iphone jailbreak madness


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I know this is a long shot but: do we have any iphone gurus reading this forum?

My problem: I´ve got my father´s iphone, which - unfortunately - has a SIM lock from t-mobile. I cancelled the contract with t-mobile and now I want to unlock the goddamn thing. Read some tech blabla on serveral forums (felt like a primary school boy reading a phd thesis on maths) and really managed to jailbreak the thing and install the unlock software. But now... one step before "Vincent, we happy?"... the silly thing doesn´t find an internet connection to download the unlock pack.

Techincal specs:

iphone 3g
Firmware: 3.1.3
Modem FW: 05.12.01.

The phone does NOT have a SIM card installed (I still have the old card, but it´s not active anymore)

jailbreak via redsnow, Cydia installed.


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
Not too sure, but I think the 3G isn't exactly new, so you should be able to go to a T-Punkt and get it unlocked there. A friend told me that they do it after one year. Of course the problem is, that most people who work at those fascinating little pink stores have no clue whatsoever :( so maybe send them a mail or phone them or something like that.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I phoned t-mobile and they told me, that you can unlock the phone after 2 years (starting from the day when you buy it / sign the contract). Has nothing to do with t-mobile, it´s an Apple thing.. at least that´s what the bloke told me.

And it´s still far away from 2 years. :(


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
No, that's bollocks Thorwyn. T-mobile have to give you an unlock code if you are out of their contract period / have paid off the entire contract.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
No, that's bollocks Thorwyn. T-mobile have to give you an unlock code if you are out of their contract period / have paid off the entire contract.

Not in this particular case. They sell you the iphone in combination with a 2 year contract and I cancelled this contract just a couple of months after my father signed it, because he passed away and none of us wanted to take over this t-mobile contrace. That´s why - according to the guy on the phone - they won´t give me an unlock code. When I asked him: "So basically the phone is now a useless ipod?" he said: "No, you can always put in a new t-mobile SIM cardl." :D

@Sparx and Apollo
Yes, that´s exactly what I have done. Installed redsnow and Cydia, just like these tutorials say. Problem now is, that the iphone doesn´t seem to have an internet connection, so I can´t unlock the thing. Might be a WiFI problem, I`ll try to find WLAN spot later today. :)


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
Can't you just take it to one of those high street stores & get them to unlock it for you there & then? Every high street in London has at least one of these shops where you can take your phone & they'll fix it


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
That´s another option, yes. Unfortunately, I don´t know of any such store in my town, so I might need to make a trip to Cologne. :)


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Anyone know when the untethered jailbreak for 4.2.1 is due?


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
It is beyond me why anyone would buy a phone that is locked. Why? So you can be in a crappy contract for 2-3 years and have to pay more than you would initially.

ford prefect

Can't get enough of FH
Aug 27, 2006
I have never used t-mobile, but contact them. I know O2 provide a web interface to unlock your iphone when the contract runs out - I daresay other providers do the same thing.

Edit: Jail breaking the iphone isn't the same as unlocking it - the jailbreak allows pirated software ect to be installed on the phone by opening the OS - but the lock is contained on secondary firmware which can't be downgraded.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
It is beyond me why anyone would buy a phone that is locked. Why? So you can be in a crappy contract for 2-3 years and have to pay more than you would initially.

It's not always more expensive.

You need to work out the cost of the phone + your usage to determine this. With most of the high end phones it's cheaper to get the phone on a contract unless you make very few calls.


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
I know this is a long shot but: do we have any iphone gurus reading this forum?

My problem: I´ve got my father´s iphone, which - unfortunately - has a SIM lock from t-mobile. I cancelled the contract with t-mobile and now I want to unlock the goddamn thing. Read some tech blabla on serveral forums (felt like a primary school boy reading a phd thesis on maths) and really managed to jailbreak the thing and install the unlock software. But now... one step before "Vincent, we happy?"... the silly thing doesn´t find an internet connection to download the unlock pack.

Techincal specs:

iphone 3g
Firmware: 3.1.3
Modem FW: 05.12.01.

The phone does NOT have a SIM card installed (I still have the old card, but it´s not active anymore)

jailbreak via redsnow, Cydia installed.

Manually write down the web adress of the unlock software in Cydia.

Anyways your firmware en Modem should make it easy to unlock it (old). I tried it on the exact same spec'd Iphone and it worked for me in the end.

Just do some more reading!


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Thanks for the support, folks.
I finally made it... was all about finding a good and stable WLan spot. Works fine now...


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
Thanks for the support, folks.
I finally made it... was all about finding a good and stable WLan spot. Works fine now...

Haha :D, good to hear. I Drove around my town on a bike to find a free (default password 4tehwin) Wifi spot for my Iphone.

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