Infiltrators in US rejoice



I'm ok with as long as they also:

Make armsmen stand still for about 3 minutes while they load the thing
Make it pretty hard to aim accurately for more than 10 or 20 feet
Make sure the string snaps and it seriously maims the user if they have it loaded for too long
Ditto for fumbles
And of course bladeturn still works on it

That would be fair :)


[edit : empty this , i was reading on page one , not seeing that was a second page :) ]


The Warrior was an idiot, you expect just because your a warrior to be able to stand there while someone hits you without dieing? and he says he didn't have a chance, he did try and slam, I'm betting if he'd used a weapon style with a to-hit bonus and the assassin didn't evade it would have taken a large chunk off his hp, the only reasons he died was because he was;

1. Stupid enough to get PAed
2. Not quick enough on the attack, if he could have got up and clicked on the slam button before the infil got his stun move off I'm am willing to bet it would have been alot different
3. He used a style with no to hit bonus as a last attack

And if you look at the screenshot you will see that the Warrior clicked on his /stick macro TWICE before attempting to attack, if he would have just used a stun style instead it would have been different, the assassins gotta be infront of you to PA so all you have to do is use a style. He also knew the Infil was around and if your stupid enough to leave yourself open to a assassin crit strike you, imo, deserve to die.


Originally posted by Armolas

Erm Yeah assuming you wear wearing clothes made of cloth, but I don't think all the plate mail and chain mail people wore into battle back then was chose for its comfort qualities.

Interesting little bit of info though, I have seen a museum piece of armour that had been shot with a crossbow bolt, and as far as I can see crossbows ought to not only one shot anybody, but probably also one shot anyone standing behind that person.

Talking of bows and arrows and of rl. The english long bow could shoot father than the Norman crossbow, also it could kill a full plate knight at 100 yards in one shot. Also if you want to put this game closer to real life then the crossbow of Albion would not be in the game due to the fact that King Arthur has just died meaning that the Norman invasion had not even begun to happen. King Arthur was a Saxon according to the books I have read, and it was the Normans who brought the crossbow over here.

Ok end of the history leason.

The assassin of any realm should be able to kill a solo class of any kind. The ninja's of the far east were feared by the samuri (sp), and rightly so. So why should it be any different in a game. I play a hunter and a runemaster and I fear the other realms rogue classes. I keep moving as much as possible and use evasive techniques to try and make it hard for them to anticipate where I will go next. This warrior that died to the infilatrator was just out of his/her league, and rightly so as said before should have the purge ability as a main priority to all other realm skills.

p.s. I seen a program about the long bow and its the only hand held missile weapon that can shoot through bullet proof glass.
ref point is "The Making of Robin Hood" the old tv series in the UK during the 80's .


I dont think assassins should be able to kill everything, not a pure tank atleast - maybe hybrids but not pure tanks.

It should be like this (like many ppl have stated):

Tanks kills rouges
Rouges kills casters
Caster kills tanks


pure tanks

they should be able to get nearly all types in 1 shot unless wearing armour that covers or party covers that area(neck pieces on helms etc) or they should at least make it harder to get in the hit. So if they missed or part deflect assassins would be easy for tanks if they dont run or hide. And Long bows should be devistating against all classes (except with blade turn) but if they dont kill in 1-2 shots in malee they would be wea cause to train in long bows took great skill to hit the target. As for castors more defence spells(area shield maybe) which drain(reduce) 10-15% mana would be nice(cant see the reason why mages are so weak, yeah we get blade turn but i noticed that even with that my spells get interupted as well.Well we can wish i suppose.


Just a quicknote on lvl42 caster HPs. Unbuffed, but with items I have 595 HPs, that is as an elf with +10 CON when my char was rolled. I have about +10CON and +60HPs from items I think.


I think this was the same image/thread that appeared on the rogues was an attempt to try to nerf infiltrators by setting up an easy kill and reporting it to mythic....the target in question did not wear armour in one slot and any hit by the inf will automatically go for the weakest spot.The attempts to stick were an indication of this.
Also the file name is Bogus.jpg


Originally posted by Olgark
Talking of bows and arrows and of rl. The english long bow could shoot father than the Norman crossbow, also it could kill a full plate knight at 100 yards in one shot.
Yeah I have read about the english longbows... they were absolutely insane. The remains of longbowmen have had some of the bones in their arms twisted or bent due to the immense force the bows needed to be even used... I think that they didn't even have to go to the gym :)


Caster HPs

As a level 49 Elf caster with all my items but unbuffed I have 723 or 724 HP (can't rember exactly, but I checked last night).

j000 d000d

I have about 760 hps with pretty crap items

(lvl 49.5 wiz)

j000 d000d

And how can infils stun? ?!! ?! ?!? ! ?!?!? ??! ? !


PA -> CD

cd has a long-duration stun on it, and is the second move in the pa (front hidden) chain. also at 50 thrust infs get a stun-off-evade move, and nigthsade get a stun-off-evade at 25 pierce, however the 50 thrust is long dur, where as the 25 pierce is med dur :)


Not 100% on topic here, but just wanted to comment on the NS/inf-specific RA's....
'Shade: "viper" causes DoTs and debuffs to have double effect for the duration.
Inf: "vanish" instantly re-stealth regardless of any timers in effect. Unless mezzed i believe.
Could an inf run up, PA, "vanish", re-PA, then go in with the CD? Could see that being pretty damn nasty :D
Also, heard that attacking a keep door doesn't count as combat with regards the re-stealth timer? So you can PA the door, restealth, PA, restealth etc? :)
The long-stun lvl50 thrust style is a little overpowering in my eyes. Evade 7 + post-evade style = woo. Pretty much guaranteed an opponent will stand still for most of the fight :D

My, i ramble



Krait said:

the target in question did not wear armour in one slot and any hit by the inf will automatically go for the weakest spot


You've GOT to be kidding me!

Best news i ever got :D

Clerics, with your fance bare legs, and whatever-classes-without-your-helmet-cuz-it-looks-daft BEWARE :D

Nothing beats PA damage on NoArmor :clap:


Originally posted by SFXman

Yeah I have read about the english longbows... they were absolutely insane. The remains of longbowmen have had some of the bones in their arms twisted or bent due to the immense force the bows needed to be even used... I think that they didn't even have to go to the gym :)

The ones found on the Marry Rose was thought to be about 130lbs draw weight, now imagine that on three fingers at full draw. You see after about 6 inches of pulling the arrow back the longbow stacks like mad in poundage.

Also the French use to cut off the English longbow men's two fingers off the right hand so they could not shoot the bow. Those that had the two fingers would do the traditional two finger salute to the French, that is where that expresion came from.:)

Oh yeh and us Archers do it with a quiver.:cool:

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