Irc/Mirc quakenet. Info



We have a channel on quakenet

If u wanna chat there or something
download mirc/irc on

then join the server

either u click on the status window and type

and then u need a nickname u edit it by type
/nick name

to join a channel u type

/join #channelname for example

/join #daoc.prydwen

we hang out there alot anyway if anyone intressted :)

atm 19.20cet its 257ppl in the channel :)

also a channel for excalibur is up #daoc.exc

pvp channel is #daoc.camlann

Did this info cause i saw not all know what mirc/irc is :)


Originally posted by Mid_Blejsarus
Did this info cause i saw not all know what mirc/irc is :)

Almost sounds like you're not too sure yourself.. anyway, to clarify:

"IRC stands for "Internet Relay Chat". It was originally written by Jarkko Oikarinen in 1988. Since starting in Finland, it has been used in allmost all countries around the world. IRC is a multi-user chat system, where people meet on Channels (rooms, virtual places, usually with a certain topic of conversation) to talk in groups, or privately. There is no restriction to the number of people that can participate in a given discussion, or the number of channels that can be formed on IRC. (Read more on how IRC started in and jarkko2.txt)".

"mIRC" is an IRC-client for windows.


Re: Re: Irc/Mirc quakenet. Info

Originally posted by old.Immortal

Almost sounds like you're not too sure yourself.. anyway, to clarify:

bla bla bla

You honestly think anyone needs to know this crap in order to chat on irc?


its mainly #daoc.whine or #daoc.I'm_uber etc....


thou if you can stfu about keepraid/relicraids dont bother to come.


Originally posted by Mid_Blejsarus
We have a channel on quakenet

Personally I would use it everyday Blej but having a player who was banned for hacking an innocent players account sitting in the channel with OP status frankly makes me sick to the stomach.


.... wtf am I banned from #daoc.prydwen...

(23:48.01) ••• Cannot join channel #daoc.prydwen, you are banned (+b). You must be unbanned.


chodax brannor quite happily talks in the channel with kr0n as ops , if he can deal with it why can't you ?


Originally posted by Euthanasia.
chodax brannor quite happily talks in the channel with kr0n as ops , if he can deal with it why can't you ?

Basically because irc was a tool involved in the hack, I personally have nothing against k0rn but I think his morals are extremly questionable. His reaction after being named bothered me more than the hack itself, if he had just put his hands up and admitted to going too far and saying sorry then he would have alot less people on his back over an incident we would all rather forget.

Generic Poster

This thread has no place on this forum and should be removed, for the safety of new users.

BarrysworldF should not be used to advertise a channel which promotes hacking, DAoC bug-abuse and other exploits.


..allthough, speaking about Thidranki is stricly prohibited!

[ 19:08:12 ] [ sko ] Senate does 1 extra damage to you! You can move again!
[ 19:08:14 ] [ sko ] Lol
[ 19:08:16 ] [ @Blejs ] who cares albs,mids,hibs fastest to type
[ 19:08:37 ] [ @Blejs ] can just shut up with bg thing now
[ 19:08:44 ] [ @Blejs ] and go and level instaid and stop be grey for 50
[ 19:08:56 ] [ sko ] blejs shut up you dont know shit
[ 19:09:04 ] · · ChanMode: Blejs sets mode [ +b ] *!*
[ 19:09:04 ] · · [#daoc.prydwen] You were banned by Blejs
[ 19:09:13 ] · · Kicks: you were kicked from #daoc.prydwen by [ Blejs ] : [ shit is bard word! ]

Yes, yet another example of the babybrain, who is unable to type proper English, unleash his wrath upon poor innocent sko, for smalltalking. Be warned, for it is not safe. Are you un-leet and play Thidranki? If you are, DO NOT speak about it, or you may suffer this very cruel fate, just as I. Fear Blejsarus, the pink troll. And fear mid headgear, it is said to shrink the brain, especially of Thanes. <sigh>

Feel free to flame me, I guess i deserve it. I can't help it. Me and Blejs have this extremely tremendeous chemistry.

PS: Old.Sko on barrysworld is *NOT* sko on IRC. Please don't mix us up.

Generic Poster

Originally posted by ghoul
yes, we promote hacking.

So why advertise the channel on a public forum?

Of course, you're being sarcastic. But you cannot deny or argue against what I say.

Many exploiters use that channel, as does it promote hacking other player's PCs.


Originally posted by Generic Poster

So why advertise the channel on a public forum?

Of course, you're being sarcastic. But you cannot deny or argue against what I say.

Many exploiters use that channel, as does it promote hacking other player's PCs.

Many exploiters use forums aswell.

IMO, one of the reasons Prydwen has a great community is due #daoc.prydwen. Most of the servers "famous" and most active players reside there. Thus creating a closer community with all realms.

Good things override the bad things easily.

And sko... If people knew the whole thing, probably no one would wonder why he banned you.

This thread has no place on this forum and should be removed, for the safety of new users.

BarrysworldF should not be used to advertise a channel which promotes hacking, DAoC bug-abuse and other exploits.

New players arent all kids, they might know already whats good for them and whats not. IF you think that way, fine, keep away. No one wants a big ass whiner there anyways.

Everyone should draw their own conclusions, not listen to some half-wit anonymous poster without guts of standing behind the words.


Originally posted by kr0n
And sko... If people knew the whole thing, probably no one would wonder why he banned you.

I seriously doubt that cause I'm not sure myself.

Originally posted by kr0n
IMO, one of the reasons Prydwen has a great community is due #daoc.prydwen. Most of the servers "famous" and most active players reside there. Thus creating a closer community with all realms.

You can't be serious? #daoc.prydwen is 24/7 insult/whine/bitching/fu etc, it sure does something to the community, but it's far from good.

Generic Poster

Originally posted by kr0n
Many exploiters use forums aswell.

IMO, one of the reasons Prydwen has a great community is due #daoc.prydwen. Most of the servers "famous" and most active players reside there. Thus creating a closer community with all realms.

Everyone should draw their own conclusions, not listen to some half-wit anonymous poster without guts of standing behind the words.

There's one clear difference between exploiters on this forum, and those on IRC.

On this forum, you don't know if they're using daocx or similar.
On #daoc.pryd it becomes obvious after a while.

Of course, some people have two PCs but a large number of #daoc.pryd users will use daocx. Which is illegal, afaik.

New players to the game, and I'm sure many others first learned of and acquired 'daocx' from #daoc.pryd

That's not to mention it's lack of regulations, which are harmfull to anyone who enters the channel. Any IRC channel where the OPs are free to abuse their position and freely hack someone's PC, which leads on to serious bug-abuse within DAoC, isn't a channel worth entering.

Anyone would think some diciplinary action would have been taken within #daoc.pryd - but, no. This leads me to believe you approve of people port-scanning and hacking anyone within the channel. The OPs of any channel are responsible for all those within and should ensure users have a safe environment to meet in. #daoc.pryd however, prefers to cater for scriptkiddies and noobs alike.

Anyone entering the channel should be given a warning:
By entering this channel, you may be port-scanned, you may be hacked, you may have your DAoC-account stolen and abused
(That will be done by the OPs).

Regular users may invite you to use an illegal windowing program, like daocx.

As for 'famous' players, what you mean are the 'irc-spammers'. The only names I recognise in RvR, are those I want to kill. I couldn't care less how well they are known in #daoc.pryd or where-ever.

Sure, we all love each other here(Prydwen)

As for that annon bit. I couldn't give a rat's ass if you know me or don't. It's insignificant.


Originally posted by Generic Poster

That's not to mention it's lack of regulations, which are harmfull to anyone who enters the channel. Any IRC channel where the OPs are free to abuse their position and freely hack someone's PC, which leads on to serious bug-abuse within DAoC, isn't a channel worth entering.

Anyone would think some diciplinary action would have been taken within #daoc.pryd - but, no. This leads me to believe you approve of people port-scanning and hacking anyone within the channel. The OPs of any channel are responsible for all those within and should ensure users have a safe environment to meet in. #daoc.pryd however, prefers to cater for scriptkiddies and noobs alike.

Anyone entering the channel should be given a warning:
By entering this channel, you may be port-scanned, you may be hacked, you may have your DAoC-account stolen and abused
(That will be done by the OPs).

Agrees, and couldn't have said it better myself.


Originally posted by Generic Poster

and as for that annon bit. I couldn't give a rat's ass if you know me or don't. It's insignificant.

Then tell us your ingame name......... maybe then we could get some insight into your sad way of thinking.

:rolleyes: another day as "Generic Poster" teh "Masked Coward" of the forums


Originally posted by tieris
:rolleyes: another day as "Generic Poster" teh "Masked Coward" of the forums
i think Generic Poster is a twat don't get me wrong but at least he's not an illiterate cunt like yourself Tieris and tbh i think he'd rather be "teh "Masked Coward" of the forums " then a complete an utter fucktard like yourself .
now HUSH.


#daoc.prydwen can be a fun place, sure theres some whineing, but it's also alot of great moments in that channel.
the "Hacking" then..... 1 person used the channel to scan for open trojans, everybody should use a Virusscan, if they dont the chance of catching a Email worm are bigger then getting "hacked" via IRC.

Most ppl use irc to whine abit, to let some steam out, most ppl laugh at them and it's overwith, apperanly some ppl cant see this, and think that everything ppl say over the internet are the truth, and they mean all they say about this.... poor you...

If you like to "get to know" your foe's then irc can be great.

Just follow the rules, no talk about Relic raids.



Yepps i do HATE you :)
And if u spam the channel with bg crap all the time its gets like ZzZZ, and u should try to learn to try to type more longer sentance then do like



Anyway if u dont wanna be in the channel, who cares i dont i laugh at you most of the times. But if u mess up the channel ofc u get banned. And i mean you do know alot ppl dislike u? Or perhaps 1 of your personalities since u are scitzo and all?
Maybe 1 that i laugh at maybe 1 that tells FU, and maybe 1 other that brags over all BG kills? Anyway try act normal and stop spamming crap in the channel.


To all others, you dont need to be in the channel and yes ofc, some ppl maybe try "hack" etc. And yes that isnt that goodie.
I dont know the kr0n situation tbh that much. Diffrent stories from other ppl etc. But he got his account banned so he got a "pentalty". And tbh that channel is imo SOO great.
Its alot of fun to talk to others etc, and when its boring on nights u often setup duells using the channel and that is imo very fun instaid of perhaps 20camp apk and only 5 albs there u do some duells and with the duells u get perhaps 15more albs to showup and more mids, that is just 1 fun thing. Any yes some ppl use daox, so? Fun to sit a on a freakin horse for 10min or wait for portal for 10min and do nothign when u can surf or chat meanwhile? Daox to the ppl i say.

Blejsarus 50thane
Blejsiarus 50Shadowblade
Blejsirosa 24healer
Blejsii 11Spiritmaster in semiprogness

Blejsarus 46bard
Blejs 8Champ

Blejsarus 50bard


Most of the people who whine about the channel on the boards are those who don't use it. I find it a huge contradiction that people here say they don't use the channel and then go on to flame it.

The misinformed call out "Cheaters!!1 DAoX!!1" and blame the channel for a variety of things, yet I've been going there for a while and have made nothing but friends and it's given me an insight into the players of other realms.

Sure, people whine, but that happens everywhere. Sure, people argue, but again, that's normal.

I've had some great conversations there and I find it a nice place to pass the time, laugh at people, laugh with people and get flamed :)

An incident happened, it was dealt with. Big deal! The accused was found guilty and punished for his crimes. The victim himself STILL uses the channel. Surely that says something?

If you don't choose to use the channel that's your own concern, it doesn't give you the right to come here and spout ill informed nonsense.


well said dook but you kind of trod on my original point :(

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