Film Inglarieus bosterds / Punisher Warzone


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Recently seen these both and here comes the opinion train.

Choo choo!

I'll start with the Ingarious bistards;
What can i say, it's a Tarantino movie and true to the format. It's not what one might expect from the trailer, not by a longshot(well, slightly to the leftshot maybe), and while i was a bit disappointed, i can't with any good concience call it a bad movie. It's good, it's possibly Tarantinos finest work, but it's not what the trailer put forward.

Main theme, namely the bistuords, were a comical side group to a lenghty dialogue.

Best moments; Jewhunter and Apache, pick any really, great entertainment.
Worst moments; 2 hours 40 minutes had way too little of the bosterds in it.

It's a must see for sure, just don't expect it to be like the trailer at all. Not a must see in movies, and some might enjoy it more at the comfort of own home.

Without trailer as base; 4.5 stars.
With trailer seen; 4

Now then, Punisher Warzone;

I don't now why people are giving it a bad rep. It's a Punisher movie to the bone. Acting is, well, superhero movie acting as usual, story is...comics, aka corny as hell and predictable as such. Characters are...well from the comics! But all that aside, it's a punisher movie and it works. Simply and pure. Action is plenty, violence and one liners are set on maximum and as far as entertainment goes, it's exactly what one would expect.

The gore is bordering on tasteless, but never really steps over the line. In short, this movie is perhaps the best port from comic to movie as it's almost like watching a comic, with things taken just that inch over realism and things being just an inch too graphical for the "better taste people".

Not bad at all, good fun, watch with a couple of beers and mates and set your tickle gland appropriately, without too much critique and just that tiny bit of a 10 year old kid with a comic in you.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Recently seen these both and here comes the opinion train.

Choo choo!

Now then, Punisher Warzone;

I don't now why people are giving it a bad rep. It's a Punisher movie to the bone. Acting is, well, superhero movie acting as usual, story is...comics, aka corny as hell and predictable as such. Characters are...well from the comics! But all that aside, it's a punisher movie and it works. Simply and pure. Action is plenty, violence and one liners are set on maximum and as far as entertainment goes, it's exactly what one would expect.

The gore is bordering on tasteless, but never really steps over the line. In short, this movie is perhaps the best port from comic to movie as it's almost like watching a comic, with things taken just that inch over realism and things being just an inch too graphical for the "better taste people".

Not bad at all, good fun, watch with a couple of beers and mates and set your tickle gland appropriately, without too much critique and just that tiny bit of a 10 year old kid with a comic in you.

It doesn't follow on from the first Punisher, which was a masterpiece. They twist the story of how he became the punisher, the acting and plot are both awful. I felt I was watching a comic with the first movie, Trovolta being very OTT, and the fight with the big Russian and the assassin. With this one I felt they tried to force the characters, but had no one with any acting ability. The directing was done by a 3 year old, and the action was meh.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
It doesn't follow on from the first Punisher, which was a masterpiece. They twist the story of how he became the punisher,

That is how he became the punisher in the comics.

The first punisher(of the new films) was the one with the twisting :p

It could've followed from the first punisher, but as such, it works better with the comic background.

Not to mention that the first movie punisher wasn't as much like the one in the comics.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
I know it was twisted in the first movie, but it worked so much better. They spent time and effort setting up his back story in that first film and did it very well. I cannot disagree with you more about the comic feel of this film, it feels like nothing but a rushed piece of straight to dvd shite. I honestly had to force myself to keep watching it in the hope it got even marginally better, or was soo intentionally bad it was funny. The thing is it was not, they thought they were doing something good. But really were not.

If you watch it on Toht's advice, remember that I warned you, I WARNED YOU!


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I know it was twisted in the first movie, but it worked so much better. They spent time and effort setting up his back story in that first film and did it very well. I cannot disagree with you more about the comic feel of this film, it feels like nothing but a rushed piece of straight to dvd shite. I honestly had to force myself to keep watching it in the hope it got even marginally better, or was soo intentionally bad it was funny. The thing is it was not, they thought they were doing something good. But really were not.

If you watch it on Toht's advice, remember that I warned you, I WARNED YOU!

Yes, like i said. This one is a better port from the comic.

I didn't find the first movie so great because it wasn't really a punisher comic movie, more like a punisher new version movie.

They are two separate films and while the first one wasn't bad at all, as someone who enjoyed punisher as a kid, this was more true and perhaps one could say "more to the fans" movie.

The acting and directing is your usual D2DVD material, it's about 10 years late, but it's not as bad as people make it sound.

You need a touch of non-critique attitude to watch it.

If you watch it in a mindset where some near-gore makes you go "lol this is crap", then don't watch it :p


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
I watched it whilst half-cut, and I still couldn't suspend my disbelief at how shcokingly bad it was!


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
I heard IB was utter shit... punisher warzone on the other hand was alright given most sequels suck.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
IB was shit.

First 10 minutes were great. Stiglitz and to a lesser extent the jewhunter were funny. Plot was torturous, basterds themselves were irrelevant and too many scenes and charactrrs did nothing to move along the already convuluted and plodding main story arc.

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