Interesting read [DAoC 2..ish]


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 9, 2004
Very interesting, i wonder if EA could back down from their stance of having no DAOC2


Fledgling Freddie
May 24, 2004
It had a couple of new interesting ideas. Good read. Can only agree, I haven't stopped hoping for a sequal yet :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 13, 2004
Pretty interesting post.
Have to agree with pretty much everything heh.

Though I still doubt there will ever be a DAoC 2.
By doing that Mythic would pretty much confirm that Warhammer was a failure.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
This 1 made me go lul:
Secondly, you missed a major issue with DAoC, the ridiculous CC(crowd control). That is a current issue with WAR too. Mythic seems to be in love with something most of us hate.

How can any1 think that CC is so overpowered? Adds skill and tactics imo!


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
This 1 made me go lul:
Secondly, you missed a major issue with DAoC, the ridiculous CC(crowd control). That is a current issue with WAR too. Mythic seems to be in love with something most of us hate.

How can any1 think that CC is so overpowered? Adds skill and tactics imo!

It is, imo, somehow balanced in Daoc atm (apart the pet spamming).
It was indeed overwhelming in War altho.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
It is, imo, somehow balanced in Daoc atm (apart the pet spamming).
It was indeed overwhelming in War altho.

Well ive played most type of classes in somewhat competetive rvr and never found any class or any spell realy OPed(mabye old LA and quad hits on svgs) but these days the only real problem is pets, as many pets, say BDs and pre-nerf chanter pets play the interupt role better then the best player to ever grace this game, and thats a bit sad rly.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
on topic, yes please give daoc 2, and give every1 a frech start and bring back the realm unique RAs and more of the old realm unique classes and skills.

<3 old bof, baod, gp, sos etc


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
old sos was <3 when relic raiding! Mids/hibs were at the mg, but the minstrels just popped sos and the groups just ran straight through :D


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 3, 2004
The fun of old truesight at a mg. waiting for a fg to run past and popping all the stealthers infront of them :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Well, let's just wait and see how Matt Frior's mmo works out.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Well, let's just wait and see how Matt Frior's mmo works out.

Ye that, mabye mmo that might be made if all goes well etc, with all those uncertanties its "likely" to come out in 2010?:p


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
One thing i hate is vamps and their stealth lore. I heard if a normal class uses SOM stealth lore, its weaker if they also have speed in group. On vamps this is not the case so 8mans go round at speed 6 with vamps permanantly using stealth lore. Also with their passive regen to 14% it really is up all the time


Loyal Freddie
Mar 19, 2010
One thing i hate is vamps and their stealth lore. I heard if a normal class uses SOM stealth lore, its weaker if they also have speed in group. On vamps this is not the case so 8mans go round at speed 6 with vamps permanantly using stealth lore. Also with their passive regen to 14% it really is up all the time

tough shit basically, youre a stealther, if you are hanging around the areas people are going to SL then you are most likely zerging the shit out of everything anyway and deserve to die

We dont need daoc2, we need daoc with the publicity and playerbase of a new shiney game. Whether daoc could be made like the old days again i dont know, people are wise on all aspects of the game now. Having a highly populated server brings it back a bit again, but with it being in US and all the realm hopping just feels like there is no community except the old EU players you recognise. There is no simple fix for the community, daoc just got lucky on how things worked out initially and with small changes over the years, most probably not intended, that community feeling just faded away.

I for one wont ever be starting another mmorpg again anyway, barely find time for daoc now. Unless theres some magical game that somehow is as fun as daoc used to be but i doubt that very much.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
trouble is, to get the publicity and the player base of a shiny new game you need... a shiny new game.

I'd love a Daoc 2. If guildwars can do it why not Daoc?


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
If only the current UI be overhauled, its so anarchic compared to any post wow mmo. They could resell it with a sweet new UI... am I right in thinking its impossible due to the limitations of the game itself ?


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Most people look at the old DAoC and want that, which makes me think that DAoC doesn't need a sequel, it could do with a killer prequel.

They could easily set of the game in a slightly earlier time period, something along the lines of the TV show Merlin. Maybe they could set Albion in the time before the birth of Arthur, with Midgard and Hibernia set back in time similar amounts. That way they wouldn't be reinventing the wheel, they'd be able to reuse what they've got instead of creating something from scratch.

With a prequel they could just scrap all the expansion areas, stick with the mainland areas and tweak the zones accordingly. They could take the original DAoC classes, remove a bunch which would be unbalanced, add a few more for replacements and variety, rework the spells/styles for the classes. It could easily fit in with the storyline.

The biggest thing which would need improvement would be the user interface, it's just so old and never really got updated. Too many slash commands are required, too many confusing differences between left and right click. Various silly things like the class trainer window where you've got no idea what spells/styles a class gets unless you look at a 3rd party website and use a character builder. DAoC needed the interface improvements which WAR got, but nothing really got filtered back to DAoC.

Make it work like an old style MMORPG - it could be a unique selling point. Scrap instancing, it makes places look empty. Encourage people to group together, the game is boring when you solo. Put quest encounters in the areas where people of a similar level are likely to be - people are more likely to help if a realm mate is close. Don't force people from a realm to be against each other because they're fighting others to farm a drop, etc.

That would be my dream idea of another Camelot game.. :p

Though I doubt EA would let Mythic touch anything again after the WAR failure. :(


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Most people look at the old DAoC and want that, which makes me think that DAoC doesn't need a sequel, it could do with a killer prequel.

They could easily set of the game in a slightly earlier time period, something along the lines of the TV show Merlin. Maybe they could set Albion in the time before the birth of Arthur, with Midgard and Hibernia set back in time similar amounts. That way they wouldn't be reinventing the wheel, they'd be able to reuse what they've got instead of creating something from scratch.

With a prequel they could just scrap all the expansion areas, stick with the mainland areas and tweak the zones accordingly. They could take the original DAoC classes, remove a bunch which would be unbalanced, add a few more for replacements and variety, rework the spells/styles for the classes. It could easily fit in with the storyline.

The biggest thing which would need improvement would be the user interface, it's just so old and never really got updated. Too many slash commands are required, too many confusing differences between left and right click. Various silly things like the class trainer window where you've got no idea what spells/styles a class gets unless you look at a 3rd party website and use a character builder. DAoC needed the interface improvements which WAR got, but nothing really got filtered back to DAoC.

Make it work like an old style MMORPG - it could be a unique selling point. Scrap instancing, it makes places look empty. Encourage people to group together, the game is boring when you solo. Put quest encounters in the areas where people of a similar level are likely to be - people are more likely to help if a realm mate is close. Don't force people from a realm to be against each other because they're fighting others to farm a drop, etc.

That would be my dream idea of another Camelot game.. :p

Though I doubt EA would let Mythic touch anything again after the WAR failure. :(

This is a WIN idea :)


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
This is a WIN idea :)

Is good suggestions. Prequel I think would be with Arthur on the throne, but my limited experience with 'arthur games' (this and the Pendragon RPG) is they always set after the death of Arthur to free up the game from having to 'stick to the plot'. I dunno, might not be so bad having the 'historical characters' (Merlin, Arthur, Gawain, etc etc) having walk on parts as in NPC and in quests etc instead of always be written out. Same ofc with figures from Irish, Norse legends etc. I agree they'd be better off fleshing out the existing world with classes/races in the flavour of the place than all the ToA et al bollox.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
The pve needs an overhaul too. Some nights RvR is shit or you just don't feel like it. Unless you are repeat farming a mob or grinding exp there really isn't a lot to grab the attention.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
If only the current UI be overhauled, its so anarchic compared to any post wow mmo. They could resell it with a sweet new UI... am I right in thinking its impossible due to the limitations of the game itself ?

needs something more then just a UI revamp to get this game going again.

basically they would have to build it up from scratch again.

ppl are used to playing WoW, and with the combat and movement there flowing so smoothly ppl just won't accept the 1980's character movement and dodgy combat this game has.

and tbh, i'm not sure a DAoC 2 would make it any better then this game does if its Mythic that makes it.

yes they got rvr pretty much spot on but everything else is more or less a fucking nightmare, and looking at WAR its quite obvious they never learned their lessons...

i'd love to see them give it a shot tho but i wont hold any hopes that it will end up good if they do.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
The pve needs an overhaul too. Some nights RvR is shit or you just don't feel like it. Unless you are repeat farming a mob or grinding exp there really isn't a lot to grab the attention.

They could do with finding a middle ground again, something which they lost since ToA. PvE which doesn't require too much grinding, which doesn't require camping to repeat over and over again, which requires a decent number of people. At the moment they've totally killed most PvE as you can buy plenty of stuff with bounty points and other currency.

I'd like to see PvE somewhere along the lines of Darkness Falls and Caer Sidi, encounters which require more than a group, but preferably not too much of a zerg. That's just my opinion though.

They could badly do with a loot rolling system built ingame though. This is one of the areas where DAoC badly shows its age.

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