Intolerable Cruelty


Xtro 2.0

Not seen it yet mate.

If I didn't know it was the Coen Brothers I'd have stalled on going to see it as it looks like your average rom-com from the trailer.

Does it smack of being a Coen Brothers film?


Had some very funny moments, but lacked something. I dunno, didn't really have much focus or direction if you ask me.

Still, loved the Coen Brothers quirkiness that it had. And did you notice Clooneys obsession with his teeth was very much like his obsession with his hair in O brother?


It was very good, got free tickets to see it a week or so back. Wasn't impressed with the trailers and went in expecting to be bored.

How wrong I was, it was quirky, funny and held your attention. It felt a little short and the plot was obvious, but it's definetly one I want to see again.


This is NOT a cohen brothers film per se.

They directed it but they never wrote it. So to make a comparison with their other works would be a bit silly.

Saying that, I hear it's very good none the less and will probably go see it.

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