Ipod is not very usefriendly.............


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
I just think its horrible.

my £25 plugin USB mp3 player is better then this all i do is just drop the file into the disk folder and its done.

with ipod you have to do alot more crap which is bs!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
My iPod was given as a present from a family member, so I am honour bound to use it, given the choice I would not go near one.

My main problems have been with iTunes, and it's alternatives, they are slow, resource hungry, and dont treat network drives right.

I update my partner's MP3 Player using Windows Media Player, I really wish I could use WMP on the iPod instead, I have found a product that claims to enable this and I will be trying it soon (


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I quite like the iPOD. In principal it is appealing to me. Small, sleek and holds enought music for me. So it fits the bill. However, the problem I have is more to do with iTunes rather than the iPod itself. You dont have the option to select and de-selct all tracks for the purposes of deleting and updating your ipod. As mentioned by xane it is also very resource hungry


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
iTunes is nothing like as resource hungry as it was. The first 4.x releases on Windows were extremely memory hungry and sluggish but 4.9 is much better. It's not as slim as Winamp 2 or anything like that, but I wouldn't say it was a resource hog anymore.

The iTunes+iPod interface itself is more a matter of taste, of course. Personally, it works perfectly for me. I maintain one big playlist of songs that I want to always have on my iPod, plus smart playlists to pick out all the music I've recently added, played that day, rated highly and played the most. Plus another list that picks songs I've not played for 2 months.

Now, if all you want to do is drop files onto it then I can see how it's a bit of a pain doing it through iTunes, but none of what I describe above can be done without iTunes. That's the call Apple made and architecturally you can't do both.

Ultimately, the iPod is much less useful unless you use iTunes as your primary music player. I can't speak for any of the alternatives (like the Winamp plug-in).


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
SD memory cards for storage though, that will get expensive.


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
Prices will drop as time goes on, and they have just released a 4GB SD card, although it will cost 600 bux!!!

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