Is it just me ......



How many other people her think Dragonfang is an insanely overpowered style ?

Infil`s comments dont count cos there only trying to defend there god like style...


i`d give up left axe/2h weapons hell even leather armour for cloth for a style like that...

and imho 2h weapons do not compair at all to dragonfang.... very few sb`s use 2h weapons because against another assassin they have little chance of winning... and for someone to use 1 style and kill you even when you were at 80% hp when the style landed is just ghey.... got ip.. great cant use it cos your stunned... got purge whoopie might have a chance then... so for SB`s to effectivly beat a thrust infil that has dodger 2/3 we need to spend 33 points.. sounds like a fair deal to me.

no point asking an alb for an opinion cos they will only defend there god like realm mates...

how do people feel about dragonfang coming from hibernian and midgardian players ? ignore any posts by albs.. cos they only go on about some crap regarding 2h weapons or some crap like that..

hibernia`s Pierce style Diamondback i can live with thats fine.. but 9s sstun.. i think the real name for that style is "The I Win" style... regardless of RA`s spec anything if that style lands on anyone that wears leather or worse armour.. they are DEAD...

ofcourse mythic wont do anything about it.. cos if they nurfed that style i would hasten to guess that alot of infils would quit the game or shelve there char until something is changed..

The day will come i just hope its sooner rather than later..

And dont give me any crap about lvl and infil and see just how much underpowered you are i know all about it.. been there done that even got the T-shirt... played a 50 infil and yes the style is too powerful...

The changes i`d like to see to it are:

either a reduction in the stun time.. maybe 3-6 seconds..
have it chain of a different style.. namely change Liontooth pre-req to evade.. then have Dragonfang chain off that..

and most importantly chance to the to-hit of the style from high bonus to low/medium bonus..

that is the only way i can think of toneing down the styles power..

those idea`s i believe would cut down the daily tank killing that infils enjoy soo much.. and imho assassins shouldn`t be able to kill a pure regardless of getting them by supprise.. why should a pure tank have to use all his RA`s purge/ip etc just to beat a rogue.. if he/she can even hit them..


Or.. How many people think a stealth class should not be allowed to have a 2h weapon?

SBs comments dont count cos there only trying to defend there god like weapons...

Imo you are all ment to be different, so stop picking at each others abilites and get on with the game and gank some tanks..


Originally posted by old.Emma

ofcourse mythic wont do anything about it.. cos if they nurfed that style i would hasten to guess that alot of infils would quit the game or shelve there char until something is changed..

The day will come i just hope its sooner rather than later..

Rofl... yeah lets nurf Albion some more.. :rolleyes:

So the fact that you can take down a tank class when you are a Sb does not make you think that maybe you yourself need a nurfing?

Sorry i forgot it's just cause you are a good player that you can do it :eek:


ohh another alb defending there god like class.. imho i couldn`t give a rats ass about 2h weapons

1. there slow as hell against an evading target with evade 7+ dodger x there next to useless

2. the dmg bonus we recieve for using 2h weapons is only 115% compaired to both albions and hibernia`s 140%


Originally posted by Gimly

Rofl... yeah lets nurf Albion some more.. :rolleyes:

So the fact that you can take down a tank class when you are a Sb does not make you think that maybe you yourself need a nurfing?

Sorry i forgot it's just cause you are a good player that you can do it :eek:

i dont take out tanks.. i try and if im very lucky i might win... example i attacked Shorti the otherday.. had to PA/CD Double Frost. then run.... restealthed PA/CD. Double Frost.. he`s now at 10%.. im out of end.. he uses IP hits me once for 300+ dmg.. i run and hide...

now for an infil.. its PA...use styles.. infil evades.. dragon fang...if using 2.2 spd weapons... then follows a chain of upto 8 more styles mid/hib tank = dead..

NS`s and SB`s are not tank killers like infils... the only time we do is if we are very lucky... the tank is lower than 46 ie blue con.. rarely a yellow unless lucky or we are grouped and 2-3 blades attack at the same time...


Originally posted by Gimly

Rofl... yeah lets nurf Albion some more.. :rolleyes:

Not my fault mythic made albion overpowered .. thaught it was balanced then decided to "fix the bugs"..


Heya, looks like someone is in for some ranting. Tell you the truth? Assasines are ALL vastly overpowered and are currently killing the game. Give it 2 more month' and the avarage Emain population is 50% assasines...

(Sidenote: Infils are of course worst, but everybody knows that, no reason to repeat it.)


Emma, I am in agreement with you. I find this move very overpowered and one of the reasons I come out worse off when dualing a lvl 50 Thrust Inf. To think the class which is the evade specialist can produce a long duration stun simply from evading goes beyond my understanding of the game's mechanics.


If you are prepared to give up LA and 2H then roll an infil instead. I have close fights depending on the spec of the sb I'm fighting. It usually comes down to who gets their stun style in first with the really well kitted out and sz specced sbs. I'm talking about proper no buffs duels which I had on gorre the other night.

Your stun style is 7 seconds, but the main problem is you never get a chance to get to it as it's the second style in the evade chain. By then we have had a much higher chance of hitting df. So yes we do have the means to wipe the floor with you, but so do you.


It's beyond my understanding that heavy damage ranged nukers have a _baseline_ QC'able 1500 range stun aswell.

Though Mythic won't do classwise balancing, they do it realmwise.


Originally posted by Tranquil-
It's beyond my understanding that heavy damage ranged nukers have a _baseline_ QC'able 1500 range stun aswell.

Though Mythic won't do classwise balancing, they do it realmwise.

DF isn't the problem, it's evade that is overpowered :p


Yes they are overpowered, 2.5 specc points per level an a 9 sec stun style made an infiltrator almos imposible in 1 vs 1 situations.Sure they need a nerf.

And ns get DD´s... Rofl at this one :)


And a good champ beats an infil no problem. Nerf champs!


Originally posted by old.Emma
ohh another alb defending there god like class.. imho i couldn`t give a rats ass about 2h weapons

1. there slow as hell against an evading target with evade 7+ dodger x there next to useless

yeah because you only ever kill other assassins... it's true.. there's no casters to two-shot, no tanks to kill..

2. the dmg bonus we recieve for using 2h weapons is only 115% compaired to both albions and hibernia`s 140%

This is a myth, it's been disproved many times.
The only difference between albion 2h and midgard 2h is that albion has a different style line... oh and they have to spec two lines to do any damage.


I think all people but the infiltrators think they need a nerf:),btw champs are ok now , we have a self buf now useful when we dont have druids near,almost we have a chance versus yer buffbots....


Originally posted by -nicolas-
And a good champ beats an infil no problem. Nerf champs!

That's because champs have debuffs :) debuffs obliterate a buffed opponent :) bring em back down to earth...


Albion's way overpowered, you're right old.Emma. Just look at our array of instant crowd control, our long range stuns.

Oh wait, they don't exist.

Is Dragonfang/evade cheesy? yes, very. The worst thing about it is the 'Dragonfang (stun), Dragonfang*8 (for the damage)'

But two handed backstabs are also cheesy...

Don't go banging on about 'Albion being the favourite realm' - it's just a laughable concept.


Infils are over powered so are all assasins but infils are about the only alb class not to be nerfed. U all winge and moan about albs well its the same in alb. It can be said many other realms classes are well overpowered on the basis that alb is most popular. Well it aint really not according to the stats. So nerfing alb classes is sucky. But it should all balance out eventually, and everyone feels they are hard done by. Whether its good or bad it aint gonna change so u may as well get on with the game.

I believe a nerf on assasins aint far away. May be a good or bad thing but everyone has been nerfed at some point and it sucks.

Kerram Darktyde

The weapon Lines are not fairly balanced between the realms

Stealth is just over powered

And Infil are doubly over powered as a thrust one combines 2 of these Game unbalancing things in one package..

Yes I have one Yes I have a SB too.
My Infil Started Chaining Evade moves at about L6... Thrust has a lot of Stun of evades (well atleast 2 :) )

But what does it matter Mythic will not Nerf Stealth or Infils because they are a large portion of thier server pop..

Infils can be dealt with as can other assassins.

We can talk about this for Eons with Infil defending thier Thrust line forever and most of the rest saying they need toning down..

Atleast Cleric get brought into line, so maybe if the americans Whine enough Infils will be toned down


They probably will, but remeber we do give up a good anytime style for going thrust. Sbs have doublefrost.


Obviously the threads going to be biased if every persons opinion is going to be ignored based simply on the realm they play. Linnets mostly right, If Assassins didn't have so much chance to evade then Dragonfang wouldn't be used so much, how often do you see merc use it...And I agree with you on the chain Style Emma, But 9 second stun should probably chain off 2 pre-reqs...Dragonfang is in the same boat as Hib baseline stun, it's going to be the subject of many,many whine threads for the forseeable future but Mythic won't change it because they've already looked at the styles and amended them...

Oh and, ehm, where's all this started about all of Albion being overpower, it's not like that's a true statement, especially coming from an outsider to it (Sorry to drag that in but you seem to fervently stick by your *all Albs are biased* So i'll have my *All mids are biased* too ;)) , some places are arguably overpowered, others aren't, it's the same with all realms, and the opposite of those realms will always kick and scream about one subject after another, hib stun, dragonfang, doublefrost, moose, ip, pbae, nearsight, ae stun (insta and not) and so on and so forth. If you're just going to ignore people opinions then why even ask in the first place.

Oh, and i did mention in my original post that i was a bit tired to write anything coherant. sleep deprivation tends to do that, even sleeping seems to make me speak crap, but hey, i'm an Alb you say, so i must therefore speak crap 24/7 anyway :rolleyes:


I agree with Myrte and Emma and so on... Ive said it before and I will say it again... any assassin class from whatever realm, who can look at another realms MAIN tank class and think "Hmmm nice RPs, I'll go solo that one" HAS got to be overpowered.

There's been all kinds of BS on these forums in other threads about how historically assassins have killed great warriors and its not exactly out of character for a class like an assassin to kill tanks blah di blah di blah :sleeping: Historically speaking this has mainly been done by the stabbing of them while asleep, in the bath, poisoning drinks and so on. This is just more lame crap to justify being clearly overpowered. I just hope Mythic wakes up and sees this and decides to do something about it I doubt it will happen tho.

I mean... look at how long it took them to realise that Albion shouldnt have a Lightning Wizzie with stun, heals, rez, buffs and chain armour and decided it should really have been a healer class after all. :rolleyes:


Lot of bias in this thread. People should really see beyond their own pixel based prejudice and look at the facts.

Dragonfang is overpowered in the hands of a Infil, simply because the 9s stun chains from evade. Infils happen to get Evade VII and high Dex/Qui. Thiat equates to alot of evading. Take the Dragonfang style in the hands of a Thrust Mercenary with Evade I, then it seems a bit more balanced.

Please don't waffle about the Shadowblades free 2h weapons either. Most assassins will tell you that Infils will demolish critblades. The only SB spec that can challenge the Infils supremacy is the Shadowzerker, who generally will not use those 2h weapons to much affect.


Most solo tanks walking from MPK to MMG can be considered as asleep :)

After the cleric smite nerf all the whines about infiltrators will just increase seeing as those clerics have given up and sold out and are now respecced to REJ/ENH.

And yes when I am buffed and I see a solo tank walking around I think "Yummy, rps".

Also chesnor pre 1.50 the critblade had the definite advantage with 2H weapons. RAs like dodger make us evade like crazy not evade 7. I remember LOTS of close fights with korv both of us being unbuffed and he was the purest critblade around.


Nerf dragonfang = i will respecc IP = i cant solo tanks no more(unbuffed:p)...


Originally posted by -nicolas-
Most solo tanks walking from MPK to MMG can be considered as asleep :)

After the cleric smite nerf all the whines about infiltrators will just increase seeing as those clerics have given up and sold out and are now respecced to REJ/ENH.

And yes when I am buffed and I see a solo tank walking around I think "Yummy, rps".


Nic, you had a ridiculous amount of buffs after you died in Emain yesterday. There were so many I had to enlarge my chat window to see them all! I counted about 12 or so in total. What did you say earlier about having better duals without buffs on Gorre? Still it was nice to evade you consistantly and see you miss loads on me even though I had no buffs at all :D


I asked myself , just how many lines actually have long duration stun ? so i went looking on classesofcamelot and didnt add the shield styles.

1. Albion

44 Defndr's Revenge L - V - Use After Def.'s Rage Long
(Polearm Line, chains on a style that triggers on "use after a style is used on you")

50 Devastate H H H M- Use After Side Crush
(Crush Line, chains on a sidepositional style)

18 Friar's Friend M H M - Use From Beside Target
44 Stunnign Wrath M - H M+ Use After Banish
(Staff Line, now this one is rather peculiar, you get a long dur. stun on a sidepositional style, then a style with very high damage (Banish) and of that chains a style with another long duration stun)

50 Dragonfang L M H L- Use After Evading Target
(Thrust Line, no strings attached)

44 Two Moons L M H - Use After Onslaught
(2handed Line , chains of a sidepositional style)

2. Hibernia

50 Devastating Blow M M M - Use After Stunning Blow
(Blunt Line, chains off a parry style)

50 Annihiliation M M V M- Use From Behind Target
(Large Weapons Line, no strings attached)

3. Midgard

Well, ehm, we do have healers with stun ....

none whatsoever

Draw your own conclusions before you call Midgard Stungard. Imho stun is the most powerful tool both in large scale, and ehm not-so-large scale :) combat.

ps : Ever tried playing with doublefrost ? It has a low to-hit bonus, eats more end then a farm of pigs that got forgotten for a week and does laughable damage to what it used to do.

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