Infil or choose



What is better, infiltrator or shadowblade?

i want to create a stealth char, which i hope to own everyone :cheers:

What is best out of the two? also a good spec if someone knows one?


Originally posted by Laromia
The answer is so obvious.. :rolleyes:

You ask for help, its a simple question, and you get an answer like that.......

/clap ??


browse the forums i'm sure u will find 1 million and 2 threads bout sb's being really under loved and by a long way the worst of the 3 assassins out there. (think as one person sed if they went 2h they could only just deal as much damage as a ns/inf with a 1h but they would swing alot slower than a inf/ns... + they have a 2nd hand weapon spot)

If u also look through forums u'll find hundreds of threads of ppl calling for inf's to be nerfed ;)

Wild stab in the dark here but pretty sure inf >>>>>> sb


ok kule, infil it is then.. so what do they get? stuff like PA? Garotte?

know of any good specs?


Originally posted by astriix
What is better, infiltrator or shadowblade?

i want to create a stealth char, which i hope to own everyone :cheers:

What is best out of the two? also a good spec if someone knows one?

HAHAHA you gotta be kidding....


CS is the same styles in every realm i'm pretty sure ;)

No idea of spec, NS myself shouldn't be too hard to spec it with 2.5 per lvl

Just go on catacombs and make a template there


My advice is to ignore forums, espeically on class related issues. Everyone whines that their realm is the most hard done by and that everyone else is superior.

As things stand (and you're more than welcome to ignore this advice), infils have the edge over shadowblades, with bother being superior to a nightshade. Before the left axe nerf I would have said SBs and infil were pretty much level, though of course people will violently disagree with me.


u already have a 30 sb according ur sig :]


WTFPWN people with the infiltrator! Experience the delights of stalking bands of greys and killing them! Gather as many as 1 RP per kill! Bask in the glory of a job well done, knowing that you have set a group of real people back several hours for one realm point each! Laugh at your foes (from a safe distance) as you bravely hide from the yellow-cons that set off to hunt you! Jeer at the corpses of your enemies, lying on the ground, and laugh at them for not being yellow enough to kill you!

Become an infiltrator!


Originally posted by mucking_fuppet
WTFPWN people with the infiltrator! Experience the delights of stalking bands of greys and killing them! Gather as many as 1 RP per kill! Bask in the glory of a job well done, knowing that you have set a group of real people back several hours for one realm point each! Laugh at your foes (from a safe distance) as you bravely hide from the yellow-cons that set off to hunt you! Jeer at the corpses of your enemies, lying on the ground, and laugh at them for not being yellow enough to kill you!

Become an infiltrator!

I've played on all three realms. The above descriptions applies to a certain percentage of all infils, SBs and nightshades. Frankly they give the rest a bad name.
Every realm blames the other for having the most tossers among them and being griefers and grey-gankers. The sad truth is that it's an equal problem in every realm.


If you want to have a lastname like 'RP Cow' or 'FarmMeeeeh' go SB.
Think next patch we get our epic changed to get a more 'cowish' look along with some little horns to our helmets.


Originally posted by old.Hellskor
If you want to have a lastname like 'RP Cow' or 'FarmMeeeeh' go SB.
Think next patch we get our epic changed to get a more 'cowish' look along with some little horns to our helmets.

LOL. You've got to be kidding. SBs are still good and always were. Shame so many SBs AND infils know sod all about the class and run around in gank squads preying on soloers. They give the rest a bad name as well.
For what it's worth, you're one of the few SBs I have a lot of respect for, Cylian. Had numerous encounters with you, and you're normally alone and a damn hard player to beat. Not because of gear or uber skills etc etcc, but because you play smart. Shame so few assassins in any realm do so.


Originally posted by the_smurflord
I've played on all three realms. The above descriptions applies to a certain percentage of all infils, SBs and nightshades. Frankly they give the rest a bad name.
Every realm blames the other for having the most tossers among them and being griefers and grey-gankers. The sad truth is that it's an equal problem in every realm.

I'm not saying SBs don't do the same, it's just they can't do it as well anymore :p

And there are barely any nightshades... who wants to be a leprichaun assassin after all :rolleyes:


Originally posted by mucking_fuppet
I'm not saying SBs don't do the same, it's just they can't do it as well anymore :p

And there are barely any nightshades... who wants to be a leprichaun assassin after all :rolleyes:

Quite a few do. Granted their stats are not as good as elven shades, and the nightshades are the weakest of the 3 assassin classes atm (I suspect some loving soon though), but they are damned hard to spot. No other race/ class combo has the same "Where the fuck did he come from?" factor as a luri shade.


Infil.. best buffbot comes along too when u want one :)


i think shadowblade is the easiest to level(sz style, well i havent played sb since 1.62, so i wouldnt really know now), infil is the easiest to start out in rvr as a n00b spamming DF, and at high RR i think a NS with WA, Viper and AP is the best.


Greatly depends on which server you plan to play on tbh.

If you go for SB (which i highly do not recommend doing) go for mid/excal. reason... mids best and only really good xp zone got nurfed in 1.62 malmohus used to be a fantastic place to level from 40-50 but with the changes to mob spawns and patrols its damn hard even getting to the xp area on your own now. But mid do have access to Darkness Falls most of the time so you can xp there quiet easily.

If you go for Infil (highly recommended if you want to wtfpwn) go for alb/prydwen, Avalon City is an excellent place for xp and when you get bored DF is available to you also. not all the time but a good place to go if you want to solo a bit or get some seals for armour/weapons.

As for specs well SB are alot harder to spec now basicly because no one has really figured out a spec that works well vs other assassins and still allows flexability vs normal class's

Infil on the otherhand

50 thrust
39-44 cs
35-37 stealth
35-37 envenom
rest DW

or if you fancy the role of a stealthing tank

50 thrust
50 DW
35 Stealth
31-33 Envenom

Carean Black

If your doing a infiltator.. u want 50 thrust to get Dragonfang :) Dragonfang 4tehwin :p


Originally posted by Blood
infil is the easiest to start out in rvr as a n00b spamming DF

didnt know infils got doublefrost ?


Originally posted by old.Atrox
didnt know infils got doublefrost ?

Dragon-Fang :eek:

lets hope it gets nerfed when they re-do all the styles ;)

ah well i can dream....


Originally posted by mucking_fuppet
WTFPWN people with the infiltrator! Experience the delights of stalking bands of greys and killing them! Gather as many as 1 RP per kill! Bask in the glory of a job well done, knowing that you have set a group of real people back several hours for one realm point each! Laugh at your foes (from a safe distance) as you bravely hide from the yellow-cons that set off to hunt you! Jeer at the corpses of your enemies, lying on the ground, and laugh at them for not being yellow enough to kill you!

Become an infiltrator!

my boss looked strangely at me when I read this. guess I'm not suppost to laugh at work :)


Originally posted by astriix
What is better, infiltrator or shadowblade?

i want to create a stealth char, which i hope to own everyone :cheers:

What is best out of the two? also a good spec if someone knows one?

is not the char, is how u play it...

infil = speed

sb = damage

Inf Starting spec (with autotrain till 48, if not lower dw)
TR 50
CS 44
ST 35
EN 35
DW 22

Sb Starting Spec (with autotrain till 48 without just lower st n env by 1)
Ax 50 | 50
CS 39 | 41 (to rise cs cap)
ST 35 | 34
EN 35 | 34
LA 5 | 3 (yess is low but unlikey to ns/inf u will swing every time la only affect the damage with off hand... n u can rise it with rr n ra)

this is nealrly my sb spec at rr6 n i like it, unbuffed using 2h most ov the time SS is not needed to kill n inf :p , yes that if i can land a pa chain :) but is not rare; if get spotted u have to work moslty with cs evade chain (harmsting) and Havok+ Tyr's fury, but it work good low/med end usage good damage

some sb r going for sword since ragnarok have great damage,
but i feel easyer to land a front positional style than a bk one,
n midgar if full filled ov axe n +axe item :p (tho my skald have 50 sw )

dont thrust who says sb r worthless, cuz is far from truth,
they aint bothered to play, now is a challange as for other assassin; ive both a sb n inf ... both ov em have theyr point ov str n weakness but cant finde one that is "underpowered" or "unplayable"

if u want to to go out in /godmode is too late some patch adressed it, n is good if instead u like to Have fun;

to me is a challange... find someone n fight 1vs1, getting harder now but is the thing i apreciate more

*La spec n DW spec have been totaly ignored they r also viable but doest suit to me n have not tested for long, so advices could be wrong*

have fun :)


Get dodger atleast at lvl 3 it helps, alot.


Don't forget on 1v1 the armour types make a huge difference.

SB vs Infil = 0% modifier
Thrust Infil vs SB = -15% modifier
Slash Infil vs SB = +15% modifier

And slash infils are rare. Most thrust infils going up against a SB will be encountering an effective 41% damage resistance, assuming he has SCed gear which most do.

Can't remember how nightshades fare.


Infils rule! They are sneaky little bitches ready to shove something sharp up your ass.

Hyuga Hinata

astriix, do you mind not stealing my avatar and all?


my rr3l6 sb can beat some infys even unbuffed, if purge is up.

and albion is full of wankers, nuff said


Infiltrator has access to better tools in every aspect when compared to the shadowblade.

There is a significant potential difference between the two classes.

Unbuffed Inf >> Unbuffed SB due to superior weaponskill, access to eitehr Dragonfang via Str/Dex theust spec or to Slash damage on SB's Slash vulnerable leatehr via Str based Slash spec.
Lets not forget those extra 453 spec points allowing for 50 Weapon spec, 44 CS spec and the 100/20 model of Dual Wield allowing for lower DW spec without mainhand damage penalty.

Buffed Infil >> Buffed SB because of the above reason s+ Buffbotted Infils have access to free Avoid Pain 1.5 from the Cleric Spec AF buff, as well as a lousy yet not totally useles HP regen buff, and the best Dex/Qui spec buff in all 3 realms (Clerics get 75/75, shammy/Druid get 69/69).

High RR Infils >> High RR Shadowblades because Infs have useful RA's to buy past RR5 in Vanish. Shadowblades get Shadowrun \o/

That said, I would prolly roll a Nightshade cos tbh they sound like the most fun assasin to play and still offer a challenge at low RR, then really coming into their own at RR6 with Viper, Avoid Pain 2 and Wild Arcana.


Liste you were slightly off on the armour table post.

its -/+ 10% not -/+ 15%

if you take into account buffbots.

then a thrust infil has a 5% bonus to damage vs SB`s and a slash infil has a 25% bonus to SB`s

spec AF giving an effective AP level of 1.5 meaning an extra 15% absorbtion through higher AF.

Basicly hitting a buffed infil is like hitting a chain using tank without spec AF.

Chain = 635 AF at 50 < rr5
Leather + Spec AF = 650 AF @ 50 < rr5

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