Infiltrator Race, Starting Stat Points and Infiltrator Templates



Originally posted by hercules-df
10 CS?
surley u got DW and CS the wrong way round? :)

No, it's mercfiltrator spec. Below 10 CS is bad though, it's actually a big difference between Backstab1 and Backstab2 when attacking casters.


Originally posted by Ghostly
tho there is little 1-shotting around anymore (not counting sub-lvl 50's) :) 2-3 shotting things is more realistic :)

With a 870 PA cap and MoP4 theres a good chance imo.


I had SH, i played a hunter for 1 night, i no longer have SH, its a very sad RA.


Originally posted by doball
I think we all know who wins the "Twat of the Week Award" :ROFLMAO:

yeah, you :great:

we dont need no supporting classes
we dont need no guarding tanks
just some buffbots in the pk
ppl leave those infs alone
hey ppl! leave those infs alone
all in all your just another inf in the zerg
all in all your just another inf in the zerg


Originally posted by Appollo
I had SH, i played a hunter for 1 night, i no longer have SH, its a very sad RA.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Originally posted by Appollo
I had SH, i played a hunter for 1 night, i no longer have SH, its a very sad RA.

Yeah, will drop it after 1.62 too here. Allthough hunters really do their best to bring me on other thoughts. Got TS'ed twice in front of the mid zerg last night, which is almost as lame as SH (yeah yeah, its on a timer and shit but still....)

and it's true, good PA's with juicy crits are still possible, allthough I find often not even a 1200+ PA (with crit ofc) drops a caster anymore and its actually CD that kills him/her. As more and more people get buffed, 1-shotting will become almost extinct :)


Originally posted by Ghostly
Got TS'ed twice in front of the mid zerg last night

whatever you have experienced, archers have it 10x worse. just ask meduza or the infil warders.


Originally posted by vintervargen
whatever you have experienced, archers have it 10x worse. just ask meduza or the infil warders.


Originally posted by Ghostly
Yeah, will drop it after 1.62 too here.

I ocasionally solo a bit with a minstrel so I fully know how shite this RA is :)


Originally posted by Appollo
I had SH, i played a hunter for 1 night, i no longer have SH, its a very sad RA.

omg, what a archer brown-noser!

its like: Uhh, i dont want IP cuz then those not having IP will have it harder! or: Uhh, i dont want Group Purge, cuz then it will destroy the fun of other realms IF they land a mezz on us. Or: Uhh, I dont want that lame Perfect Recovery, cuz even tho we always travel with 3 healers i think its not fair that another FG have to fight 3 ppl in my FG 2 times!

my god, wake up!!

its an RA that allows _ALLOWS_ assasins to spot their No #1 enemy. I was without SH for 1 day and leme say, if SH wasnt in game archers would be the perfect and best solo class of al realms! only fair they have a little competition, ffs! but noooo, cry more u archer n00bs! (or eBay archers <looking at Vintervargen> )



35 Stealth
44 Cs
50 Thrust
35 Env
rest in Dw

the merc spec:

50 Dw
50 Thrust
21 Cs
3+ stealth
3+ env

but i believe that you need to be at a high rr for this spec.


I have made 2 new posts so that hopefully the subject won't drift off into a different subject, like this post has done :) (Realm Abilities etc) and it's easier to get the answers I want with 2 separate posts :)

Sadly I can't put a link to them because I haven't posed enough to be able to put hyperlinks in my posts yet :(


1. Which is the best race for an Infiltrator?

Saracen (IMO. could argue all day between briton and saracen)

2. Where’s the best place to put my starting stat points for an Infiltrator?

10 Str,Dex,Qui

3. What are some good specs to aim for in all 4 Battlegrounds (19, 24, 29, and 35)?

21 CS
19 thrust/slash
18 stealth
15 envenom

is the best for BG1 imo (all +5 ofc)

4. What are some good specs to aim for at level 50?

i am aiming for:

50 Thrust
44 CS
35 Stealth
33 Env
22 DW


Re: Re: Infiltrator Race, Starting Stat Points and Infiltrator Templates

Originally posted by makgsnake
1. Which is the best race for an Infiltrator?

Saracen (IMO. could argue all day between briton and saracen)

2. Where’s the best place to put my starting stat points for an Infiltrator?

10 Str,Dex,Qui

3. What are some good specs to aim for in all 4 Battlegrounds (19, 24, 29, and 35)?

21 CS
19 thrust/slash
18 stealth
15 envenom

is the best for BG1 imo (all +5 ofc)

4. What are some good specs to aim for at level 50?

i am aiming for:

50 Thrust
44 CS
35 Stealth
33 Env
22 DW

1. False.
If u are planning to go slash, briton is a better race due to the +stre

2. Nop
You need Constitution, specially as a saracen.

3. False.
21CS, 18 Stealth, 18 Weapon, 17 Envenom (alllows you to use the 1st cons/stre debuff poison: by far the best poison type in game), rest DW

4. Nice template


Re: Re: Re: Infiltrator Race, Starting Stat Points and Infiltrator Templates

Originally posted by Vasconcelos
1. False.
If u are planning to go slash, briton is a better race due to the +stre

- didnt he say hes using thrust ?

2. Nop
You need Constitution, specially as a saracen.

- if your going saracen u will need more str for damage output

3. False.
21CS, 18 Stealth, 18 Weapon, 17 Envenom (alllows you to use the 1st cons/stre debuff poison: by far the best poison type in game), rest DW

- ahh yes :p

4. Nice template

- ty


Nop, saracen is a low cons/hps race. You will find that +Cons its waaay better than stre on a saracen.


what Ohcan said.

+con is a must ;d (both on briton and saracen)


should i reroll my infy to briton ?
29 atm and can reroll to a 20 briton tomoz ?...


Originally posted by makgsnake
should i reroll my infy to briton ?
29 atm and can reroll to a 20 briton tomoz ?...

You will lose your autotrain if you do the /level 20 thingy....

Anyways, you don't need the perfect template to be sucess as an infil. There are plenty of good infils w/o autotrain and with +Dex/Quick as start


Well when i made my infy, i was told Saracen was the BEST , and to put 10 in str,dex,qui. :puke: so will have crappy con in rvr , unless i reroll

no i also havnt auto trained :mad:


Originally posted by zlair
omg, what a archer brown-noser!

its like: Uhh, i dont want IP cuz then those not having IP will have it harder! or: Uhh, i dont want Group Purge, cuz then it will destroy the fun of other realms IF they land a mezz on us. Or: Uhh, I dont want that lame Perfect Recovery, cuz even tho we always travel with 3 healers i think its not fair that another FG have to fight 3 ppl in my FG 2 times!

my god, wake up!!

its an RA that allows _ALLOWS_ assasins to spot their No #1 enemy. I was without SH for 1 day and leme say, if SH wasnt in game archers would be the perfect and best solo class of al realms! only fair they have a little competition, ffs! but noooo, cry more u archer n00bs! (or eBay archers <looking at Vintervargen> )

seriously how much did you buy that inf for, cause from what you just said you have no idea how things work.


Well when i made my infy, i was told Saracen was the BEST , and to put 10 in str,dex,qui. so will have crappy con in rvr , unless i reroll

no i also havnt auto trained

You don't need auto training anyway, in my opinion it just makes being a character boring, because you can't spec in stealth because you have to wait for it to train it self, which will make levelling even harder for an Infiltrator :(

I hope one day Mythic take stupid auto training out!


Originally posted by makgsnake
Well when i made my infy, i was told Saracen was the BEST , and to put 10 in str,dex,qui. :puke: so will have crappy con in rvr , unless i reroll

no i also havnt auto trained :mad:

If u havent autotrained, then its almost the same to re-roll your 29th infil with the /level 20 command. You would only lose 9 nine levels aka 2 evenings of xp ;)


Originally posted by makgsnake
aye, why not.

and +10 str,con,dex ?

Const n Dex is all you need if you want my personal opinion...


Gratz to Makgsnake on rolling his/her new Briton Infiltrator :clap:


Originally posted by zlair
omg, what a archer brown-noser!

its like: Uhh, i dont want IP cuz then those not having IP will have it harder! or: Uhh, i dont want Group Purge, cuz then it will destroy the fun of other realms IF they land a mezz on us. Or: Uhh, I dont want that lame Perfect Recovery, cuz even tho we always travel with 3 healers i think its not fair that another FG have to fight 3 ppl in my FG 2 times!

my god, wake up!!

its an RA that allows _ALLOWS_ assasins to spot their No #1 enemy. I was without SH for 1 day and leme say, if SH wasnt in game archers would be the perfect and best solo class of al realms! only fair they have a little competition, ffs! but noooo, cry more u archer n00bs! (or eBay archers <looking at Vintervargen> )

ebayfotm4tehwin, huge grats meduza, not only are you a retard, but you dont know fuck all about your own class :great:

wonder how well you'll do solo and without your Infiltrators for dummies book :rolleyes:


Originally posted by zlair
omg, what a archer brown-noser!

its like: Uhh, i dont want IP cuz then those not having IP will have it harder! or: Uhh, i dont want Group Purge, cuz then it will destroy the fun of other realms IF they land a mezz on us. Or: Uhh, I dont want that lame Perfect Recovery, cuz even tho we always travel with 3 healers i think its not fair that another FG have to fight 3 ppl in my FG 2 times!

my god, wake up!!

its an RA that allows _ALLOWS_ assasins to spot their No #1 enemy. I was without SH for 1 day and leme say, if SH wasnt in game archers would be the perfect and best solo class of al realms! only fair they have a little competition, ffs! but noooo, cry more u archer n00bs! (or eBay archers <looking at Vintervargen> )

Dont start on me you jumped up cunt, it makes playing a archer shit, like being TS'ed except 10x worse.


i got +15dex/10quick, autotrained too lvl 24, kinda gimped imo :D

your start pts really dont matter.

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