Is it me or?



Lately crafters are getting treated more and more disrespectfully? i never ever get full cost for MP pieces of leather/cloth lately, people do not realise how much they cost and how long they can take to make, especially when you aren't skilling up on anything like me.Does anyone else feel the same way about their crafting?i can't understand it sometimes :/ people should know beforehand.(i usually tell the price before a MP order though but if it's a MP piece in stock i give it the normal price as i always do, never lower or different lately)

Just wish people would respect crafters more, no wonder it's hard to get hold of some lately.


its you tbh! xDDDD

I respect all crafters except you :eek:


Only way to handle it is not to care when people say they can get it elsewhere cheaper. Just let them go.

I'm not sure it's a recent thing. I've seen it for months.

The silliest thing at the moment is that everyone wants MPs, but wants them at the cheap prices that someone who makes one accidentally whilst trying for 99% will sell them for. But as few people are ordering 99%, there won't be many accidental MPs to purchase ! Very few people want to order an MP on retries, though, and few crafters want to attempt them any other way. I guess one group or the other will cave in eventually.


Tesla Monkor

The problem is all in the mind of the buyers, really. Most of that is caused by crafters flooding the market with insanely cheap 99%Q items, thus giving the customers a warped idea of what is 'fairly priced'.

100% Items should cost: 1x material costs + 49 times retry cost
99% Items should cost: 1x material costs + 5 times retry cost.

Yet I see people selling 99's at barely above material cost and MPs at silly low prices.

Face it, the market is screwed beyond redemption. The only real reason to make a crafter is to:

a) supply yourself with stuff,
b) supply friends/guild with stuff,
c) burn through excess money you have lying around anyway

If you go into crafting expecting to make a profit, stop right now and save yourself a disappointment. :)


Just lost 2p or so on MP order, fuck this:(


It wont get better either matt, just wait till the CM search is fixed thats gunna make things very competitive. Quite often recently ive been buying other ppl's crafts purely because like some 1 else has just said, 99% just above material costs and cheap MP's half the time i think why the heck should i even bother especially on 1 of those bad days were u cant get a 99% after 10+ tries :(


Just let anyone who wants their uber cheap items go elsewhere. Saves you the time and effort in making the masterpiece which could be spent doing something else. :p

Nothing forcing you to sell for prices which you don't want to. If you feel that you're not even going to breakeven on what you're selling then just don't do it in the first place.

But if people find my prices too high they can fuck off elsewhere. :p


the whole craftin system if feked tbh ...... especially the 2 new skillz SC takes ages to do yes but the profit is v good for the crafters Alch costs SOooooo much to get lgm and then u make like 50 gp every sale ...

as for armour and weapons its been a long time that ppl expect there items for less than cost to make .. and the MP orders make a access of 99% on the market that ppl have to sell cheap to try and get cash back ... kinda sucks all round imo

solution ... dunno but if crafters coudl get together and maybe set prices then every1 wouldnt lose money providing a service to ppl at a loss ..

i for 1 sell my 99% at marerial costs or a bit above as the choice i have after makin a MP is to sell the 99%'s back to merchant and half material costs, be stuck with them colectin dust on a cm or sell them so i can at least sum cash back


spellcrafting still is nice profit

its fecking boring though


seeing ppl sell full sets of 99% af102 chain for 2.5p makes me wanna cry ... not to mention the ppl saying "w00t!? sooo much for a full set plate??? i can get it for 700g elsewhere!!!"


You have to be lucky really i have someone who wanted a 99 qual weap and it took me 13 tries pff hate that and you can't sell em cheaper then you try, really you have to be lucky, but what i try to do is hinge before i start crafting and then when i figure i haven't got a mp yet and i'm close i start doing WC in hope for that mp, but even then it all depends on luck.


My way of crafting:
1: Don't accept MP orders
2: Stock up some 99%'s
3: Sell those 99%'s for 4-5 retries cost. Sure some may still say it's expensive- then just point out to them to the real costs of the items..
4: Sell those MP's you made during the process of making those 99%'s...

This way, you don't flood the market with cheap 99%, and the MP's can be sold at a decent cost...

Face it, why accept a MP order when you'll have to spend hours and only get paid like material cost + tip ??

In 90% of the cases you'll be making more money (+ some exp if needed) in the same amount of time it takes to get that MP done than the customer will tip you...

And yes, I'm the CrazyCrafter but keeping my sanity by rejecting MP orders and SC orders in 98% of the cases ;)

Oh, and just a little one to finish this off:
1 guy accused me for ripping him off...
I sold him a sword for material cost...Then some guy sells him the same kind of sword already SC'd and all for 200 gold...

Problem is material cost for sword alone without remakes is 244 gold :m00: In this case it looked like it was some that made some SC error or respecced weapon that sold it cheap to get rid of it...

But in the end, it's the crafters themselves that have caused this situation....


Well the same problem is present in Horizons. Crafters dumping the prices. Only problem there is there is no decay on items, and most items can be used for atleast 10 lvls some even up to 30 lvls before you need a replacement.

Wonder what their rl boss would say if theese guys valued their work time as little as they do their play time. :)

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