Is it just me, or are tanks getting more rare these days?



Originally posted by Solid

A paladin is a hybrid class, and as such is on a lower hp table, and may I add, considerably lower.

nope we haven`t


U saying a Paladin is on same HP as Armsman? OMG wtf

he is the equivalent of a Thane ie speccable shield, weapon and best armour + a spell line.

I believe Paladins are NOT on the same hp table as Armsman

Whats ur naked hp Case Rigantis?


i`ll tell you exact figures later when i`ve checked...but i`m level 42 and currently around 960 naked i think ;) i might be a lot off here as i`ve not stripped down in quite a while



960 naked at 42? thats more than my thane at 50, summink very wrong here


like i said i`ll check in a bit but i won`t be too far off..bear in mind i`m a highlander aswell who start with loads of Con

saying that though i started a Dwarf thane before and he seems to die really easily compared to my pally when he was the same level ie 12

when grouped witha cleric i often have my hit points buffed to 1300 aswell


Thanes have offensive magic (especially Mjollinir, which is very offensive just after I AE mezzed ;) ) whereas Pallys only get defensive chants.

Thanes stats are Str, Pie, Con (1,2 & 3 levels)
Pallys stats are Con, Pie, Str

So I would expect a Pally to have higher hits at higher levels than a Thane, regardless of whch HP table they are on.

Also, I seem to remember Pallys got a change to their HP table in 1.48 or maybe 1.49....


We got the HP adjustment in the latest patch.

Naked, we should still be on a lower HP table compared to e.g. armsmen but the difference is not as bif as it was before. Given the fact tho that we have very high cons, you would expect more hp but I think the Con is related to the idea Mythic had about Piety being an important stat when they were thinking the pally out and thus not really hp related.

But since I get 1300+ easily now when buffed, I'd be crazy to complain seen the HP I had before the patch :p

Elric IA

As a Champion I find that my DD spell is my top RP earner. However, tanks do need the CC support to do their more traditional role of using melee.

In keep takes though apart from door bashing tanks help take out the enemy guards.

Keep defences i just sit and wait.


I got a level 45ish pole-armsman, thrusting of course :) I usually do casual RvR (Emain-trips and so on) with a few of my guildies - me as tank, minstrel with mach 5 speed, sorcerer with great AE-mezz and a claric or two mainly for buffs (as there is no time for heals in RvR) and stuns.

When we get together no equal-sized or slightly larger group would stand a chance :) Run up to the targeted group from behind with mach5 speed, let sorcerer cast an AE-mezz (1 min timer then it's time to root) and then I rush in and pick a target to kill. Since I use 'the stick' (those damn mages call my polearm that) I finish off most classes in 1-3 hits - except heros and perhaps zerkers (hate that leather). A quick heal from the cleric and pick another target. In these situations tanks are VERY needed and they are VERY fun, belive me :)

It is really hard to solo as a tank tho. when I was around level 35-40 I used to run to Yggdra to wack some greenies. It worked pretty well most of the time. If assasins thinks hiding, in stealth (!?), is a rush you should try it in black platemail in the snowie yggra ... I could be seen from a mile away if I didn't use the trees to my advantage (and camera rotating of course .. hrhr). Soloing is hard, but not impossible ... and it's the rush of a lifetime and i'm certain it's the cause of most heartproblems in the world today ;)

Paladins vs. armsmen ... uhm, someone said they prefered paladins cause they could always keep aggro, and except from that they were almost identical with armsmen. Nah? Armsman (with polearm) have alot higher damage output, and I DO think they have more HP's in general? anyways, an armsman played well will keep aggro just as good as any heal-chant - we get aggro/taunt-styles ye know :) Paladins have to sacrifice some damage/HP to get chants ... that makes sense right?

Eh, long post ... rambling ... tired ... sleeeep :eek:

- Pathfinder -

Armsmen get better damage, polearm and more HP, as well as useful stats (Str, Con, Dex).

Paladins get chants, rez and abysmal stats (something like Con, Pie, Str).

Paladins arguably make the best tanks; noone holds aggro like a tincan gimp :p 'Tis ungrateful to be a tank in RvR though; you either end up mezzed and killed, or the mages reduce the enemies to ashes before you can have your fun :)


Or we come with many and slaughter everyone in sight because of our high damage output before a wizard can even cast a spell on one... Every class has it use. You just gotta find out how to use your class as best as possible in all kind of situations.

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by Khalen
Or we come with many and slaughter everyone in sight because of our high damage output before a wizard can even cast a spell on one... Every class has it use. You just gotta find out how to use your class as best as possible in all kind of situations.

Ah, yes, zerging is so amusing ^^


I decided to keep playing my Armsman last night.
And what a funny playing session it was.
I was in a party where there was me and one other fighter type(mercenary I think), the rest were spellcasters.

So I was extremely busy fending off monsters from aggro'ing the spellcasters. running all over the place like mad..
It was actually quite fun being in the thick of comba, not nearly as boring as I expected..

In one session, I went from Lvl 6 to 10. Could have done better, but we spent a lot of time recruiting people and waiting for them to turn up, which was a bit annoying..

Anyway, I intend to keep my Armsman, the damage output is damn impressive. and the lvling up is pretty fast.

It's actually quite impressive how an Armsman can stand up to so many monsters without dying.
At one stage I was fighting against 2 yellows and a couple of blues and I didn't die (admittedly the Cleric was keeping my health up, but I stopped the Cleric from getting Aggro with the Enrage ability)..

So, whatever the calculations for the advantages/disadvantages of armsmen are, I like them for a change from my usual Cleric and wizzie. :)


> If mythic were fair enuff across realms, I would expect Paladin
> to be on rogue HP table, just like skalds and thanes.

Not the case AFAIK. Skalds and thanes are definitely not on the same hp table.

To my knowledge, skalds and paladins actually share both hp and damage tables. Yup, the “uber” skalds are on the same tables as them gimped paladins! ;)

Speed makes all the difference. 1v1 a paladin is almost certain kill for a skald. The easiest opponent of them all. Heals and DD’s kind of cancel eachother out but getting 1st hit in because of better maneuverability and 2hander is what sends them holy guys back to their maker (well.. their bindpoints).



I see the problem with tanks in RvR having to get in close to do their work and agree that mezz/stealth takes the fun out of it for non mezzers and non stealthers.

I find my RvR exploits consist of mez die rez mez die rez mez die release go xp farming and not bother with RvR till I'm a higher lvl. It's a shame cause when I first get transported I'm quite exited and then I get mezzed (or shot with an arrow 10 steps out of our fort) and suddenly I'm wondering why I bothered to come.

They seem to be doing something about the stealth, ie. see hidden. Why not give one of the classes the ability to break mez or shorten mez time or give the mezzed character a saving roll if he has an anti mez buff or something? just a suggestion, flame if u must :)

All I'm suggesting is that the game be modded to at least give a mezzed player a hope of breaking mezz or something and getting ready to retaliate rather than waiting for their certain death as is the case at the moment.


Originally posted by old.tRoG
i had also managed to mangle up his starting pts, putting pts into charisma so that he could chat up female tr00ls? i was a bit of a n00b to the game at that time

I also managed to mangle my pallys starting points, as this is my first stab at this type of game, I didn't have a clue what I was doing and I also put some points into charisma, maybe that's why female clerics like me so much :rolleyes: . It's true that Pallys are good in PvE and also true they not so good in RvR, mainly due to the fact they need to be up close and personal to do anything, having said that, last night 2 Pallys, 1 Inf and a Cleric kicked 7 Hibs in, mainly because we took their CC out first and the bugger managed to root me as well :(
While it's true that an Armsman can do alot of damage with his polearm (was told recently some polearms had hit someone for 600+dmg, due to RR and relics) a 2h Pally can come close if he specd right, whereas a S&B Pally hits like a girl compared to them (although I haven't got Diamond slash yet, so not sure how much dmg I will do with that).


Well, I glimpsed through the threads...

I'll add my experience... First and most of all, Wedge is me... No matter what class I play, Wedge is me...

I might not always be able to get agro (due to misses) but once I get agro, nothing will get it off me ;)

I love PvE battles, with a (good) cleric you can have a battle last several minutes... Which is kinda funny...

After 44 levels of extensive smashing, I find I'm lacking 'fun' in RvR... I've got my share of Rp's (had around 35k at level 43), but I never really went to the big emain battles... Because those trips usually ended in ranged fights, e.g. mezz/stun/blown to pieces/dead scenario's...

I've decided that I'll put Wedge on hold till 1.5 (Realm Abities)... I've got enough realm levels to get purge and a few other RA's...

Currently the only class Wedge can own is other tank classes, I'm practicly useless against casters (even if they are mezzed, I run close, hit them (miss due to bladeturn), they QC mezz/root, take distance, one dead Wedge)

So I gave a Fire Wizzie a try... Now although I really love my wizzie, I feel its not me... When a mob comes close, and you get 1 more resist, your dead... But the power of a fire wizz is short of Amazing...

Its kind of funny, the class I like to play (my wizz) is not the class that feels like 'me' ;)

I am an Armsman, a thrust polearm Armsman ! :D

Madonion Slicer

My Armsmen was a great way to start, easy to control and not to many toolbars to set up, excellent way to learn the game.

But now at 35 i am finding him very boring partly my fault for going 1hSlash and Shield, when if i had know better at the time i would of gone polearm(hope i can fix this with respec).

But also fed up to the back teeth of going into a fight and get the Mez, Nuke treatment, and also being so damn expensive with armour and swords.

I played him yesterday as he is my highest alt and wanted to check DF out, and i did actually enjoy him so i will maybe check him out every now and then at least get him to 40 so i see now more purples in rvr.


Originally posted by Ottar
Skalds and thanes are definitely not on the same hp table.

To my knowledge, skalds and paladins actually share both hp and damage tables. Yup, the “uber” skalds are on the same tables as them gimped paladins! ;)

FYI Ottar

I tested with Sarine in emain PK once, we both stripped naked with no buffs

Solid 50 Norse thane +10 in con at start, Con = Tertiary stat
898 hp

Sarine 50 Norse Skald +10 in con at start, Con = tertiary stat
898 hp

in Conclusion thanes, skalds and hunters ARE on the same hp table, theer is no doubt, it is FACT

Madonion Slicer

LOL wedge we do make a good group in the same way you dont feel at home being a fire wiz and prefer the Armsmen, I love my firewiz and dont feel right with the armsmen.


Originally posted by Solid

danskmacabre - u want a not gimped melee class in Albion? try a Sword/Shield/Bow using Scout with Slam (42 shield style)

Very Very versatile class, melees well and has range

Heh, unless you have a very nice guild who will help you with groups, expect to spend most of your life solo. I often spend hours sitting around at the tanglers in Lyoness asking around for groups.

Solo, is slow and painfully boring. For a class that is so hard to level I hate the fact that Archers get nerfed so badly. To be fair I do sometimes think the damage we do is a little too much, I can quite easily kill a level 50 caster (at level 42) in a couple of shots. I could handle a nerf to damage, I can handle an increaded miss/fumble rate, but to effectively remove our ability to stealth?!?

As for melee, if you spec high in melee then okay you can dish out a fair deal of sword damage but you will nerf your sniper skills if you do. Speccing in melee is not a good idea generally, I dont think there is one class in the game that couldnt kill us in hand to hand.

All this said Scout is a really fun class to play in RvR and think even after the nerfs still will be, but after level 20 PvE is a nightmare, dont expect to be levelling in groups too often.


Originally posted by Solid

FYI Ottar

I tested with Sarine in emain PK once, we both stripped naked with no buffs

Solid 50 Norse thane +10 in con at start, Con = Tertiary stat
898 hp

Sarine 50 Norse Skald +10 in con at start, Con = tertiary stat
898 hp

in Conclusion thanes, skalds and hunters ARE on the same hp table, theer is no doubt, it is FACT





Maybe I'm biased but I don't think Paladins are gimped. Some individuals have chosen to gimp their characters -- not developing their chants and putting silly amounts of training into slash or whatever.

We will never hit as hard as armsmen so it's really not worthwhile going down that route. Paladins were designed as group tanks and do the job *damn* well when they've been specced properly.

The only change I'd make would be to give us more hit points. Other than that, if a paladin knows his class well and can use his chants properly he will do as well as any other melee class in RvR, and be the best tank for PvE.


Let me add my experiences to the thread.

Firstly, I will group with any class if there is room. Scouts, cabalists, infils, whatever. They all have their uses. Scouts good for pulling from afar. Cabalists can still nuke. Infils can melee well. And since I am a 2handed sword wielding, heal chanting, taunt style hitting paladin, I always have the agro anyway.:D

My Specs
Race: Highlander
Class: Paladin
Level: 49.7
Starting stats: 10 to str, piety and con (this is my first char)
Stats (Unbuffed): STR 168, CON 169, DEX 83, QUI 81 (approximate values)
Hitpoints (Unbuffed): 1350 approx.
Hitpoints (buffed by best enh-Cleric I've met): 1750 approx.
Armour Factor (with Aura and AF chant): 810 approx.
Used Weapons: Ravenclan Battlesword, Greater Telamon Scimitar, Ancient Ebony Scimitar
Equiped shield: Witherwood bark medium shield
Armour: Mixture of Caeillach Plate AF98, Midnight Plate AF92 and that ellyll stuff.
Skills (base): Chants 48, Two-handed 47, Slash 26, Parry 19, Shield 8
Yeah I get mezzed/killed a lot but i've done 500+ damage to blue cons before. Usually do 130 ish to yellow/oranges wearing chain.
So it varies greatly.

I have lots of fun all the time. And its my class. I've always played paladins.

I am greatly looking forward to further developments of this game which will include horses and mounted combat. I have no desire to be the highest RP-earning uberd00d. Just wanna have fun with my guildies and developing my character.

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