Interesting Scout Spec



After fiddling around with the character builder I came up with this, which I plan to test out:

50 Thrust, for Dragonfang
42 Shield, for Slam
31 Stealth
24 Longbow for Critshot 8

Race: Saracen

In my experience Scouts block a hell of a lot, especially Saracens - and with the dex caps being lowered and the changes to block next patch then high shield could really be effective. You may say, why not just roll an Armsman/Paladin, but, although Scouts only have studded armour, with evade 3 and high dex they'll be pretty hard to hit when they don't block - and with 31 stealth, which can be raised with items/RAs, a Scout with this spec can pick his fights. I'd imagine it'd also be a nasty suprise for many assassins, I've seen a Scout solo two heroes in melee before and with the new changes most SBs or NS (unbuffed) would go down pretty quickly. Longbow can be raised with items etc. giving ranged options, but the main point of this class will be a light tank who can block better than most full tanks due to high dex, and also has evade 3 - ideal for groups in PvE.

I'd like to know if anyone has tried this spec, or one close to it, or has any other points to make about pro's or con's compared to regular Scout specs.

BTW, I know Scouts auto-train Longbow, but I'm not sure how many spare points you'd get so I left this out - I'm sure Longbow could be raised to around 30 with autotrain though...?

Please, constructive criticism only - I know it's hard, but try not to flame :p


It seems a bit odd to me to roll a char and gimp its primary class-defining ability.


50 thrust - giving a 9sec stun style
42 shield - giving a 9sec stun style

Your not going to use both, why spec for both?

Slam with its typically huge chance of missing and huge end usage looks like something you could happily live without - which would let you raise bow a bit. Theres always MOBlocking if you feel you need it.


I figured, Slam is anytime, perfect for opening up a fight - whereas the opportunity for Dragonfang might not even occur in a battle... but yes, it's open to twiddling :)


spec sux.

better get like 17 + 11 (item)+ 4 (rr5) shield = 32shield
and get mastery of block 3 or so to compensate

that would be the same as 50 shield afaik ~~


Nah, I'll spec high shield so I can be some use in groups. Just because it's unconventional, doesn't mean it's rubbish :rolleyes:


Originally posted by mucking_fuppet
Nah, I'll spec high shield so I can be some use in groups. Just because it's unconventional, doesn't mean it's rubbish :rolleyes:

sorry... what use will it be in groups? you have given up your ranged damage, and you have nothing that a tank can't do better. ooo, but you have that 31 stealth... really useful for groups, that it.


phew i thought ud want to go 50 shield. My advice, DONT :)

that spec looks okish but 50 slash highlander is prolly more what ur after as u have ur stun from slam and the non-df thrust moves are poo


With better dex than just about any other tank (not many Saracen armsmen/paladins around) I can block better, thus defend healers/casters better. I can do a fair bit of damage, as thrust is partly dex based, and can pull with my bow. Should I be attacked I can block/evade fairly well, and will probably get hit less than another tank, which will mean less work for healers - and my hitpoints aren't that low either. It's going to be an interesting experiment, but I'm pretty confident of success :)


yes but thrust styles suck appart from df and ull have slam which has about the same chance of hitting


go 50 thrust or 42 shield going both high is a waste the only reason ppl go 50 thrust is to continue meleeing once they have dragon fanged afaik bows miss alot and theyed rather continue meleeing + purge so extra ws is useful for longer fights.. or go 42 shield if ud rather slam and then put 2 arrows in there head


I can boost Longbow anyway, so my bow damage won't be gimped... well I'll be the guinea pig of this spec, and if it fails miserably it'll only be my own time I've wasted :p


Why roll a ranged attack specialist class just to spec it all for melee?

Just make a sword/shield paladin and do it properly.


Because I've played every single class and I want to try something new :)


u cud roll an armsman/paladin as said in earlier posts

and dont give me crap scouts can be uber guard in high end rvr

small shield? ^^


You could try reading what I wrote, I've already played an armsman and paladin, this is what I'm going to play now, if you don't have anything to say other than "roll an arms/paladin" then don't bother posting here.


50thrust 35stealth 45bow 15shield (for GuardIII) 0 leftover

best scout spec evar!!1 imo (posted here a few days forget who by, stunning spec.. /salute)

but requires autotraining bow to 48 so umm... pl'd fotm only can apply i'm afraid ;/


yeah konah lovly spec..

could also go to 33 stealth and 14 shield :D


Theres no point in speccing for two stuns. As a scout you have to spec:

50 shield,

42 shield,

50 thrust.

For a stun, whichever you chose is up to you, each have their advantages and disadvantages, but specing for two is a waste.


Originally posted by mucking_fuppet
With better dex than just about any other tank (not many Saracen armsmen/paladins around) I can block better, thus defend healers/casters better. I can do a fair bit of damage, as thrust is partly dex based, and can pull with my bow. Should I be attacked I can block/evade fairly well, and will probably get hit less than another tank, which will mean less work for healers - and my hitpoints aren't that low either. It's going to be an interesting experiment, but I'm pretty confident of success :)

Im confident of a failure. Just roll a Saracen pally. It may feel like "OMG I OWNZ" because it is a scout..

Surely it will be fun, to have "stealth slammer" and so forth but.. :/


You seem to be trying to make yourself a group scout and that wont happen unless you have a perma group. You will find it almost IMPOSSIBLE to get a group as a scout.

I was a group based scout, but, got so frustrated trying to get groups in emain that i respecced myself for solo. (tbh i believe scouts should solo and with the 1.62 changes, especially to stealth, that is a viable option once more)

If you still want to be a group based scout and want to keep both long stuns then you will NEED to dump the stealth as you should never be using it and put it into Longbow.


After fiddling around with the character builder I came up with this, which I plan to test out:

50 Thrust, for Dragonfang
42 Shield, for Slam
31 Stealth
24 Longbow for Critshot 8

Race: Saracen

why why why?
why not just make a infil? u still have ur xbow with infil...
oooh doesnt really matter anyway..its gimped however u look at it theory is..u can slam 1sb, switch target...df another sb...swich target again if u r really good like me..but u still have 5 sbs swinging at u like the sad monkeys fighting for bananas u throw at them ...

in the end, its all up to u, its ur time and ur toon, u do whatever u advice is DONT roll a stealther..the mid stealth zerg had really killed off the soloing class in this server..

have fun..


50 Bow
42 shield
39 Slash
6 Stealth

If scouts were in any way desirable for groups I would roll that in a heart beat.


Originally posted by stt_tts_sst
After fiddling around with the character builder I came up with this, which I plan to test out:

50 Thrust, for Dragonfang
42 Shield, for Slam
31 Stealth
24 Longbow for Critshot 8

Race: Saracen theory is..u can slam 1sb, switch target...df another sb...swich target again if u r really good like me..but u still have 5 sbs swinging at u like the sad monkeys fighting for bananas u throw at them ...

have fun..

and um, my theory is this, guessing that ur trying to slam a low stealth noob team about to double pa u

you prepare to perform a slam!
sb1] evades your attack
sb1] hits you for 560 damage!
you feel weaker
your strength has decreased
your constitution has decreased
you prepare to perform a slam!
sb1]evades your attack
you are hit for 280 damage!
you cannot move!
sb2] hits you for 620 damage!
you prepare to perform a slam
you perform your slam perfectly and hit sb1] with your shield for 90 damage!
sb1] cannot move
sb2] hits you for 250 damage!
you prepare to perform a Dragonfang
you prepare tranquilise as a back up for dragonfang
you perform tranquilise perfectly and hit for 50 damage!
sb2] attacks you with her axe
you evade the attack
you perform your dragonfang perfectly...
u run at 5% health with snare
sb1 pwns u

ur spec definitely needs ip. and why would u want to slam 1 and df the other? just slam both, scouts dont realy evade all that much

highlander slash would be better :p


Originally posted by wilddork--
yeah konah lovly spec..

could also go to 33 stealth and 14 shield :D

33stealth isnt enuf at low rr and u wont get hi rr if u gettin pa'd every 5seconds ^^


Originally posted by Aussie-
spec sux.

better get like 17 + 11 (item)+ 4 (rr5) shield = 32shield
and get mastery of block 3 or so to compensate

that would be the same as 50 shield afaik ~~

You think.

50+15: 65
65/2: 32.5%

17+15: 32
32/2: 16%

16% difference.


Originally posted by -fwapp-
and um, my theory is this, guessing that ur trying to slam a low stealth noob team about to double pa u

you prepare to perform a slam!
sb1] evades your attack
sb1] hits you for 560 damage!
you feel weaker
your strength has decreased
your constitution has decreased
you prepare to perform a slam!
sb1]evades your attack
you are hit for 280 damage!
you cannot move!
sb2] hits you for 620 damage!
you prepare to perform a slam
you perform your slam perfectly and hit sb1] with your shield for 90 damage!
sb1] cannot move
sb2] hits you for 250 damage!
you prepare to perform a Dragonfang
you prepare tranquilise as a back up for dragonfang
you perform tranquilise perfectly and hit for 50 damage!
sb2] attacks you with her axe
you evade the attack
you perform your dragonfang perfectly...
u run at 5% health with snare
sb1 pwns u

ur spec definitely needs ip. and why would u want to slam 1 and df the other? just slam both, scouts dont realy evade all that much

highlander slash would be better :p

Highlander and briton was good before cap-fix. Now it's gimped imho. Running around getting debuffed down to 700 weapskill with a ~lvl40 spec aint fun. U get the same weapskill, by guessing, if u have about 850 weapskill with like 20-25 thrust after debuff.

A sb ganking you with ~1400-1500 versus yr "1337" 700 weapskill ain't exactly gonna lead you to victory. The key IS slam and critshot+normalshot and finish off in melee.

At high RR's this should become a lot easier. Saracen now has aprox 2000 weapskill buffed with bow. Run around with slash arrows and you should do 800-950 damage on a SB. and ~400-450 on the next arrow.

Thats aprox 1400 damage done. Now u have to take the 500 rest in melee, which shouldn't be to impossible with good melee RA's and _THRUST_!

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