


issue: The rate at which casters are negated is extreme. With prominent end regen, high level determination tanks, high magic resists, and the unfriendly interrupt system, casters feel that it's too easy to negate their damage output. However there's much hope that TOA will help even these areas out with abilities like "Bodyguard" and the caster enhancement bonuses on items.

answer: With the recent changes to resists, the additions of certain MAs and artifacts, and the upcoming RA review, we expect a cumulative effect that will really being casters much closer to where they need to be in RvR.

From latest ench TL report. :)

If anyone is left playing by then ofc ...


It will still be dark age of tankalot. You still burn your power off so fast as a casters, and now they even chance the resist debuffs to 7s instead of the 15s it is atm. Thats means like 2-3 nukes then you have to redebuff. They love tanks....period :(


They dont like anything more then others.

They just screwed up majorly and have a hard time to rebalance it.


It puzzles me when 99 % of the players say " WE DONT WANT THE INTERRUPT SYSTEM" and they just keep saying "huh".

Just started a new team on Mid excal, picked 3 savages over a warrior. Making a new guild called CAPS LOCK.

Wtfpwn OfDoom (savage1)
Quad Mcpwn (savage2)
Roxxor McOwnage(savage3)
Spammzor Aoe (healer1)
Instus McMezzors (healer2)
Amnesius AoeDoomETC (healer3)
Diseased McRoxx (shammy)
Stick AfkTellMyALt (skald)


99% of spellcasters/seers, not 99% of all ;)

And personally.. I'd rather have 30 sec castable debuff back, or 15 sec instant. No debuff-floors either. That'd make me renew :)


Originally posted by stunned
It puzzles me when 99 % of the players say " WE DONT WANT THE INTERRUPT SYSTEM" and they just keep saying "huh".

Just started a new team on Mid excal, picked 3 savages over a warrior. Making a new guild called CAPS LOCK.

Wtfpwn OfDoom (savage1)
Quad Mcpwn (savage2)
Roxxor McOwnage(savage3)
Spammzor Aoe (healer1)
Instus McMezzors (healer2)
Amnesius AoeDoomETC (healer3)
Diseased McRoxx (shammy)
Stick AfkTellMyALt (skald)

1sav, 1zerk, 1 warrior is best setup.


With a ss hero close seeing a zerker approach is like a wet dream compared to a savage.

Aule Valar

Originally posted by stunned
With a ss hero close seeing a zerker approach is like a wet dream compared to a savage.

the zerk is there for prevent flight so that the savage + skald can own it easily
also next patch its quite possible zerks and savages will be close to the same level

Edit: after reading that post, i want a new game :(


Originally posted by stunned
With a ss hero close seeing a zerker approach is like a wet dream compared to a savage.

xD, you'll find out soon enough


Originally posted by Aule Valar
Edit: after reading that post, i want a new game :(
Boycott ToA then ;) or pray that they delete those things in RvR add-on. :)


If thats what we are getting with TOA , then they can suck my hairy heini...


I think the healing node has a 15 second casting time, lasts 10 minutes in heals everybody on radius (about 350) for ~ 120 ish per 5 second tick - from what I heard pretty powerful (especially as they stack) - but hardly something you can plant down in a running battle. They'll probably nerf the stacking business which will limit their use even further.

As for the rest of it some of it seems pretty powerful and Mythic have been saying for a while they want larger battles however they should have sorted out the frigging game engine and RvR patch before they put in the shinney nukes for all the kids to play with.


Originally posted by Maleg_Grumpton
I think the healing node has a 15 second casting time, lasts 10 minutes in heals everybody on radius (about 350) for ~ 120 ish per 5 second tick - from what I heard pretty powerful (especially as they stack) - but hardly something you can plant down in a running battle. They'll probably nerf the stacking business which will limit their use even further.

As for the rest of it some of it seems pretty powerful and Mythic have been saying for a while they want larger battles however they should have sorted out the frigging game engine and RvR patch before they put in the shinney nukes for all the kids to play with.

They make AOE dotters obsolete though. Dot hits for 100 every tick. Healed for 120 a tick. I only play my cabbie at keep takes/defences, after TOA I’ll have to see if I can change the name from Dotbot to WannaDuelMeAndTapMyPetForPowerBot or IllStandAtTheBackAndWatchForIncBot :(


Originally posted by civy
They make AOE dotters obsolete though. Dot hits for 100 every tick. Healed for 120 a tick. I only play my cabbie at keep takes/defences, after TOA I’ll have to see if I can change the name from Dotbot to WannaDuelMeAndTapMyPetForPowerBot or IllStandAtTheBackAndWatchForIncBot :(
Yep, that was one of the major complaints about it. AoE DoT is rarely a killer in Keep Defense / Attack when you have fairly well built groups, but it does drain healers power down over time.

However the aspect the guy was talking about it in the link above seemed to be more open RvR - only place I can see it of use there is in MG camping. Lets face it FG doesn't have much chance vs 4 - 5 FG camping MG's anyhow (unless you're DH ofc). Powerful ML, just thought that the whine of the guy on VN was a little out of context from reality.... but that's VN i guess ;)


Actually Maleg, imagine the AoD and GoP etc zergs with those tools... will that be fun to face? :)

Roo Stercogburn

Feedback from the US suggests that ToA will bring casters back into the game more than previously.

I've said before I'm dreading 1.65 as I'm taking a real kicking in that patch, but I've been assured by others that my dark gimp will still be as viable as it was before.

Hmm, two ways to take that ;)

Aule Valar

few of these notes out and you won't be able to nuke hard enough to kill anything roo :p

Roo Stercogburn

Originally posted by Aule Valar
few of these notes out and you won't be able to nuke hard enough to kill anything roo :p

And thats different from now, how? :D

Its got to be the most embaressing moment of anyone's gameplaying life to have my name tagged on the end of their death message. Not that it happens a lot :D


Originally posted by Aule Valar
the zerk is there for prevent flight so that the savage + skald can own it easily
also next patch its quite possible zerks and savages will be close to the same level

Im referring to the fact a zerker can be slammed easy, aswell as skald.

Aule Valar

Originally posted by stunned
Im referring to the fact a zerker can be slammed easy, aswell as skald.

lies! i parried a slam last week!, at least once
edit: come to think of it that may have been the week before


the sooner support is not steamrolled by /assist training newbs the better. biggest, skillless (though some would argue otherwise, only person in a group with the slightest hint of skill is the main assist who can work out what to target when), heap of shit ever witnessed

at least RvR was somewhat fun back in 1.36-1.5x without uber-optimised groups

damn, we might have had ONE zerker on our casters causing some problems, but i'd trade back for THAT ANYDAY instead of having casters/support dieing in 1 round to assist trains.

i'm hoping bodyguard does something to solve this, but i doubt it

remove /assist /stick etc in rvr imo


Nice suggestion Jenna, then my runie could be dusted off again.. :/


Just confirmed my toughts on ToA. How anyone couldn't see this add on as pure shitty Mythic revenue returning pile of shite is beyond me. All the pretty water and all that s just nice packaging. Its the items that make ToA. Madly overpowered items, how could they ever help the game, when its allready split between high realm rank players and low realm rank players because of abilities. ToA is a shitty attempt to give this game back to the casual player and it won't work. I really can't understand Mythic, they have so many players, they have lots of feedback from all sides, yet they continue to change the game in the way people don't want them too.

Any mid here ever ported to emain, joined a random group and seconds after leaving mpk, be run into the ground by PE's high realm rank crew. Same happens for Albs and Hibs. This is not a bash against PE now. But to all those players who were hoping for ToA to make RvR satisfying for them realise this. The master levels and artifacts are more powerfull than RA's imo... So now instead of leaving your Xpk and getting trashed by the local realm rank 10 group, the only difirence is your going to get trashed by Mr.PowerExp'er who has 20 pc's every difirent type of buffbot, and endless hours to spend infront of them. Yup instead of rr10's detsroying you, now it will be MasterLevel 10's. Strange but what will also probably change with this is that PvE'ers might become the eleetists, and the organized RvR's will become the whingy guys nobody listens too, and everyone call em rollplayers behind their backs.

ToA will:
Widen the gap between power gamer and casual gamer.
Have pretty lights nobody will notice after 10 minutes of play.
Make Mastery Of Water usefull oO
Totally solve all balance issuse between all classes, as they can now probably all one shot each other at ML10

ToA will not:
Mean amg squatter #543224 who is still in epic armour and realm rank 2 can compete, because he cant afford to spend hours everyday farming cash. Toa is just another peak that everyone is going to have to max in order to compete.

XP for weeks for level 50.
Farm for weeks for cash, buy sc and armour.
RvR for weeks to get realm rank 4.
Grats, now you can compete... ohh wait!
New and improved time consuming shite from TOA!!
Now spend more hours farming mobs for the necesary shitty ML and Artifact.

Roo Stercogburn

<checks power on loudhailer>

Melachi! Step away from the caffeine jar and keep your hands where we can see them. Put down the coffee mug.


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
<checks power on loudhailer>

Melachi! Step away from the caffeine jar and keep your hands where we can see them. Put down the coffee mug.

hehe too right went a bit nuts there

pretty annoyed though, that i wont be able to play this game after Feb, since I cant even afford a buffbot or the moment, am in pretty cheap SC and only realm rank 5l3. Now ill need some master levels and artifacts to do what im doing now :/

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