Inviting members to new guild



just out of curiosity,how many times have u actually RvR'd together? :p ive seen 7-8 of you online at the same time the last few days but never rvr'n :p


EoO was a worthless zergguild. Wake up and smell the "invite everyone you can policy" laying there rotting with DoJ and what's left of EoO.

Recruiting guilded folks is lame, a guild should have something to offer other then promises of glory. If a guild is worth joining members ask to join themselves.

Enough trolling, where's my bed?


K, I've spoken to our members and only gm's will invite new people, so the spamming will stop :).

And about people "will join if we are worth it", well, without any members we can't really offer anything right? :D

But we got some nice active people and guildgroups are slowly forming now... Problem is that some of our players are on holiday now :(...

We've been in emain (yesterday HW also) alot today, we even went with a group in DF when we got it back :).

Any of you acient-gms have other helpfull info? :)


EoO was perhaps zerg in pve events, but that others should be happy over since it was like legions raids 6 guilds or what ever EoO often showed up twice amount and still got same as a guild with 2groups while EoO camed with 4groups...
In rvr we wernt zerg guild atleast, wasnt that many guild groups happend abit more in the end. But i agree EoO was very fun times. And yes we did invite all in beginning and in end we had wrong policy to. Since it was meant to be a rvr guild. But still we had most rp as guild before it "died". and thats just fact :) And that wasnt cause we zerged etc, had alot of good players in it that did rvr alot.

But anyone about Fatal, i got pm from some none guildes tell they got invited many times to the guild etc, evne a buffbot ^^

and 1 thing about apporching ppl that is in a guild aint wrong imho. if u think that player will be a asset to your guild ask.
If he dont wanna join nothing else with that he should be "glad" that u wanted him to join your guild and the guild he is in should feel proved that others want him to join their guild, imo atleast.


hmm... steal member from guilds?

well... to those that say someone stole one of the members I just need to say wake up... if you feel that someone stole a member from you then you have to see the members of the guild as your property... I wouldn't want to be in a guild where my Guildmaster thought of me as a slave...

I do not think it's wrong to offer someone a new guild... even if the person is guilded allready... if the person choise to leave your guild join annother guild then your guild doen't have something the member want... should he stay in your guild just to make you happy?

then again... keep bugging members of other guilds to join is wrong... and do a /who <guild> then start pm:ing is wrong also...

what I'm saying is that it is ok imo to ask guilded people to join your guild IF you can handle it nicely...

people leaving the guild to join other guilds should be a bell to guild leaders that something isn't as good as it could be... if someone leave your guild and joins a "RvR guild" then your guild obviusly need to RvR more to get the more RvR focused people to stay... if you can't do that then I'm affraid you can't do much about the people leaving... if they don't find your guild ennough for what they wants to do with the game and annother guild is offering them that, then imo you can only wish them luck in their new guild...

however... I don't wish to make any statement about how Fatal Legacy did it on a "nice" way since I don't know how they did it other then I could read in this topic...


EOO did lots of good for midgaard but Iam sure we are alot that remember EOO campimg apk 2fg from 1800-2400 and when nothing came out anymore they move to ligen.

For people outside EOO it looked like ZERGFORTEHWIN.

Still they always came to every event with 2x the NR any could bring.

Me I hated EOO special when ½ Mighty Chronicales merged with them. Maybe I should hate Acean the GIMP that thought is better to have a guild of 100 members then a guild of 30 with some of the best players in the realm ( Divious Ostoden Azurat Bigade Meaniex Avon Gini to name a few ) and by doing that Killing the alliance .



Originally posted by zapzap
EOO did lots of good for midgaard but Iam sure we are alot that remember EOO campimg apk 2fg from 1800-2400 and when nothing came out anymore they move to ligen.

For people outside EOO it looked like ZERGFORTEHWIN.

Still they always came to every event with 2x the NR any could bring.

Me I hated EOO special when ½ Mighty Chronicales merged with them. Maybe I should hate Acean the GIMP that thought is better to have a guild of 100 members then a guild of 30 with some of the best players in the realm ( Divious Ostoden Azurat Bigade Meaniex Avon Gini to name a few ) and by doing that Killing the alliance .


I remember the PK camping yus .. zzz I also remember Warders and Eoo not getting on at all while i was there :) me and dosfera had a few heated arguements either about malm loot ... or the fact he would never res me in emain when id been rushed by 20 gray/green albs.

Think main problem was we were the first guild that could do real guild only things ... keep takes/malm xp hunting etc, other guilds got pissed off when we left them outta this.

Warders were always a amazing guild though ... First 2 level 50 on the server kaaine/rudor Eoo got 3rd with blej and by time we got to about 20th lvl50 eoo and warders had about same iirc ... and albs had like 1 ? :)

I have no idea what happend after i sold snozrick .... but i imagine things went down hill when Grizlas quit + kalgarn/zarff/blej left.


agree one point, sending pm:s to allready guilded member is stupid.
you need "earn name" to your guild, make it so peeps want to join.
dont find any ss, but otherwise, probably dont even bother look them.

its easy blame other guilds GM if peeps leave old guild when "new" is better, but its alott easier promise stars from sky what keep it.
personally when i have sended some pm:s around, crafting copple new member, i have allways told them, we dont are any pure rvr guild, dont offer PL or any that kind "luxury".

crafting other guild members? is no! no! in my eye.


We don't offer people the "stars in the sky". I added ""Would you like to join a new RvRguild?". Which means that we need members to make it work.

It is easy to say we have to make a name and people will come to us. How can we make a name before we got enough members to do so? BO, SC, and others can now be more selective because they already have a good guild going with plenty of members, we don't.

When you start a guild with 8 people you can't afford to be as selective as other guilds, because you might be 8 people for a long time. We haven't had any problems so far with the members we invited and if we did however have someone in the guild thats a f00king pain in the ass, we will do something about that.

K, we might did stuff wrong at the beginning, and I apologise for it, but alot of people forget we are a new guild that first needs a good base of members to begin setting a name...



one thing you can say about EoO, they knew what they were doing, no matter what they were doing :)

Roo Stercogburn

A few Fedaykin have been approached.

Strangely, none when playing low level chars, can't imagine why that is ;)

Sorry Sethantac, it sounds pretty much like some people that want an insta-uber-rp-farming guild more than anything else without having to build it up themselves, apologies if this sounds a little cynical.

I have met some FL peeps as I trundle around Mid in various guises and all have seemed like nice peeps so far.

Regarding poaching, I'm not overly bothered by it. If a GM thinks about it, the people that are able to be poached are not the people you want in a guild anyway, or at least, these people will never form the core of a good guild. Byebye, have fun, good luck, PM once in a while to say hi.

Naturally, any Feds that wish to join are welcome to. We all pay our subs and go online to chill out and have fun in our own way and the go-gettem approach FL are taking doesn't bother me.

But I have to say I wouldn't do it like that. If anything I am possibly too circumspect when it comes to recruitment. Only time I've extended an invite overtly is when it is someone who isn't lvl50 and they are unguilded and I've been grouping with them. Take a risk from time to time on peeps because I have a strong belief that peeps should be given a chance but with very few exceptions, Fed doors have been pretty much closed for quite some time now. Ironically, I seem to have spent some time helping peeps find other guilds.

If I see any RvR-Guild-hungry players, I'll point them at FL :)

Oh, one last thing: there is no such thing as an RvR Guild. You need PvE support to keep it supplied/funded. Best you can hope for is to focus on RvR. Anyone that thinks they can eliminate PvE in a game like DAoC is kidding themselves on. If you want that, go play Planetside ;)


Thanks for all the replies and hopefully more replies to come :).

Today we did a small DF hunt (PvE first :)) and lasted for 1.5h or more and was great fun, we had some 50- people in group and got great gold/seals/exp :). Then when albs got DF again we raced with some non-FLers and camped alb entrance (RvR second :D) and had tons of fun/rps.

We even got 3 more people that dinged 50 yesterday and today I played till we got 400k (400.002 rps :D) rps. A small victory for us imo!

Juling :)


Juling, your ghey, dont listen to him lol. He joined a day after the guild was formed - here are the people who formed it

Celigimp (Celikon)
Ronid or somthing :p (not on v much)
and some more people - but the point is .... that People left Nemesis becuase of some arguement or childish fuck up that Grym caused - I have no idea why or when it happened all i know is that i like FL now, who ever called Mealstrom a shitty guild is a shit themselfs, seen a few Mealstrom people around and they seem nice imo

But i think inside FL chat it's great :p




Juling imo stfu ...

Sry for his gimpness - We have cut down on inviting much more - since we got forums up ect, well i'm off on holiday for 3-4-6weeks soon so ill get back and i will be insterested to see what i find lol :p


I see bought chars, they seem to travel in packs.

:mgwhore: :flame: :mgwhore2:


Originally posted by dozigden

EoOs old recruitment spamming like this was one of the first things that put me off them - likewise for BO now.

just lol on you, spamming? as BO?
i asked some ppl in beginning that i wanted to have in same guild with that was needed, and was a good player to.
Something wrong? Imo not at all.
Its same as i had a discussion with ppl before.
If u work at a company and then get a better offer from another company, its thats person choice only if he wants to stay or leave.
So if u tell we are spamming just shyyy. cause its bs.
I asked ppl like i said but i wouldnt try over and over and over again. i can quote a sentance grizlas like to say.
"die etc" and bb have fun.
Oh btw u welcome to check our forum if u want to see that ppl do apply to join fyi ^^ And for a second note i wouldnt even be able to name 5ppl that i want to join guild atm.


Originally posted by shanks
I see bought chars, they seem to travel in packs.

:mgwhore: :flame: :mgwhore2:

Sethanac plays Juling on his m8 acc, so not bought or traded.


his m8's? ;p

well... that could still be traded/bought... if you only knew how many that have called me m8/mate ;p

anyhow... bought/traded or not... I think shanks point was that it wasn't his own char...


Yep, mostly traded chars it seems, but oh well.

Take it from me, trading character = worst thing you can do in daoc, destroys the game.


lol nevermind my guildie's gimpness (*cough* Cid *cough*).

I've done more for this guild then some of the people who started is and am planning to continue doing so...

He's just angry I whooped his ass in every duel I did with him :D


So? Savages woop most things ass's

And you've done more things for the guild than most people...

like? ok heres 1

DF hunting u taunt the aggro with ur gimpy taunt spell so i cant re-taunt...WARRIORS ARE AGGRO HOLDERS no a savage..


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
Sorry Sethantac, it sounds pretty much like some people that want an insta-uber-rp-farming guild more than anything else without having to build it up themselves, apologies if this sounds a little cynical.

This is what SoN has had too.

2, what i have heard of, has been offerd spot in FL. And I wont say SoN has small RvR activity.

From what I can see, FL wants to offer uber RP farm groups. But imo, you cant achive this by mass invite/invite already guilded players.

If you want that kind of RvR guild you should recruit as BO dose. (Yes Blej, i read your forums :p)

Invite classes, not players. You need diff classes to form uber groups. (duuh)

Also...I was myself asked to join, I declined because I dont wish to leave the GM spot or the friends on Sons of Nidhug.

If a recruiter dont take the time to find out who the member is, why ask?...

and yes...Jon for president! :D


One of my members got offerd an invite just because she had some death spam. She turned it down ofc. If one of my members want to join another guild they are free to do so, but i don't want anyone trying to recruit them, that is wrong imo.If they want to join your new guild they will without anyone asking. I know that i take it hard when someone leaves us cause then i have failed as a guildmaster.

And how to make a new guild work.... well i can just speak out of Enhärjarnas perspective. We started off very small with just 10 members, but over the last year more and more people seem to join us, don't know if it is that we have a good reputation or not :)
It has taken 1 and a half years to make us a small name in RvR and still many many have never heard about us. We are both a RvR and a PvE guild, and in the last month people are getting their gear done and stuff and want to RvR alot.

About the talk about EoÒ:
It was good old days when you could always count on EoÒ when our realm needed it. And you should never talk bad about other guilds cause all guilds have some reputation and i don't think anyone want it to be bad.
"What goes around comes around"

Ps: i know i can't spell properly and can't formulate a sentence correct Ds.


Originally posted by -Cid-
So? Savages woop most things ass's

And you've done more things for the guild than most people...

like? ok heres 1

DF hunting u taunt the aggro with ur gimpy taunt spell so i cant re-taunt...WARRIORS ARE AGGRO HOLDERS no a savage..

Mmmm savages can tank as good as warriors imo, and even do more dmg. Ok, they have no block, but lets see if you tank a orange/red mob and then i will...

Nevermind Cid's posts, his intelligence might be to high for us :eek7: :D

And why is everbody saying we want an instant-uber-rp-farming-teh-guild? Because we got of at a wrong start ("mass"-inv)? Well, that was because we are newbies at making a new guild (RvRguild...) and this seemed best at the time... Now we aren't mass-inv anymore so don't see a problem there.


Go make u savage be main tank killing lvl 70 mobs :/ poor healers oom after 1 min, there can be question about it , warrior is the pvp king in midgaard, killing orange mobs or red any class can do.


Roo Stercogburn

Originally posted by zapzap
Go make u savage be main tank killing lvl 70 mobs :/ poor healers oom after 1 min, there can be question about it , warrior is the pvp king in midgaard, killing orange mobs or red any class can do.


Only way Zapsi kills anything above green con is by showing them what's REALLY under his eyepatch...

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