Is it just me..


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
old.Whoodoo said:
Even my own guild has gone all quiet, gone seem to be the days of us chatting the day away while we expd like mad in dungeons, crossed swords with the enemy, or announced raids both PvE and RvR.

Hunt with my guild then, we talk shit the whole time :D and have a laugh...

...I think the problem is too many l337-kiddies who are only concerned with "pwning" and being uber in RvR, and miss so much else in the game. They treat DAOC more like a team-based FPS than what it is, a MMORPG. RvR is only a part of DAOC, and the social/friendly aspect of it is a very important one.

FOTM l337-kiddies going "PL me plzzzzz".../dismiss


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Thanks for that runolas, i think there was a lot of confustion as to the actual usage rules for a while, I've been reticent about organising PvE stuff in /as to get numbers but I'll start using it more now when putting together ML raids and artifact raids. I think people like me have been reluctant to use it for this purpose up till now, thanks for clarifying that.

Hopefully I can get other guilds in the allience to start doing things regularly together which i think will be great for building up morale.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
yaruar said:
Thanks for that runolas, i think there was a lot of confustion as to the actual usage rules for a while, I've been reticent about organising PvE stuff in /as to get numbers but I'll start using it more now when putting together ML raids and artifact raids. I think people like me have been reluctant to use it for this purpose up till now, thanks for clarifying that.

Hopefully I can get other guilds in the allience to start doing things regularly together which i think will be great for building up morale.

Np, that is what /as and the alliance is for, there has been some "whining" (also in FoM) about /as, but actually if you read the wholes section I think it allows enough breathing space for us all. If you get any pm when organizing feel free to contact a GM/Officer in game etc, cuz I think we would very much like to know who is spreading missguiding info of the use of /as. It migth even be that it is some of us, but hey - whos perfect :drink:

I think the hardest part is getting ppl to understand the difference between "Raid XX starting in XXXXX at XX:XX" and "Any Raid XX going on?", the latter is imho spam and does not belong in /as.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 6, 2004
Svartmetall said:
...I think the problem is too many l337-kiddies who are only concerned with "pwning" and being uber in RvR, and miss so much else in the game. They treat DAOC more like a team-based FPS than what it is, a MMORPG. RvR is only a part of DAOC, and the social/friendly aspect of it is a very important one.

FOTM l337-kiddies going "PL me plzzzzz".../dismiss

And bang, someone hits the mark! I've only returned to this sodding game 3 weeks ago and realised its no different from Ultima Online, Half Life/CS/TFC, where I came from. Due to these games competitive nature they're filled with whiny kids all over the place. Only have to look on these boards to see a good proportion of them. As games mature this is to be expected though. Daoc was once an RPG...

ToA has turned an RvR game into a massive continous PvE grind, and a lot has changed because of it. Its not just Mid though, its daoc as a whole that has changed. I've been here for said 3 weeks and I've not yet been in a single fg. The game feels so different from the beta/final days.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 16, 2004
well Whoodoo I must agree on your observations.

and Urme and Runolas to much rules in the as chatt in the LFOM alliance.

make the alliance chatt be a chatt room and those who RVR they arrange battlegroups.

ofc they are entitel to advertise movements + call to arms.

let people advice and ask after ML raid freely in the as chatt.

let people advertise there trade chatts.

I got acces to both WR and Lfom /AS

Give people a break from all that rules its not like Mythics deside the AS channel is only for lvl 50 to get groups or just RVR


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
the xp groups has disappeared completely hasnt they? all PL 4tehwin now it seems... and for the chats i assume ventrilo has to take some blame.
it's sad to say, but i think i've only met 1 new "friend" in daoc outside guild last 1.5 years wich is bad....
one reason could be that DAoC has become just as stressfull as real life now, ppl don't have time to chit chat anymore, no fooling around and no time to make new friends.

-XPing, Arti hunting and cash farming are what u are doomed to do if u wanna compete in RvR so time to socialize is simply not there anymore :(


Fledgling Freddie
May 12, 2004
reason=all these stupid fucking fotm guilds that pop up and are like their for a week and gone the next day..theres no more big friendly invite everyone guilds anymore and it really annoys me


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 29, 2003
Stimulant said:
reason=all these stupid fucking fotm guilds that pop up and are like their for a week and gone the next day..theres no more big friendly invite everyone guilds anymore and it really annoys me

We invite everyone who speaks/writes Dutch


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Stimulant said:
reason=all these stupid fucking fotm guilds that pop up and are like their for a week and gone the next day..theres no more big friendly invite everyone guilds anymore and it really annoys me

I dont think a guild that invites anyone and everyone would last that long either tbh =P


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
May be something in it cuz I feel exactly the same about the situation on mid/exca , I play some on hib/pryd and I must say that people there are much more open,friendly,helpful and such .. more fun to play with. Think im gonna play there as my main server when my menta reaches 50 :wub:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
old.Whoodoo said:
said.....or has Midgard (perhaps even just excalibur) become really anti-social these last few months.blah blah blah de blah blah etc blah blah

Why I'm playing Albion/Prydwen now :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Whoodoo i feel your pain
A few of us have moved pyrd/alb and just play for fun.
We group all of us regardless of level.drooling over a 89% quality drop brings back the old spirit of game,
We play fair and with trust, die horribly at times but just laugh. If u want to join us check your pm


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
As for alliance chat thing , intelligence should work, 230 albs at amg odins needs posting. 1 inf at mmg/emain dosent or tbh df reports. Its children posting who think the fact they got arse kicked is worth telling 200 people.

Organising TOA groups fine, but saying 44 sm lfg is bad. Use it senesibly

I once saw a guy make a bad typo and it went out to /as and caused a panic.
People demanded he be booted from his guild. Why? He made a mistake and admitted it. Im sick of the counterstrike mentality thats becoming prevalent in daoc.

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