IMPORTANT - New Alliance



Ok, i send alot of gms info about the new alliance, and so far we got 11 guilds who agreed:

Exiled, Flemish Lions, De Gothia, Raven Claw, Crusaders of Albion, The Royal Guard, Illuminate, Dark Prophecy, The Dragon-Fighters, Xanadu Honorabili Protectores and Templar Knights.

Guilds whom haven't decided yet (9):

Praetoria Legion, Ferus Legionis, Blade&Quill, Knights of Pendragon, Shadow Wolves, Herkfolge Boldklub, Dragon Knights, Vae Victis and Black Falcons.

I'm not responsible for any mistypes :)

I still need to contact some guilds, if you think your guild has to be in it just pm me, i'm around from 1700 to 0100 cet mostly.


See Above

What we really need (IMHO) is a call in system.
What I mean by this is Guild leader "A" requires 50 people to defend a relic. His goal is merely to have 50 people form whichever guild in a particular time and and place. All he really has to do is a short sharp message to any other guild leader with a pledge of numbers and levels they can field within the required time and place.

I agree the Council seems like a good idea - As above for a defense numbers need to be raised quickly and in terms of attack a longer timespan can apply in order for people to return from far flung areas where they are xping etc.

Some of the higher Guilds can eaily put 10-15 45+ members out at short notice but for other guilds who have either smaller numbers or lower levels it becomes more difficult for them to field the required numbers and levels of characters as needed. Perhaps a practical arrangement is that the higher level guilds deal with defense as they have easier time to get the right people to the right place more easily and the "lower" guilds provide the numbers for raiding and in case of emergency.

Just my 2 pence worth feel free to rip me apart (as I'm sure you will :)



Could you either contact me(Wedge), or Pac ingame?

We should be online almost all evenings...


Will do Wedge =)

I welcome any guild who joins in this alliance :)


Blade & Quill is already in alliance with Angels of Death, but we had a chitchat with Herbal Remedy yesterday and agreed that if AoD also gets invited into the alliance B&Q will not hesitate to join, reason for this being that AoD and B&Q has the same outspring, the former Azure Lion Company (I think it was :)) and we of the B&Q do not feel it is right to abandon the AoD without them having an invitation to the new alliance too.

that more or less summons up the conversation with herbal.


Kcini, only 1 thing about "Albions United"

U think an alliance with 20 guilds can work? :rolleyes:

I think an alliance with 4-6 guilds is enough to control
our realm. Just remember how many times we failed relic raids
cause noobs went down the hill and pulled uber guards. O,o
And no, they aren't simples mistakes. Some ppl will always be
a noob.
I can't answer for my guild, but i don't wanna ally with guilds
where 80% of the ppl is lvl 20.

That's all

Dherkova Shyagon
<Black Falcons>

Herbal Remedy

dherk no a an alliance of 4 - 6 guilds wont work weve treid that u cant defend the whole realm with just 5 - 6 guilds when mids / hibs attacked at same time a while ago we nearly crumbled under the pressure also what happens in 1 or 2 of those guilds dont show up? Then uve got 3 or 4 guilds vs a mid or hib army


Herbal, in the last attack of mids+hibs all that we do were hold ppl in excal. And only 2-3 guilds retaking keeps. So if u want
an alliance to do that. Don't do an alliance, just /yell in lyonesse
and barrows.
And i still think a few guilds raiding a relic is better than all
albion raiding it. Numbers aren't really important. Strategy is.
We never were in ur alliance, so i don't know how it work. But
have an alliance chat only to say: raid benowyc now, deffend
berkstead now, etc is lame. And i think this will be the use
of an /as with 20 guilds in.

Dherkova Shyagon
<Black Falcons>


Well for your information Dherkova it ain't always the low lvlers who are the dumb ones... I've seen some very high lvlers do pretty stupid things as well. So that ain't an excuse not to invite other guilds. And I think I have to say this over and over again. It's a GUILD COMMUNICATION CHAT. Everyone here sees an alliance as I HAVE TO FIGHT WITH YOU NOW AND HAVE TO OBBEY alliance. People start reading better please...

Guilds grow. Stop the cocky attitude "I'm lvl 50 and you aren't so you are lame and dum" please. Everyone can be used and can be given tasks they can do. I'd rather prefer hitting uber guards with 30 low lvlers then with 2 lvl 50ers if you get my point.

People can still do raids on their own and do things on their own with other guilds. The point of this alliance is a major warning chat and giving tactical info quickly without having to do /who guild and see if their leader is on.


I'm happy to announce <Dragon Knights> have joined the alliance as of yesterday evening.


finster posted recently that he wont be online much for a week or two because he has important exams coming up in this period...


Originally posted by Paranoid
finster posted recently that he wont be online much for a week or two because he has important exams coming up in this period...

Thought he deleted last night and was rerolling as a Middie ?


Albion Alliance


Like the idea, it is definitely needed.

I would like to state that our alliance will not be joining but will be at your disposal for the defence of albion.

The Reasons are not because of any difference of opinion with any in the albion defence alliance, just that we prefer to be a more tight knit group so you/us can rely on our effectiveness to work as units and be well coordinated. Something that i think would be loss in the masses of guilds in the alliance.

However this should make it easier to command and be commanded if ever you should need us or would like more backup.

Good Luck

Draven Blackstaff
GM of Dead Dragons Society
Alliance of Celestial Fury, The Merry Men, ASq and Dead Dragons Society


Originally posted by C0ngo

Thought he deleted last night and was rerolling as a Middie ?

He did, he's now a member of Nolby Pride on excalibur/midgard :eek:


another happy announcement:
templar knights just managed to join the alliance.


personally i think a large alliance would work better than a number of smaller ones because u can co-ordinate it better if every1 is in on the plan where as if u have a number of small alliances the ppl in them (bar the leader) wont know whats happening until the leader tells them.

think of this, one of albions keeps gettin attacked, the defence is allocated to alliance A and there off in lyonesse or far in dartmoor and cant come. then what happens?

where as in a large alliance u could just ask every1 who can make it to go and defend there but say tell 2 guilds to stay behind

much better in my opinion.


Large alliance WOULD be better than a smaller one...the only thing is the chat would habe to be severly limited to not just officers but also to people who RvR alot within the Zarek isn't a officer of BF but he RvRs alot and can warn people of anything amiss easily....of course all GMs and maybe 1-2 officers should be able to speak and maybe alot hear /alliance but from my low lvl chars alliance i can see that alot of the time its spam... looking for grps items etc :eek:

gr8 idea though hope it gets together


VV just joined the alliance (finally).

We may be a small guild, but we have experience and determination (spiced up with a crapload of arrogance).


I'm glad to see you guys VV :) Always nice teaming with you :)

Bleri McThrust

Originally posted by Kcinimodus
Ok, i send alot of gms info about the new alliance, and so far we got 11 guilds who agreed:

Exiled, Flemish Lions, De Gothia, Raven Claw, Crusaders of Albion, The Royal Guard, Illuminate, Dark Prophecy, The Dragon-Fighters, Xanadu Honorabili Protectores and Templar Knights.

Guilds whom haven't decided yet (9):

Praetoria Legion, Ferus Legionis, Blade&Quill, Knights of Pendragon, Shadow Wolves, Herkfolge Boldklub, Dragon Knights, Vae Victis and Black Falcons.

I'm not responsible for any mistypes :)

I still need to contact some guilds, if you think your guild has to be in it just pm me, i'm around from 1700 to 0100 cet mostly.

So what happened to this alliance ?????

Herbal Remedy

i now have an alt as guildmaster of albion united all gms interested should pls contact me vanity or khalen - im almost always on (addicted you bet).
I will be sorting out joing those guilds who said yes very shortly and will contacting those who have said they where thinking about it shortly as well :D
Expect the number of guild in the alliance to increase in the next few days
On a side note pls would the gms of the respective guilds noted above contact me asap , and would any members of said guilds get there gms to contact me in game - herbal as soon as possible thx

Herbal Remedy

little update illuminati, Royal Guard and Exciled have all joined the alliance ....... more to follow

Herbal Remedy

more update :D
raven claw, dark prophecy and crusadors of albion have joined the alliance still more to follow :D


The Crimson Eagles will join ur alliance if u want us but there arent all that many of us atm

Herbal Remedy

Alliance as it now stands (in no order at all)
Flemish lions
Royal Guard
Templar Knights
Dragon Knights
Defectu Virium Elite
The Bretheren
Guardians Of Light
Great Danes of Albion
Vea Victis
Crusadors Of Albion
Raven Claw
Dark Prophecy
Blade & Quill
Angels of Death
thats 16 guilds so far and hopefully more to come :D


Can we request a reset of the server? Its getting annoying :/

Herbal Remedy

Originally posted by Odysseus
Can we request a reset of the server? Its getting annoying :/
i have emailed kemor asking for a server reset and am awaiting his reply


Originally posted by Odysseus
Can we request a reset of the server? Its getting annoying :/

umm wtf does this mean to have a server reset?

Herbal Remedy

a server reset is where the close the server for a short period of time 20 mins? and reboot the server

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