Interesting comments from Sanya @ Mythic


Georg Granfeldt

They were Hacked!

- what ever else they say from goa or mythics is crap.

- S T is just saying what she is told to write !
you know she work for Mythics..


Originally posted by the_smurflord
Reading between the lines....

Someone at GOA let the GM tools out to a few of his dodgy mates who then did the damage.
Mythic are really pissed at GOA for letting this happen.
Due to possible legal proceedings Mythic can't really comment publicly.

At least that's my interpretation of what's going on.

Sanya's trying to stop mad panic.
Some loophole in the game code allowed someone to break into GOA's server platform.


It looks increasingly like it's someone either gaining physical access to GOAs servers - disgruntled ex-employee or whatever.

Or someone's hacked the GOA machines and gained access that way.

Just guessing till they post something.


Originally posted by the_smurflord
Reading between the lines....

Someone at GOA let the GM tools out to a few of his dodgy mates who then did the damage.
Mythic are really pissed at GOA for letting this happen.
Due to possible legal proceedings Mythic can't really comment publicly.

At least that's my interpretation of what's going on.
Hey, if it'll get the DAOC licence taken away form GOA and given to a competent company that cares about its paying customers, I'm all for it.


Originally posted by Georg Granfeldt
They were Hacked!

- what ever else they say from goa or mythics is crap.

- S T is just saying what she is told to write !
you know she work for Mythics..

How do YOU know for sure?

I've said this before in another thread: nobody of us know what has happened, but that doesn't stop some of us to assume things as absolutely and undeniably true. Come to your senses, please.

And as for your second comment: there is something like confidentiality. When you work in a company, you do not make public comments on its inner workings. What you are saying, basically, is that Sanya is a slave who has to do as she is told and that GOA/Mythic are working on a huge cover-up scheme. Paranoia, anyone?

If you feel that you have been mistreated, sue GOA or quit playing. I fail to understand that you can have so much criticism on a company and still support it. I know DAoC is fun, but at least try to be a little bit consistent and let your actions reflect your words.




If you read what Sanya wrote:

Neither Mythic nor GOA has ever been hacked. If I say DAOC servers, I'm talking about the world. If I say "our servers" when I'm talking on the Herald, I mean US servers.

Y'all need to read my grab bag a little more carefully :) The part about tools that create monsters, perhaps? ;)

The important parts being

1. If I say DAOC servers, I'm talking about the world
2. If I say "our servers" when I'm talking on the Herald, I mean US servers
3. read my grab bag a little more carefully

Then read the grab bag:

Dark Age of Camelot servers have never been hacked. The tools that allow creation of monsters and other world items on live servers are internal development tools. (Here at Mythic HQ, access to these things means you work here in our office and are closely supervised.) These tools are mainly used for two purposes - on Pendragon during encounter testing, and on live servers by our customer service people who are replacing lost quest items and other such things. There has never been a misuse of these tools on any of our live servers.
Our password server has also not been hacked.

"Dark Age of Camelot servers have never been hacked"

That means neither GOA nor Mythic have ever had their game servers hacked by their own definition of it.

"The tools that allow creation of monsters and other world items on live servers are internal development tools. (Here at Mythic HQ, access to these things means you work here in our office and are closely supervised.)"

Those dev tools are restricted to being used inside the building at Mythic (presumably like the EQ admin tools won't function outside of their own LAN for security) and you are supervised when using them. However that isn't the case at GOA it would seem. Either you aren't supervised, you can use them off site or both.

"There has never been a misuse of these tools on any of our live servers."

Presumably meaning there has been a misuse of these on GOA servers since "our" only refers to Mythic servers.

"Our password server has also not been hacked."

Meaning the GOA one has? On the understanding that they refer to the password and game servers differently this is is still consistent with "Dark Age of Camelot servers have never been hacked" because DAoC servers refers to the game ones only.

If anyone reading remembers the amusing Shadowbane hacking incident a few months back this is almost identical. In Shadowbane their GM admin tools are not secured to on site use only, someone managed to alter their client, get a GM password and then log on with full GM access on their own computer. They then removed PvP immunity from a lot of places, spawned a load of huge monsters and started teleporting people under the sea.

What it sounds like here is either someone on the staff at GOA decided to have a little unsupervised fun one night or (and from everything I've read this sounds more likely) the GOA admin tools are not secured to on site only and someone has managed to gain access to them through whatever means to do it themselves. With the possibility of the password server being hacked (how the people gained GM access in the first place) that would also explain why GOA are sending out new passwords to everyone which wouldn't make sense if this was only someone playing at their end. Would they send out new passwords if someone had logged on as a GM over their network late at night or it was some disguntled GM doing this as a last act? It doesn't make sense because there would have been no breach of security for everyone. After all even GM admin tools don't give you access to everyones password. Unless the breach came about from someone discovering GM passwords in the first place.

I wonder how many other people who quit ages ago are checking this forum for the first time in a while having got that password changing email :)


Originally posted by Lorthania
If you feel that you have been mistreated, sue GOA or quit playing. I fail to understand that you can have so much criticism on a company and still support it. I know DAoC is fun, but at least try to be a little bit consistent and let your actions reflect your words.




So just becouse GOA have monopoly on DAoC and he still wanna play it he can't criticize them?


I know this is difficult on all of us and I know my reaction may have seemed a bit harsh, so I'll try to put it more gently this time :).

Now, I did not mean to say you cannot criticize GOA and that you should let them be, but if you really that pissed and you really think their service is of no value, why do you still pay up? If a shop offers me lousy service several times in a row, I no longer visit that shop.

I know things with DAoC are a bit different, as we have all invested a lot of time in creating our chars and you don't want to give up too easily, but everybody is saying the service is that much better on the US servers. If that's so, the choice is there: either you keep your existing characters and learn to live with what you have, or you take a deep breath and move to the US servers. It is a very difficult choice, but it would relieve a lot of the pressure people are obviously feeling from the current (and past) events. You will make new friends and you can make the exact same character on a US server - it will take some time, but it may save you a cardiac arrest because you won't get worked up again by GOA.

It is a difficult situation, but I do hope that ppl realize DAoC is a fun game and that GOA really is not out to make our lives a misery (really, they aren't!).

Hope this explains my view a bit better,



Originally posted by Georg Granfeldt
They were Hacked!

- what ever else they say from goa or mythics is crap.

- S T is just saying what she is told to write !
you know she work for Mythics..

Well how do you hack the game without some tool? its not like in Jurrasic Park you know!
Perhaps you just run vi on /etc/emain/mobs.conf and let the clear text files talk for themselves, whatever.

If anything its "abuse/missuse", wouldnt say hack.

This is a UNIX system, I know this!


Well.... This little article was found by just typing Daoc Hack into Google...

Relics and Cheaters.
from Jeff Hickman
2001-12-17 09:52:02

A quick up date on Merlin's relic thief from this weekend, and cheating in general.

I wanted to make sure that everyone was aware that there was indeed a cheater on Merlin this weekend, who was able to steal (using a hack) the relics in Midgard, and was attempting to take the relics in Albion also. We caught this person within 15 minutes of his use of this hack, and have terminated all of his accounts for Dark Age of Camelot. The relics have been restored to their proper place, and everything is good with the world.

This brings up an issue that I have wanted to clarify for a while now. If you are cheating in DAoC, or using some sort of game hack (speed-hack, etc...), we most likely have already logged your activites. After logging, we watch the person/account to verify personally whether this is truly someone cheating or not. Our methods are very accurate. This can take some time, so we do not always get everyone right away. Though we do terminate 3-5 accounts everyday for this type of issue. The message that I am trying to send is this: If you are cheating, and think you are getting away with it, you are incorrect. Now is your chance to stop. We will catch you, and when we do, we will terminate your account if it is verified that you are actually cheating/hacking.

For the majority of you who do not ever cheat, be assured that we are doing our best to protect your gaming experience, and we are succeeding.


So I dont know if Sanya is lying, or this is just a simple fact that happened before her time, and noone told her =)


Originally posted by the_smurflord
"There are no hackers within a thousand miles of these servers, never! They come kill themselves on our firewalls, and may god roast their hard drives."



Originally posted by kr0n


I wouldn't be surprised remembering what happend in the past...

But really, where the hell is Kemor ??


Happened in a few other MMORPGS been in - sum1 has been a little too open with their dev pass and voila - sum1 has taken the piss - unfortunately le French as usual seem o dump their shit on everyone else and we get the brunt of their ongoing incompetence.


Originally posted by Demolay
Happened in a few other MMORPGS been in - sum1 has been a little too open with their dev pass and voila - sum1 has taken the piss - unfortunately le French as usual seem o dump their shit on everyone else and we get the brunt of their ongoing incompetence.

I'm sure you'd be happier if they just let the hacker have your password instead ;)


For gods sake that Jeff Hickman post was about 18 months old! And the hack was a client hack that allowed him to walk through walls as if they werent' there! There are a bunch of client hacks that will speed you up, radars, macros, wall hacks etc etc

Some of you people seem so toally dumb.. .what happened here wasn't a hack, it was unauthroised use of GM tools that someone allowed out of the GOA offices.

You can't hack the client we have on our PCs to do that, you need extra tools that access the internal mechanisms OF THE SERVERS not your client to achieve that.

Now I have the greatest sympathy for all of you who suffer under GOA's mismanagement, I am thankful I heard of DAOC before it was available in UK and shipped it across from US and pplay on US servers, because although we complain about the suport we get from our in-game CSRs, at least we HAVE support!


Originally posted by kallora
...although we complain about the suport we get from our in-game CSRs, at least we HAVE support!
Hear hear. It is one of the biggest reasons I deem GOA incompetent to run a game...the fact that their customer service is so utterly appalling.

Georg Granfeldt

Originally posted by kallora
For gods sake that Jeff Hickman post was about 18 months old! And the hack was a client hack that allowed him to walk through walls as if they werent' there! There are a bunch of client hacks that will speed you up, radars, macros, wall hacks etc etc

Some of you people seem so toally dumb.. .what happened here wasn't a hack, it was unauthroised use of GM tools that someone allowed out of the GOA offices.

You can't hack the client we have on our PCs to do that, you need extra tools that access the internal mechanisms OF THE SERVERS not your client to achieve that.

Now I have the greatest sympathy for all of you who suffer under GOA's mismanagement, I am thankful I heard of DAOC before it was available in UK and shipped it across from US and pplay on US servers, because although we complain about the suport we get from our in-game CSRs, at least we HAVE support!

First off the importent thing is they where hacked in Europe
what S say hm I rely cant care less

First of they shutdown the servers then they shutdown
the subpage /rightnow..

maybe you should read some more at there msg at the official site.

they been hacked even they internal system are shutdown for god sake.........


chances are they an ex-employee got pissed and took revenge, it's happened to several online games already...

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