Infiltrators in US rejoice


Brannor McThife

Nope. Dude was stupid enough to stand still long enough to get taken out. And he was solo. Stupid really.

As a melee class, you keep moving, and you don't go alone. Not in the US particularly. And that's just one example anyway.

There are lots of examples fom the other side as well, where warriors have slamed assassins and flattened them in seconds.

I read that thread a while back, and my conclusion was "Dweeb".
I'll give the assassin this much, he has balls of steel to do that. And with the new RvR abilities, that dude should have had purge.

/em shrugs.



Good point their brannor, totally forgot about Purge ability, think it woulda turned the tide.

Purge, Kite, Slam, whack whack, kite, whack, should = dead Infil


if that was an assasain it looks fairly normal to me :p PA CD, and then stunned for 3 or 4 hits depending how fast im swinging :)


Dont even bother reading VN Boards. Even if the thane would have won there would still be a whining post as long as that one in the rogue forums. That thane cant blame anyone else than himself for losing. Also asking for nerfs on another class is pointless because RvR is pure paper,rock,scissors and there will always be a class that can totally own you.

Brannor McThife

I never said it was unusual. Just that the "mark" was an easy one. A solo meleer standing still in the forest is LOOKING to die.

That simple. Hey, I've taken down orange con assassins in my time because I ran right over them, they were careless, as was this guy.

If your opponent is careless, and you do it right, you can take down a lot of people. Of course, no matter how good you are, hitting someone that has insta-mez/stun gets you nowhere...hence why as a pure meleer you HAVE to have Purge and have your resistance to mez/stun maxed.

I can't wait. A L50 warrior with 75%-100% resistance to stun/mez with purge. Can anyone say wrecking ball?



where r u planning to get 75-100% resistance to mez/stun from? u mean Purge gives u that resistance?

Purge is on a 30 min timer
resists cap at 26% at level 50 + any racial traits and do not reduce chance of BEING mezzed but reduce the DURATION of the mezz by the % of your resistance

Brannor McThife

Yes, my mistake. Hey, I play a stupid troll. :p

Determination: Decreases duration of mesmerize, stun, and snare effects by 15% per level of this ability. Up to a max of 75%.

Still, that's pretty handy too.



That thread is stupid. He got a PA = he should die.
PA, Perforate Artery in my mind has always equated to slitting the throat. If you let someone sneak up in front of you (PA is a front attack, not a back stab) and shove a sharp piece of metal in your neck, how can you expect to survive? Or even more unlikely, survive and kill the guy who who did it in a long, tiring battle when you are in shock (there is a medical term for what happens in this kind of trauma, but stun is the fairest approximation in game) and losing blood at an enourmous rate?

You shouldn't. You are dead. Game over.

The only way out would be to have some kind of magical healer casting spells to close up the wound, restore the blood and keep you on your feet long enough for your body to start reacting again, but thats a rather unlikely scenario.
Now if you had a friend nearby hidden with a bow and arrow, well you might get avenged, pretty quickly.

- Pathfinder -

Getting Determination 5 would cost an immense amount of RA points; given what skills you can get few people will go for the higher tiers of the RAs. Dodger 5 would be fun to watch though, level 50 assasin with Evade 7 + Dodger 5, equates to 50% evades cough :)


Asking me, assassins _should_ always be able to 1on1 any class of same level. Always.

It helps, ofc, that the the tosser ws standing still, not having purge, being unlucky, etc etc etc.

But assassins, are assassins. 1on1 class, always. We rule. 2on1? we always die :)


Just remember something

Assassins have the hp of casters

Assassins have sucky armour

Assassins kill fast and die fast

Casters are more powerful, but do it from a distance instead of up close

If you get stunned by an assassin, expect to either die, or see an assassin shaped blur as he goes to retry


then if we basing on realism, my Lightning spells should render most targets a quivering jelly mess? and therefore stunn em for 9 secs too?

this game aint based on reality, but on balance.

yes this WARRIOR not thane got twatted silly, but PA only does 1/3 of his hp.

Purge being on a 30 min timer, I have been in more than 4-5 occasions in a 30 min period in rvr when I would need a Purge, and so if he had used his purge already in a critical battle only 10 mins before, he shouyld rightly have zero chance against someone who PA's him?

Bearing in mind Ourge is a realm ability and not everyone will get this ability (tho u r really dumb if you dont buy it) thast to say even if you were a good warrior and just happened to be away from ur group for 20 secs, a Infil with high stealth can get in PA range undetectable, remember warrirors are slo (pace not mentally).

This may be a kinda extreme case but being rendered paralysed for the duration of a whole fight is a bit extreme no?


Yeah, but the ability to kill almost anything if they catch them alone is what makes an assasin an assasin - and its not just in future patches either, I have seen iziz take on a red troll warrior adn have it come down to the last blows (she lost I think, but it was a pretty even match) simply because all the other trolls were too intent on chasing off after a few rp to help their mate.

Again you are alone, you are bait for an assasin, I know its not nice, I hateit when it happens tome, but they aren't nice people (well OK some of them are, but they are nice people doing a nasty job).

THere ar ehings you can do to avoid it, caster learn that early, but if he is determined enough, and willing to be destealthed and killed, he will get you.

After all the pain of levelling an assasin, that is their reward.

Edit: and yes thanes lightning and hammers usually has the effect of stunning me for 5 or 6 seconds, together with me not beng able to see what happens, unless I have remembered to turn off effects beforehand.

Edit again: every single class race etc runs at the same speed nless they are grouped with / are / a minstrel/bard/skald/ other runbuff class. ANd if you ain't played a stealther and tryied moving around, you don't know what slow is ( I think it gets a bit better as youget higher stealth, but I don't think it everreaches full speed, someone will correct me if I am wrong, I'm sure).


Armolas, never reaches full :(

People make it sound like playing assassin is easy. In reality I can get some safe kills, or go for one major kill, before I am found and killed. Increasingly now I am managing to escape from being right on top of a group, but still 9 times out of 10 I will die when i make a kill. We are little more than disposable nukes, and imo the main time we come into our own is when attacking a keep. Any other times we are far too vunerable.


I guess I am posting in relation to the rp that plaers have, currently 90% of players with over 200K rp are stealthers and casters, tho its majorly effected by the group rp bug :(

guess I am jealous of ya little sneaky types


and for the record they aint all so uber, dueled an inf the other day, orange con

round one : he got pa, i almost won
round two : i stopped either of us pa, i won and had only lost about 1/6th


How much do you want to bet? without my items i can 1-shot myself :p My base hp is 595, with items it goes to about 780ish i think, and with some buffs from a level 50 druid the best ive had is 1100 :p


Can someone clear up something for me please?

Are Shadowblades on the same hp table as Hunters/Thanes/Skalds?


not many level 42 casters get a lot of con etc items :p a lot of my items have +con and +hits so that i dont go down so fast :p


Hibernia needs celt nightshades... Midgard have kobold and norseman assasins, Albion have saracen and briton (afaik), we've got lurikeen and... oh well ;(


Looks ok to me (even as tank)
1 on 1 with assasin should mean death

on a sidenote, saw Hufner at work once, while he was skillfully taking out casters from a group of Albs at their PK, and since can only have respect for the difficulty of their job. esp since they'll surely die if seen

- Pathfinder -

SBs are on the Midgard Rogue HP table, not fighter HP table :)

And I doubt that Hunters have the same HP table as Skalds/Thanes :p


You doubt wrong, Hunters ARE on the same hp table as Thanes and Skalds, or more accurately, Thanes and Skalds are on the Hunter hp table.

But if SB are also on the Rogue hp table, then next patch they get more hp, do SB get more hp than Hunters now?


Originally posted by Armolas
That thread is stupid. He got a PA = he should die.
PA, Perforate Artery in my mind has always equated to slitting the throat. If you let someone sneak up in front of you (PA is a front attack, not a back stab) and shove a sharp piece of metal in your neck, how can you expect to survive? Or even more unlikely, survive and kill the guy who who did it in a long, tiring battle when you are in shock (there is a medical term for what happens in this kind of trauma, but stun is the fairest approximation in game) and losing blood at an enourmous rate?

You shouldn't. You are dead. Game over.

The only way out would be to have some kind of magical healer casting spells to close up the wound, restore the blood and keep you on your feet long enough for your body to start reacting again, but thats a rather unlikely scenario.
Now if you had a friend nearby hidden with a bow and arrow, well you might get avenged, pretty quickly.

Yeah in RL u would be toast , but so would any one being hit smack in the face by a 60 pound Axe or hammer , so everbody would die from one hit. But tis be not RL or me be wrong ???


Originally posted by Damon Doombring

Yeah in RL u would be toast , but so would any one being hit smack in the face by a 60 pound Axe or hammer , so everbody would die from one hit. But tis be not RL or me be wrong ???

Erm Yeah assuming you wear wearing clothes made of cloth, but I don't think all the plate mail and chain mail people wore into battle back then was chose for its comfort qualities.

Interesting little bit of info though, I have seen a museum piece of armour that had been shot with a crossbow bolt, and as far as I can see crossbows ought to not only one shot anybody, but probably also one shot anyone standing behind that person.

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