if there could be a way for the company and me to feel right about something at the same time even better, but the rules are the rules, i accepted them when i bought the game, music, movie, book etc.

It is not however in my opinion my business to snitch on someone that does not respect the rule, thats all im saying, and if we are talking about rules and laws, nowhere am i inclined or forced to do so, it is the job of the authorities to find and act against these people, not mine.

And the people that do it in my mind do it because they are spifull out of jealousy and superiority/inferiority complexes.
And they better never break the law and search for sympathy when they get caught, because they aren't getting any from me at least.


you complain that its not fair someone buying an account cause you xp'd teh hard way, well if i wanted to ebay my acc i would, why? cause i xp'd as well and the return on my sale would be a nice reward for my dedication to getting my char to lv50.

your a sad sad man nxs, yes its against the ToC, but you can hold you hand on your heart and say "i have never done anything wrong", your just a whiney sad person i suggest you carry on swiping hookers ass's with your credit card so then top the evening off with a browse on ebay to look for people selling accounts.

sad twat.


i much rather see folks buying/selling/trading there accounts, then letting there account die off,, and if everybody let there acc die off eventually be no fooker to play with/against... its not harming anybody ,,, ok some folks may be pissed cos they sweated to lvl50 like the rest of us,, and then some rich mommys boy asks mommy or daddy to buy him a inf/sb/scout etc ,, but as i said above id rather see them chars in game to keep the population up , rather then let em goto waste ,

yes its against the eula etc etc bleh bleh , but its NOT cheating so i dont see any harm in it :) thats my opinion on it ,


Originally posted by Strapon Sally
your a sad sad man nxs, yes its against the ToC, but you can hold you hand on your heart and say "i have never done anything wrong", your just a whiney sad person i suggest you carry on swiping hookers ass's with your credit card so then top the evening off with a browse on ebay to look for people selling accounts.

sad twat.

Aww did that take both braincells to think of such a well constructed reply, look at what the others have written here, the've given the subject some thought and offered their point of view - everyones entitled to that. next time try not to post such lousy dribble and offer something usefull to the discusion.


Originally posted by -Nxs-
Aww did that take both braincells to think of such a well constructed reply, look at what the others have written here, the've given the subject some thought and offered their point of view - everyones entitled to that. next time try not to post such lousy dribble and offer something usefull to the discusion.

i could of put forward my views etc etc but why when your initial post and others following were full of such spiteful, jealous garbage that it would have been wasting my time to make the effort.

Your just a sad sad person plain and simple, i can imagine the scenario when you get the hooker round

hooker - "i wanna soooooook your dick"
Nxs - "ok but first i have a present for you"
Hooker - "oohh really :D your gonna get it good tonight"
Nxs - "yeah look"
*Nxs brings his laptop onto the bed*
Nxs - "there are 3 euro daoc accounts on ebay, i thought you would love trying to find out who these infidels are selling there chaarcters and report them to rightnow"
*Hooker leaves the room*


and another thread decents into flames.
shame really :)
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