Infil or choose



Inf by far, shadowblades are in a sad state atm.



This is a dicussion about infils and SBs, not infils + bots vs SB or infils vs SB + bots.


Originally posted by Solid
Infiltrator has access to better tools in every aspect when compared to the shadowblade.

There is a significant potential difference between the two classes.

Originally posted by Solid

Unbuffed Inf >> Unbuffed SB due to superior weaponskill, access to eitehr Dragonfang via Str/Dex theust spec or to Slash damage on SB's Slash vulnerable leatehr via Str based Slash spec.
Lets not forget those extra 453 spec points allowing for 50 Weapon spec, 44 CS spec and the 100/20 model of Dual Wield allowing for lower DW spec without mainhand damage penalty.
u cannot have df if slash spec... inf armour is neutral to sb damage...
sb have higer ws than inf, just need to train weapon to 50 as inf...
sb have higer hp... lot ov inf have 39 or lower cs that meens style isnt rlly rlly worth n damger cap rise by rr n bonus too... eventho a sb can get 41cs with 50 weap not much cap difference n still remeber sb have 2h(this rise cap alot ehehhe)... la damage penalty is not rlly huge n happen only when u wield 2 weapon but is rlly a low %... better swing every time for bit less than some times for wee more...

Originally posted by Solid

Buffed Infil >> Buffed SB because of the above reason s+ Buffbotted Infils have access to free Avoid Pain 1.5 from the Cleric Spec AF buff, as well as a lousy yet not totally useles HP regen buff, and the best Dex/Qui spec buff in all 3 realms (Clerics get 75/75, shammy/Druid get 69/69).
u should stop listeing other moaning n play bit more on ur selv... eheh avoid pain 1.5... copy n paste from n other thread? hahaha

but well clerik have spec af buff + base one ... n they work only now with the new patch tbh... but shaman have damage shield
how bout adding allways some damage?

Originally posted by Solid

High RR Infils >> High RR Shadowblades because Infs have useful RA's to buy past RR5 in Vanish. Shadowblades get Shadowrun \o/

That said, I would prolly roll a Nightshade cos tbh they sound like the most fun assasin to play and still offer a challenge at low RR, then really coming into their own at RR6 with Viper, Avoid Pain 2 and Wild Arcana.
only true thing is... inf have vanish... that could be good if u r good at using it... n tbh shadow run could be good too for some purpose... as stealtehr vs stealther or reaching a target before he move to a safe spot been still able to crit him with 2h :)
both are not instawin easy to use ra :)

i dont like Ns most ov em r Bold...

actualy u have sb/inf too or only a thane? :)


Originally posted by Solid
and the best Dex/Qui spec buff in all 3 realms (Clerics get 75/75, shammy/Druid get 69/69).

Dun mean to annoy u but according to

Druid - 49 Zephyr's Dance +73 D/Q
Shaman - 47 Shadow's Enlightenment +70 D/Q

But nerf cleric still imo :p especially AF spec buff :D



Why is it that people always dismiss shades?

I mean, we get a 6 sec stun at low pierce spec, so we dont NEED to go 50 weaopn (tho i suppose the wep skill dose help)
We get some uber RA's -WA an AP to name a few. Sure you wont be as good at low rr, but i never have much of a problem with infs or sbs, an i am not even rr5.

Plus you get the novalty value of killing a troll as a keen.



Originally posted by the_smurflord

This is a dicussion about infils and SBs, not infils + bots vs SB or infils vs SB + bots.

Umm buffbots + assassin = reality in DAoC.

I dont expect any assassin to compete well vs other assassins who are buffed if there not.


Originally posted by Silenzio
u cannot have df if slash spec... inf armour is neutral to sb damage...
sb have higer ws than inf, just need to train weapon to 50 as inf...
sb have higer hp... lot ov inf have 39 or lower cs that meens style isnt rlly rlly worth n damger cap rise by rr n bonus too... eventho a sb can get 41cs with 50 weap not much cap difference n still remeber sb have 2h(this rise cap alot ehehhe)... la damage penalty is not rlly huge n happen only when u wield 2 weapon but is rlly a low %... better swing every time for bit less than some times for wee more...

u should stop listeing other moaning n play bit more on ur selv... eheh avoid pain 1.5... copy n paste from n other thread? hahaha

but well clerik have spec af buff + base one ... n they work only now with the new patch tbh... but shaman have damage shield
how bout adding allways some damage?

only true thing is... inf have vanish... that could be good if u r good at using it... n tbh shadow run could be good too for some purpose... as stealtehr vs stealther or reaching a target before he move to a safe spot been still able to crit him with 2h :)
both are not instawin easy to use ra :)

i dont like Ns most ov em r Bold...

actualy u have sb/inf too or only a thane? :)

Anyone please tell me what narcotics this fella is on, i wouldnt mind some, sounds liek a fun time :D

WTF is he spouting on about? I really am struggling to comprehend his post and what he means


Re: Re: Infil or choose

Originally posted by Damon Doombring
HAHAHA you gotta be kidding....

Aye, tis funny

But infil ofc, 9sec evade stun style :rolleyes: pwnage!


Originally posted by Silenzio
u cannot have df if slash spec... inf armour is neutral to sb damage...
sb have higer ws than inf, just need to train weapon to 50 as inf...
sb have higer hp... lot ov inf have 39 or lower cs that meens style isnt rlly rlly worth n damger cap rise by rr n bonus too... eventho a sb can get 41cs with 50 weap not much cap difference n still remeber sb have 2h(this rise cap alot ehehhe)... la damage penalty is not rlly huge n happen only when u wield 2 weapon but is rlly a low %... better swing every time for bit less than some times for wee more...

u should stop listeing other moaning n play bit more on ur selv... eheh avoid pain 1.5... copy n paste from n other thread? hahaha

but well clerik have spec af buff + base one ... n they work only now with the new patch tbh... but shaman have damage shield
how bout adding allways some damage?

only true thing is... inf have vanish... that could be good if u r good at using it... n tbh shadow run could be good too for some purpose... as stealtehr vs stealther or reaching a target before he move to a safe spot been still able to crit him with 2h :)
both are not instawin easy to use ra :)

i dont like Ns most ov em r Bold...

actualy u have sb/inf too or only a thane? :)

That post was wrong on SO many levels...


Originally posted by Silenzio
u cannot have df if slash spec... inf armour is neutral to sb damage...
sb have higer ws than inf, just need to train weapon to 50 as inf...
sb have higer hp... lot ov inf have 39 or lower cs that meens style isnt rlly rlly worth n damger cap rise by rr n bonus too... eventho a sb can get 41cs with 50 weap not much cap difference n still remeber sb have 2h(this rise cap alot ehehhe)... la damage penalty is not rlly huge n happen only when u wield 2 weapon but is rlly a low %... better swing every time for bit less than some times for wee more...

u should stop listeing other moaning n play bit more on ur selv... eheh avoid pain 1.5... copy n paste from n other thread? hahaha

but well clerik have spec af buff + base one ... n they work only now with the new patch tbh... but shaman have damage shield
how bout adding allways some damage?

only true thing is... inf have vanish... that could be good if u r good at using it... n tbh shadow run could be good too for some purpose... as stealtehr vs stealther or reaching a target before he move to a safe spot been still able to crit him with 2h :)
both are not instawin easy to use ra :)

i dont like Ns most ov em r Bold...

actualy u have sb/inf too or only a thane? :)

LOL I'm amased to see there are actualy that stupid peoepl around....


Originally posted by [PS]Fool
Why is it that people always dismiss shades?

Mostly because there a tough char to play pre rr5, after that it's probably the best of the three.


i think shadowblade is the easiest to level(sz style, well i havent played sb since 1.62, so i wouldnt really know now), infil is the easiest to start out in rvr as a n00b spamming DF, and at high RR i think a NS with WA, Viper and AP is the best.

totally agree. Shades rock at high RR.

and dragon fang is only good if your play style matches it.

if you zerg alot, and usually dont have a chance to get your PA chain off, Dragonfang rocks.

If you prefer to solo and line up your PA chain, its useless most of the time, because you'll have already landed your 6sec stun from PA chain.

if you dont have a buffbot, your evade rate vs buffed enemies will suck so much, that you cant rely on dragonfang.

if you're a mercfil (high DW/Thrust, low CS) Dragonfang is your only real tool, so most useful here

Having tried both slash and thrust, i can say that Dragonfang is not neccesarily the winning style for you. Seing as i hated stealth groups and dont have a buffbot, dragonfang was only ever useful to me in PvE :)

That said;

While leveling an infil, you would want to go slash at least until 40. in BGs, Slash >>>>>>>>> thrust, and PvE-wise, slash has just that little edge too. Thrust is pretty much useless until level 50.


Originally posted by Damon Doombring
LOL I'm amased to see there are actualy that stupid peoepl around....

poor puppy u felt lonenly?

fear not u still the n1 jerk ov the realm :)


Originally posted by Solid
Anyone please tell me what narcotics this fella is on, i wouldnt mind some, sounds liek a fun time :D

WTF is he spouting on about? I really am struggling to comprehend his post and what he means

take of ur head from the wc n u will understand,
im afrait to ask u this hard task ... comeing out from ur habitat
but try u will be able to read n untherstand than :)


Time for some real flame bait:
I'm only talking about UNBUFFED assassins and their unique strengths as I see them.

Higher overall skills
A 9-second stun style that can only be used if you never use your stealth attackes (yes a 2-sec stun from BSII is worth 30 second stun immunity to your target, and being unbuffed you can't rely on an evade to use DF).
Vanish RA
Access to slash and thrust weapons.

Free two-handed weapons
Higher hit points
Higher weaponskill for the same level of weapon spec
An off-hand skill tree whose damage increases with spec (ok, not as much as it used to, but as the alb and hib lines have NO damage increase at all, this is still a major feature of the SB)

DD shouts
Viper RA
Avoid Pain RA (not available to other assassins)
Other RAs available to boost DDs
Access to slash and thrust weapons.

Hyuga Hinata

Silenzio, what was the point in making 3 mfing replys?



Originally posted by the_smurflord
Higher weaponskill for the same level of weapon spec
An off-hand skill tree whose damage increases with spec (ok, not as much as it used to, but as the alb and hib lines have NO damage increase at all, this is still a major feature of the SB)

Quote inaccurate my friend:

DW/CDW offhand damage is calculated off the MAINHAND weaponspec. 50 Thust, 1 DW means IF you hit, you will hit for the same 50 Thrust spec Base damage with both weapons.

LA offhand and mainhand both take a penalty to base damage and then regain that penalty from speccing.

Inf is on the 100-20 model with DW spec increasing the swing chance beyond 20% but the damage being 100% on both hands always.

LA is on the 60-60 model with LA spec increasing the Base damage by 0.5% per specpoint (or 0.25% per weapon) but the weapon always swings,

And silenzio, stfu n00b, your makign yourself look like a misinformed numbnutz, go learn how the game works before spouting your nonsense

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