In the spirit of recent happenings here a pro gay thread:



hmmm strippers BRING EM ON !!!



This thread is treating women like objects!



Originally posted by Cdr
This thread is treating women like objects!


Here here!!


according to my business studies lessons last year, 1 in 15 people hired MUST have a disability.... which is kind of wrong. i think that people should be based on thier working ability, without any disabilities taken into account.... then business wont hire people because they are disabled, but for the job.


Yes, but thats called common sense. I rest my case :p


Originally posted by Flamin_Squirrel
Yes, but thats called common sense. I rest my case :p

Which a majority of the populace lack. That's why as a nation, we're spoon fed and treated like idiots, because most of us are.


Quite. However regretably maxi speaks the truth :(.


Originally posted by maxi--
Which a majority of the populace lack. That's why as a nation, we're spoon fed and treated like idiots, because most of us are.

Originally posted by maxi--
Generalising is not an effective method of airing your views intelligently. In fact in this case, it seems just lazy. ( is rife with it)


Originally posted by Jonny_Darko
It's not just a race thing though. Like that Olivio Spread advert where old ladies are watching practically naked men cavorting in the sea through binoculors...that's humerous. If it was old men looking at women in skimpy bikinis that wouldn't be humerous, it would be a bunch of old pervs.

Come to think of it, a bunch of women going to see strippers is perfectly acceptable. It's a fun night out. But us men have to hide it because it's dirty and seedy.

I do not think that is so much the case anymore. If JBP wants to go to a strip joint / lap dancing club heh he can go when he likes, hell I'll go to. The same goes for watching pr0n.

When I was married the one thing that really hacked me off about my ex husband was the fact I found all of his pr0n hidden under the mattress of our bed instead of being open about his necessity to look / read it. I feel you boys bring the dirty seedy stigma re strip joints / lap-dancing clubs / pr0n on yourselves :p


MOBOs go against their original intention-I believe they were originally instated as a means to provide equality in what was a white dominated industry(most managers were middle aged white men).
But anything like this just proves to magnify the differences shouldnt all music be accredited regardless of the race of the creator?
Heres another controversial one.
Stephen Lawrence being in the top 100 black britons.
I dont wish to belittle his murder-whenever some1 dies in such a fashion its terrible.
But sorry he has been painted as some kind of saint who was bound to become the next Chrsistopher Wren(crock of shite)
and his Mother?Way too much coverage,youd think she was fucking mother theresa.At the university I attend theres a whole building dedicated to him,when to be brutally honest,all he did was die.(which he shares with the hundreds of soldiers listed ,ironically, in a plaque inside the building, who died fighting for their country

With regards to jobs in my area there are a disproportionate number of ppl unable to do the jobs they unfairly gained thanks to "positive" discrimination (how can any discrimination be positive?)

This country is totally mad, its hard working citizens have to pay for their prescriptions (black/asian & white) and to maintain the NHS when people who have just set foot in the country have access to it for nothing.
Asylum seekers make me laugh,the news says theyve travelled 1000s of miles to get here.Wait one minute why didnt they claim asylum in any of the other european countries along the way?If they were truely being persecuted they would be happy to be in any developed country.

Stop & search.
It makes my blood boil when people say a disproptionate amount of black people are stop and searched + that it should be equal.
They always forget that alot more black then white people commit certain crimes.Tell me people how many of you have been mugged by a white person?How many mugged by a black person?

Do not get me wrong,many people from ethinic minorities make great contributions to British society and many work hard.
Britain would not be the country it is today without them, but I just wish the media would present the facts in a balanced way instead of being afraid of being accused of racism.


Originally posted by boris
Asylum seekers make me laugh,the news says theyve travelled 1000s of miles to get here.Wait one minute why didnt they claim asylum in any of the other european countries along the way?If they were truely being persecuted they would be happy to be in any developed country.

Perhaps because english is one of the most widely spoken languages over the world, and if you're an asylum seeker and you speak a few words of english, getting by is going to be far easier in england than france or germany.

True, there are economic migrants but lets not tar the real asylum seekers with the same brush simply because they want to come to england.

Stop & search.
It makes my blood boil when people say a disproptionate amount of black people are stop and searched + that it should be equal.
They always forget that alot more black then white people commit certain crimes.Tell me people how many of you have been mugged by a white person?How many mugged by a black person?

I assume you're not black then. And tbh, I don't think you can really comment unless you've walked in a black guys shoes for a while and experience the prejudice of the..well, some police.
Statistically, black people may well be responsible for more pety crimes than white, but I don't think that gives the police excuses to just stop any black person in the hope that they'll get lucky.


Originally posted by nath
but I don't think that gives the police excuses to just stop any black person in the hope that they'll get lucky.

They can't. They have to have grounds to search someone (under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act). They have to give their name, number and station. It is a mute point tbh, they are unlikely to stop and search nowdays through fear of being labelled racist.


The point in giving asylum seekers all the help is the hope that once they get on their feet they will become viable members of society (i.e pay the country back). The annoying thing is when they fcuk off home again.

As for stop and search and the fact that, it's perceived, more black people are criminals. Its more to do with the fact that, still, more black families are still under the poverty line. Which would point to the fact that black people are still not getting the proper opportunities. But I feel it's tremendously unfair that the police force are percieved as rascist.

As for 'why didn't they stop off in one of the many countries on the way. Well for many reasons but the main one is the fact we are a welfare state still (just about) and its easier to get back on your feet here.

As for the 'homo-phobic' sayings I'm almost sure that the people who use gay in such phrases aren't thinking of homosexuality and are probably less homophobic than most. Also is anyone here homosexual? What are there views on the use of such phrases? Since one of my close friends is gay and doesn't care about me using such phrases.


Would anyone here lose any sleep if the gay community used "hetero" as an insult? lol


Originally posted by Gekul
Would anyone here lose any sleep if the gay community used "hetero" as an insult? lol
Fuck off you hetero.


Originally posted by boris
Stephen Lawrence being in the top 100 black britons.
I dont wish to belittle his murder-whenever some1 dies in such a fashion its terrible.
But sorry he has been painted as some kind of saint who was bound to become the next Chrsistopher Wren(crock of shite)
and his Mother?Way too much coverage,youd think she was fucking mother theresa.At the university I attend theres a whole building dedicated to him,when to be brutally honest,all he did was die.(which he shares with the hundreds of soldiers listed ,ironically, in a plaque inside the building, who died fighting for their country

I think he's important as a symbol rather than for himself - his talents have become mythical rather than based on fact but all people who die tragically young tend to become exaggerated by their loved ones - simply human nature.

With regards to jobs in my area there are a disproportionate number of ppl unable to do the jobs they unfairly gained thanks to "positive" discrimination (how can any discrimination be positive?)

I always had similar views about my local council - it was an accepted local 'truth' that if you were a disabled black lesbian you could just walk into a job - thus I was very surprised to see a breakdown of council employees a few months ago showing a pathetically low level of employees from ethnic minorities - way below the actual proportion in the community - the whole thing was just a racist generalisation - dont get sucked into this crap - evaluate it for yourself.

This country is totally mad, its hard working citizens have to pay for their prescriptions (black/asian & white) and to maintain the NHS when people who have just set foot in the country have access to it for nothing.
Asylum seekers make me laugh,the news says theyve travelled 1000s of miles to get here.Wait one minute why didnt they claim asylum in any of the other european countries along the way?If they were truely being persecuted they would be happy to be in any developed country.

The Governments own research showed that Asylum seekers working illegally benefit the countries economy by an estimated 3 billion pounds in excess of the amount paid in benefits.

Tell me people how many of you have been mugged by a white person?How many mugged by a black person?

I have been violently assaulted by 1 white person and no black people - should I then generalise that white people are violent and black people are law abiding - no - because generalisation is silly...


Originally posted by boris
Asylum seekers make me laugh,the news says theyve travelled 1000s of miles to get here.Wait one minute why didnt they claim asylum in any of the other european countries along the way?If they were truely being persecuted they would be happy to be in any developed country.

If it can be proved(something as small as a recipt) that they did travel through any other safe countries then they are sent straight back.


Originally posted by rynnor
I have been violently assaulted by 1 white person and no black people - should I then generalise that white people are violent and black people are law abiding - no - because generalisation is silly...

Boris is not generalising, it is a statistical fact.


An example of , I'll use the phase "negative racism" for want of something better, from my office.
We got two guys, one white one black. Both of them are lazy shits who are constantly late for work, don't do anything when they get here and are off sick a lot more than usual.

The white guy gets hauled up in fornt of the HR department and warned to change his ways. The black guy gets away with it.

I confronted my bosses about this and one of them admitted they were affraid that the black guy would wave the race card if he was confronted.
This obviously creates a great deal of resentment in the office, not ideal.
So make what you will of that.


Same happened at my last work place, there was a black guy who was always late, never willing to help and always complaining, he was pulled infront of the management, they told him how things were gonna change.

2 days later nothing else was said and everything carried on as normal, they guy called them racists and management chose to turn a blind eye because they didn't want the "complications" the race issue would bring.


The whole OJ Simpson thing confused the heck out of me. The whole of black America believed him innocent, and most of white America believed him guilty. (See also "A Time Ti Kill")

And I'm sat there thinking WTF has his colour got to do with anything? He either killed someone, or he didn't, and all that matters is finding the truth, and dishing out punishment (or apology) accordingly. To just pick a side on this issue because of his colour was disgusting from both sides.

On a funny related note, I watched Mel B being interviewed, and she said that being a black person getting into music was "practically impossible" because the industry is set up to keep black people out! Just watch any TOTP from the last 15-20 years to see what bollocks that is.

Mel, I don't care either way about you being black, but you shouldn't be using it a) as an excuse when you fail or b) a reason to say "I am better than a white person because I succeeded despite the barriers" when you succeed.

I think the problem is that a lot of young white people these days, like myself, aren't at all racist (I'm shocked, as many are, by the sort of casual racism my Granddad comes out with - he's a top bloke but just naive), but that a lot of young black people haven't realised that yet - they expect us to be more racist than we actually are...and it's definitely starting to swing the other way.


There's an excellent South Park on this issue, which I thought was really sweet, showing that the kids in South Park don't even cotton on to any difference between black and white. Most kids these days are like that, and both black and white people need to stop making out that there is a difference, 'cos there clearly isn't. Hopefully when today's kids are all growed up racism (and homophobia) will be a thing of the distant past.


Originally posted by nath
Perhaps because english is one of the most widely spoken languages over the world, and if you're an asylum seeker and you speak a few words of english, getting by is going to be far easier in england than france or germany.

True, there are economic migrants but lets not tar the real asylum seekers with the same brush simply because they want to come to england.
Okay but how is it possible that the Netherlands has so many asylum seekers?
Also I think you should check the numbers of asylum seekers in Germany, they are close to the numbers in the UK (last time I checked)
Personally I can't blame any asylum seeker if I would fled from an oppresive regime I would also go to a rich developed country rather then the next country that might be better but still poor.


Originally posted by Jonny_Darko
Hopefully when today's kids are all growed up racism (and homophobia) will be a thing of the distant past.
Fine roll model the church is being then. 2 new branches on their way I believe.


I think alot of blacks do realise that white people dont care about colour most of the time, untill they abuse the laws set up to protect them.

sad_mung: I wonder what would happen if the lazy white guy claimed racism.

The law is there to prevent discrimination, and it really should work both ways imo.


Originally posted by mr.Blacky
Okay but how is it possible that the Netherlands has so many asylum seekers?
Also I think you should check the numbers of asylum seekers in Germany, they are close to the numbers in the UK (last time I checked)
Personally I can't blame any asylum seeker if I would fled from an oppresive regime I would also go to a rich developed country rather then the next country that might be better but still poor.


Germany has the most then its us and then its some scandinavian country (not finland strangely...I'm thinking denmark for some reason). After that I don't know.


Originally posted by Flamin_Squirrel
The law is there to prevent discrimination, and it really should work both ways imo.

At the end of the day, to not be racist means understanding the fact that regardless of skin colour, we're all humans. And if we accept that there is no difference between black and white people, which there isn't, then we have to accept that a percentage of black people are racist, just as a percentage of white people are. A percentage of white people are idiots, tossers and criminals, and the same percentage of black people are.

Not being racist SHOULD mean the freedom to dislike any black person I meet, for whatever reason I choose, just as I dislike many white people I meet. I'm not given that option at the moment, which is discriminatory.

For example, in secondary school I got called up in front of a governer and the head of midddle-school for being "racist". My best mates at the time were called Saminaden Vythelingum and Simon Tsang. I just stood up and said "Sir, you know who I hang out with. You know my mates! One's from India, one's from China. My cousins are Philipino! I wasn't calling Ahmed names because he's from Iraq, I was calling him names because he was being a twat."

I was in detention for most of my fourth year for that :(

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