Is it just me or?


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Eh, Zagg is lucidly describing points that you seem to have difficulties getting into your head, and all you can do is flame him for it? I'm not even going to attempt to outline the problem to you, a lot of people before me have already done so in this thread.

Oh, and scouts quite frankly have no place in a serious RvR group. They add virtually nothing (short of bodyguard while interrupting) and take up a valuable slot that an Albion FG so preciously needs for other things.


One of Freddy's beloved
May 14, 2004
Belomar said:
Oh, and scouts quite frankly have no place in a serious RvR group. They add virtually nothing (short of bodyguard while interrupting) and take up a valuable slot that an Albion FG so preciously needs for other things.

From Albions point of view, I'd say we need less "serious RvR groups" as you call them and more random groups that play for fun.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Faya said:
and there i sat, waiting for a /cheer Faya for taking in that sad scout :)

Firstly, thanks to Invisibility from ASQ for duoing with me in the Frontiers early last night. I am very grateful for your time :)

Thanks also to Faya for having me in your AC group late last night. I made 4 beads and Lvl 45, with free Lvl 46 :)

The relief of finally getting a group was tremendous!

I am very grateful - it was great fun too! Oh, and nerf Heretics sick spell damage TBH :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Belomar said:
Eh, Zagg is lucidly describing points that you seem to have difficulties getting into your head, and all you can do is flame him for it?

For a start Belomar, it wasn't what he said, it was the way he said it. That aside, my original post acknowledges much of what he said, albeit from a polar opposite point of view.

I can see your views are of a similar nature, so I shan't reiterate what I've already posted.

Thanks for your comments.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
My own history

Start the game in June 2002 with my Infiltrator Peris. At that time everything was brand new and looked great. I was never to know what lvling would be like after a short a time. Getting groups with an Infiltrator is probably one of the hardest things I had to do, so at lvl 36 I gave up and spent time with my new paladin Mathiyn. I found that soloing was very difficult (this was the time when pallies DIDN'T have thier taunt shout and BB meant Broken Bridge, not Buff Bot!!) and people were wanting me to group with them. It was easy, people just PM'd me asking me to join them, it was great. At that time I was playing the game for fun and giggles, the guild was small but friendly (later we merged with another). At lvl 40 with my paladin, SI came out and AC opened up a whole new world of lvling. Within a couple of months I had my first lvl 50 (btw, I only play a couple of hours in the evenings so lvling can get slow). Tried to RvR with my Paladin, but I was bored of it after a very short time. What I was hoping for was the Stealth game, killing from shadows and that kind of thing. It simply appealed to me.

So I decided to return to my Infiltrator, gave up after a day of LFG'ing and rolled a Necromancer. Now that was easy, got to lvl 50 with 6 days played, and still not happy.

So I decided to roll a Scout. I /level 20 it and started from there. Had an Armourcrafter so keeping him in kit wasn't a problem, keeping it SC'd wasn't either. He made his own arrows and bows so I was very self sufficient. However, the best kit in the world isn't of any use unless it IS used. I knew that getting a groups would be harder than for my infiltrator (as they have some excellent damage capabilities - flame on this somewhere else pls), so I set out a plan. Instead of trying to group, I looked for areas where they were not camped and took the arrows that best related to the mobs. I stayed there until the mobs turned mostly blue and moved on to other creatures as my levels progressed. I stayed in Lyonesse a lot, killing Hamandryads. I moved Pre NF to the frontiers, staying in Snowdonia for a long time leveling on Spiders, Hollowmen, Tegs and so on. Moved on to the Trees outside Birks and killed Ellylls too (was not arsed about faction). I finally Dinged 50 after a lot of grinding and hard work. Incidently I do have a Buff Bot, but not until I got to about 45 did I figure out to use 2 accounts on the same computer!! During that time (about 15 lvls worth) I was killed by Mid's / Hibs's a handful of times (Soulbow - Hib - Mainly). And during those levels I benefitted from the Outpost bonus's which in the end made a huge difference. I know that doing that now can be a little dangerous, but the bonuses are still there. I would suggest killing in the Frontiers. If you get killed by a hib/mid, you wont loose EXP at least. During a typical 2 hour evening session I could get between 1 & 1 1/2 bubs solo. Might seem slow but to me it was progress and I didnt think of lvl 46, 47, 48, my goals were 45.5, 46, 46.5, 47.....

And my 2 cents worth on Scouts in groups is this. It depends on who you are grouped with. I have grouped with my scout in AC with a paladin, and Inf and a Cleric, just the 4 of us. Excellent and speedy exp it was too. I pulled, Inf PA'd and pally tanked the add, scout/inf mob dropped quickly and we were easily able to finish of the add. Next to no Downtime and because we were not wiping whole areas out in seconds like a PBAOE group can do and having to wait for pops and no problems with rapidly dimisihing camp bonuses either. Quick EXP but at a leisurely pace. That could also be an idea you could take on board and talk to some people to try that.

I learned one thing during my 2 1/2 years in DAOC, and that was patience. All good things come to those who wait, so the saying goes, but DAOC is not about patience to some people, the race to get to 50 can be all consuming. Just sit back, smell the roses


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2005
Danamyr.. If you want to grp in AC then you can join me.

I'm in the process of lvling up my sorc using a necro & BB cleric. I couldnt really give a crap about class in my group so long as you can kill something, and contribute to keeping my alt alive :p. Its not a megga fast xp grp that needs certain chars to maintain the xp flow but you will get constant xp np.

I'm normally in AC some place, so as long as I'm not needed for rvr or guild activity out of AC then we got some hours to kill =)

You can get me on the following chars.
Mearsha - (My Sorc)
Yvanna - (Cousins BB Cleric)
Evlina - (Guild Officer's Nec that will kill stuff)

If you cant get me on those chars then chances are I'm not in AC.

Catch u l8er :)

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