Interesting Weaponskill Table information



Only included figures for class/race combos with 85 Str unbuffed at level 30 and 30 natural weaponspec. Makes for interesting reading imo.

Here's the weaponskill retested for all classes results..

Tested these myself. Here are the results for Level 30s with 30 Weaponspec where applicable:

Hero (Celt) (1 Hand): 85 STR, 400 Weaponskill
Blademaster (Celt): 85 STR, 400 Weaponskill
Valewalker (Celt): 85 STR, 389 Weaponskill
Champion (Celt): 85 STR, 345 Weaponskill
Warden (Celt): 85 STR, 327 Weaponskill
Ranger (Celt): 85 STR, 327 Weaponskill

Warrior (Dwarf): 85 STR, 418 Weaponskill
Berserker (Dwarf): 85 STR, 400 Weaponskill
Savage (Dwarf) (Regular): 85 STR, 400 Weaponskill
Skald (Dwarf): 85 STR, 345 Weaponskill
Hunter (Dwarf) (Sword): 85 STR, 345 Weaponskill
Shadowblade (Norse): 85 STR, 327 Weaponskill
Thane (Dwarf): 85 STR, 327 Weaponskill

Armsman (Briton): 85 STR, 400 Weaponskill
Mercenary (Briton): 85 STR, 400 Weaponskill
Reaver (Briton): 85 STR, 345 Weaponskill
Paladin (Briton): 85 STR, 345 Weaponskill
Friar (Briton): 85 Dex, (Staff) 345 Weaponskill
Infiltrator (Briton): 85 STR, 327 Weaponskill
Minstrel (Briton): 85 STR, 327 Weaponskill
Scout (Briton): 85 STR, 327 Weaponskill


hmm thane on the rouge ws table, makes alot of sence for a tank to be on assassin ws table imo


its weird that valewalkers have more weapon skill then a thane, should be equal...


well anyway, this proves how many weaponskill tables there are for weaponspeccing classes using 100% Str based weapons.

there are 5

Pure Melee
Hybrid Tank

What is hilarious is the classes that occupy these slots, I mean a robed caster with baseline spells and which is effected by Acuity buffs has the 3rd highest weaponskill table in the game, how funny is that.

People always complaining about theur Paladins hitting like wet fish, when infact the actual weaponskill tables are the same for Paladins, Reavers, Skalds, Champs, Sword Hunters, the only differences being Str obtained from levels and in unbuffed solo encounters, selfbuffs as well.


Solid would u mind if I put this on the vn boards? I'd think they would be interested


Thats where I got it from, toasty of the Midgard Viking boards did the testing about a week or so ago and posted his results, these are his resultes.


valewalker oO

im missing friar...?

and why thane are on rogue and not champ/pally ws is kinda wierd oO


I didnt include friar cos their weaponskill is 100% dex based and so not really directly comparable.

BTW i heard the likely reason Thanes have been on the rogue weaponskill table since release was because they had a Str self buff when the game went live and Mythic deemed a self Str buff on the Hybrid table would be too powerful. however they didnt think it a problem when they gave an even better self buff to Champs, who remain on the Hybrid Tank weaponskill table.


hmm all seems right to me, cept for the thanes of course, who obviously should be same as champ/pala etc tables.

Valewalkers originally were the same as champ/paladin/etc but because of mythic messing up badly on them (something about programming scythes as working like 1h weapons or something, ie none of the proper bonuses of 2h weapons..) they got an increased weaponskill to compensate


Hmm - I wonder what a health points comparison would show - aren't Thanes on Rogue HP table too?


Yeah VWs got increased weapon skill as hardly any styles have + to-hit. Thanes should really get the same as Champs/Reavers/Skalds though. Hunters have more than rangers and scouts though :?


yer Lian, hunters got a weaponskill boost back at the same time as warriors.

I will ask toasty if he can do a HP comparison as well using /30 created chars, should make for yet more interesting viewing.


Originally posted by old.willowywicca
Valewalkers originally were the same as champ/paladin/etc but because of mythic messing up badly on them (something about programming scythes as working like 1h weapons or something, ie none of the proper bonuses of 2h weapons..) they got an increased weaponskill to compensate

Yep yep, it sucks how they did that :p


Thanes are in the same hp table as hunters.
So its usually Warriors > Sav/zerk > Sbs > Thanes/skalds/hunters.

What is more interesting is that when all classes are fully buffed, thanes get the last position at every table. Even skalds have more ws and hps when buffed than thanes.


Oh yeah and if wardens and bards had the same str, and took the weapon spec up to high lvls, they would hit the same as a thane does now :p


Pfft you are all jealous that at least i got something from my thane! :p


Originally posted by Solid
People always complaining about theur Paladins hitting like wet fish, when infact the actual weaponskill tables are the same for Paladins, Reavers, Skalds, Champs, Sword Hunters, the only differences being Str obtained from levels and in unbuffed solo encounters, selfbuffs as well.

erm isnt the reason pallies hit like wet fish because we spec more in shield than weapon? and we also have to spec in chants....

or did i miss the point completely?


ye well same as Thanes and Champions (S/S champs) Reavers and to some extent Skalds (less spec points but still 3 lines to spec)

Point was that the weaponskill tables match, and its usually Spec and Str/stats that cause the damage variance, and also the actual styles


like Malev said..

Valewalkers is a bit fucked up, instead of fixing the real problem Mythic added more WS into it which is a bad solution. The higher WS on VWs isnt as good as it looks, now why didnt the tester include that? Biased perhaps? Even VWs dont like it since its a worse solution for them rather than fixing the mechanics for the scythe.

Its easy to sit and do an A and B comparison when leaving out all the facts isnt it? At least it looks on the paper now like VWs is an ubarhybrid right?

That thanes are lowest blows, should be brought up to par with champions if that info is 100% correct and apply at all times.

edit: cant it be so that the Thanes damageadd is calculated into the whole mess? I mean, why would thanes have same WS as say, champs and have a nifty damageadd ontop of that?


Originally posted by dukat_lionheart
erm isnt the reason pallies hit like wet fish because we spec more in shield than weapon? and we also have to spec in chants....

or did i miss the point completely?

a pally and arms with equal ammounts on s/s or for that matter weapon/2hand the armsman will always hit harder

but yes having to spec chants/shield doesn´t help ;)


Originally posted by Solid
yer Lian, hunters got a weaponskill boost back at the same time as warriors.

I will ask toasty if he can do a HP comparison as well using /30 created chars, should make for yet more interesting viewing.

it would be interesting to see if the boost was only to spear (i think it was)

could fix a test with a 85 str & 85 dex hunter with spear?

and solid what about 2h weapons getting a 50% boost from str? does that also apply to dex for hunters? (i dont think so), how many of those tests were with 2h weapon, and how many with 1h?


Originally posted by Shike

edit: cant it be so that the Thanes damageadd is calculated into the whole mess? I mean, why would thanes have same WS as say, champs and have a nifty damageadd ontop of that?

yea, why should thanes have ANYTHING good?!?!?! :D


Shike, you seem to stalk me trying to downplay anything i post these days.

This was a straigth up weapon skill comparison

And for the love of god, to actually even come up with the suggestion that Thanes deserve a lower weaponskill because they have a self damage add, rofl, class specific spells should balance between the SPELLINES not be a reason to jip a class into having a lower weaponskill table.

A Thanes Damage add is one of the 6 spells he gets that would compare with a Paladins damage chant, i dont see you asking for the Paladins weaponskill table to be lowered to factor in his chant?

Seriously sometimes people really amaze me with their trail of thought.

And Blood, i think you are a bit confused, what do you mean about this 2H stuff? I didnt mention any 2H stuff.

Regardless of whether its 1H or 2H the weaponskill doesnt change.

The hunter weaponskill was a base boost and not just to spears, regardless of what mythic claim, Hunters used to be on the Rogue damage table (same as scouts and rangers) but due to WS boost are now on the hybrid table.

A Hunters Str/Dex based spear will have the same weaponskill at 30 spear @ level 30 but only if the average: (Str+Dex)/2 is equal to 85


Originally posted by Solid
Shike, you seem to stalk me trying to downplay anything i post these days.
<<<< naah not really, I am bored since subs are down :) Show me more threads except for one where I have done this mate. Dont think you will find one.

This was a straigth up weapon skill comparison

And for the love of god, to actually even come up with the suggestion that Thanes deserve a lower weaponskill because they have a self damage add, rofl, class specific spells should balance between the SPELLINES not be a reason to jip a class into having a lower weaponskill table.
<<<< was just a question wasnt it? :)

A Thanes Damage add is one of the 6 spells he gets that would compare with a Paladins damage chant, i dont see you asking for the Paladins weaponskill table to be lowered to factor in his chant?
<<<<< still, was just a question :) And tbh, I knew someone would bring up pallies, Thanes get 2h for free, think pallies would love that wouldnt they?

Seriously sometimes people really amaze me with their trail of thought.
<<<<< yes I agree :) I stopped paying serious attention when I read the namecalling you exsercised that was uncalled for imo :) However, If you find something in my posts that are untrue, feel free to bring it up to a discussion

Im a pain in the butt now I know, Im bored so sue me. After all, Im just a realmhopping Fotm yada yada and you shouldnt really pay attention to me should you? ;)

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