IMPORTANT - New Alliance



Do you have to be invited b4 the reset?

Although we were on the list of invites, Kcinimodus(damn hard name ;) ) didnt have time to invite us :rolleyes:


why does the server has to be rebooted? its not because the /as chat, is it?
think it already works...


Its the /as, VV cant send, nor hear.

For invites to alliance, contact Herbal ingame i think.

Herbal Remedy

Originally posted by Icy
Do you have to be invited b4 the reset?

Although we were on the list of invites, Kcinimodus(damn hard name ;) ) didnt have time to invite us :rolleyes:
wedge ill contact you for an invite this evening or tonight, i apollogised that i missed you yesterday i understood the bretheren to be in already ill fix it asap
oh edit :D
as chat works for those who where allied before the last server reset but not those recently joined - hope kemor gets back to me soon :rolleyes:


Methinks you are taking this game too seriously.

Tanks charge, nukers nuke, healers heal. That's about it for any RvR encounter - or at least that's all I've ever seen happen anyway. Hardly takes alot of thought does it?

Alliances? Leaders?

The problem is the really nice people who have no ego's aren't interested in being in charge. Most people who want to be the boss are on some major ego trip. Very boring.

But hey - what do I know? I play a stealth class so I can keep away from the mindless melee of the pitched battles and employ a little strategy in my fighting.


So you think hiding stealthed and waiting for an easy kill to come by, is somehow harder than getting 2 forces capable of taking a relic across midgard, attacking both relic forts simultaneous, distracting middy reinforcements, then clearing alb milegate for the relic-running team?
It's nothing to do with 'taking it too seriously', stop trying to look cool or whatever the hell your point was :rolleyes:
We go on well organised raid and get middy str relic = we have fun

And as to Arthwyr/Finthevasta/Daivana/khalen/anyone i missed being on an ego trip... man, what the hell? What do you think the game consists of at high levels, RP farming and keep pingpong tend to get rather boring rather fast. Relic raids is a challenge, and to suceed in that challenge you need leaders.
And as for herbal/finthevasta who have spent hours selflessly trying to get our relic keep doors back up again - you think that's egotistical?
Shove it....

edit: woo, i take forums way to seriously :rolleyes:


Hrm Herbal must be a busy man, has no time for my diplomatic officer (Ererim).

Or do you just ignore little wizards as a rule? (can't say I blame you)

I'll log in Fingoniel and chat to you later... never know might get a response this time ;P :)

Herbal Remedy

yes i have been a very busy chappy indeed recently - and no i havent ignored him on deliberatly i appologise if ive missed his sends - but it isnt unusual to have upto 10 send conversations going on at once for me atm , so i beg your patience if i havent got back to you. Ive been repairing excals doors helping organise 2 relic raids inculding all 9 rams for one of em as well as trying to sort the alliance out , talking to various guilds about the state of excal - keeping an eye on excal etc etc all while trying to take an active part in guild life as an officer so hope u understand if ive i missed a send or two.

As for now i will be allying those on kcinis list who agreed or where thinking about joining the alliance- believe me id like to invite every guild that asked - but i have no idea one how many guilds are allowed in the one alliance - i think it is 20. So far we have 17 guilds allied and i want to get those who have said yes or thinking about allied first as there might not be any room after that :( so other guilds who are interested will be allied after the initial phase has been done - those on kcinis list after that if theres room ill ally more guilds.

on a side note the brethren joined yesterday - sorry for the delay wedge.


Was wondering

Just thought i would say this - wouldn't it be cool if all the guilds members who were 40+ or even 45+ set up a new master guild - the allience guild leaders would be the new officers of the new superguild - it would be so cool to have one almighty guild all with same emblem all doing raids together - those hibby's and mid's would surely fill thier pants everytime they saw us ? This would prove that high levels havent got ego's and all low level Alb's would rush to get to level 40+ to join this superguild !!
image a guild of 200 plus level 40+ players - finding groups would be easy doing dm drop raids would happen all the time - relic raids would be easy to organize - recruiting is easy simple over 40+ your in. Cant hte big level 50+ guild leader talk about it - what a display in camelot as 100 level 40+ played desend to form superguild !! is it possible or is it a dream


The guild chat would get a bit very crouded ;) But the idea is nice indeed. It's like one big IRC channel with all the alb players :) And all the smaller guilds we would see just as XP groups who are grouping with m8s to become a member... But frankly I don't think it is possible due to the fact some people don't wanna be in a big guild.


big guild

the people who wanted to be in a little guild can use there friends list to talk to there small group - or friends invite etc - the point being if we have one hugh guild you dont always have to go on raid you can carry on xping and the guild is so big that will still be plenty of people going on raid - you can pick and choose as officers give orders - the people in guild can play how they like and guild is big enough to cope with it - so noone HAS to do anything theres always someone else who will instead


wont work, we need discipline more than anything in albion atm, we have the strength the will and the humour, we just need people to obey orders, and thats the problem with you idea, what if NOONE wanna come raiding because they have made other plans? people re entitled to their own plans, besides I like B&Q and I doubt that I would have as much fun in a 200+ guild where not everybody will understand my humour......

just my 2 pence


like i said before use the friends list to set up chats to talk to your m8's online more - the big guild makes organizing raids so much easier - if a 200+ guild did get created its bound to be easier to arrange raids etc. it dont matter though i suppose it was a dream after all.


Originally posted by Herbal remedy
yes i have been a very busy chappy indeed recently - and no i havent ignored him on deliberatly i appologise if ive missed his sends - but it isnt unusual to have upto 10 send conversations going on at once for me atm , so i beg your patience if i havent got back to you. Ive been repairing excals doors helping organise 2 relic raids inculding all 9 rams for one of em as well as trying to sort the alliance out , talking to various guilds about the state of excal - keeping an eye on excal etc etc all while trying to take an active part in guild life as an officer so hope u understand if ive i missed a send or two.

Tis cool Herbal, sounds hectic.

I was worried you were miffed at my older post about me dismissing of the 'Guardians of Light' name when we created HG :)

(I pointed out to the guy suggesting it that not only was there already a guild called that, but the thought of us 8 level 6 people guarding the eternal light from the hordes of darkness was a bit ludicrous ;))

Could you put the HG on the end of the waiting list for me? :)
(we've actually got some members these days... a reasonable number of high levellers too - be nice to hear about raids and invasions to defend from etc. etc. I oughta improve my WC too so I can help with seige)

Herbal Remedy

np fingoniel

oh and just a little note kemor has answered w00t a quick reply and a thumbs up to goa this time

on the mainpage of goa daoc europe

Another step toward the 1.48 patch; In order to offer a better patching process, we will be upgrading our patcher network today. You may notice some problems connecting to the patcher during the course of the day and you will be unable to connect to the game at 3pm GMT (4pm CET) for about 30minutes. This will not affect players already in game, only players trying to connect.
On another note, we will down the English servers tomorrow morning (Thursday, 13th of June) at 10am GMT (11am CET) for a very short maintenance. This will fix many alliance chat and guild communication problems.

so hopefully alliance chat will be up and working from tommorow afternoon

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

oh and recieved an email from him as well

I'll ask for a reset as soon as possible. We are trying to do one every week.

GM, English DAoC Servers, GOA
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Another couple of guilds that may be good additions to this list of allies maybe .

Black Falcons
De Gothia
Legion of Darkness

all the above guilds seem to have a good member base. and im sure they would be willing to help albion .
i'm not sure if you have already asked these guilds and wether or not they declined . but as you said the more prominant guilds involved in the main albion allience the better imo .



The guild The Chosen would like to join the aliance to fight against those middy and hibby scum and to defend albion against them.

But i have some questions. What will happen when the aliance is full ? there are 17 guild in the aliance as you sayed and i saw 4 more guilds that wanted to join. what will happen to all the other guild that want to join but can't because the aliance is full?

Like i sayed before we really would like to join the aliance but is there a change for us.

If we can join you can always contact myself neon grimbo or chinese.



The Ministry joining?

The guildmaster of The Ministry already made himself known to the alliance leader, but i'd like to make the note here too we would like to join the Alliance.

I think we could make a nice addition to the alliance. We are always willing and able to do large scale RvR, and all our highlevels have a highlevel crafting skill as well, making us very siegecraft capable.

As i understand we were already allowed in, but it got postponed due to some bugs and a server reset needed?

Anyway, hope to join you all soon :)


we were invited by Kcinimodus ages ago to join, weare interested so if someone wants to PM me in game please do so.

GM <The Dragon-Fighters>


Fangrim and I just formed a new guild. We're as small gets right now but none the less we's like to take part in the alliance. Someone who knows how when where ect of getting in it please send to Fangrim or Dreama in game.

Thanks and stuff



ok, one last post and then I'll sit back and shut up. (yeah right)

Is this Albion United or is this just *big well known* guils united?

no offence to everyone but as I understoof the original cry out for a new alliance it was ment to unite albion, even the small groups in albion would like to help the realm.

Just a point of view.


Oh FFS....that is so the problem of useing 1 comp for 2 ppl sometimes...DREAMA POSTED THE LAST 2 POSTS, NOT FANGRIM

hehe, this is dreama again btw


I had 3 busy weeks in which I couldn't play daoc much or not at all, and in that time Herbal took over in inviting guilds to the alliance etc. I thank her for doing so :).

I heared you can have a max 20 guilds in 1 alliance.. have to get that confirmed though. If so, we won't beable to invite all guilds (which would get messy anyway). We already have 15+ guilds in it, so it's not a l33t alliance or something.

Zag Barr

Where did that rumour with only 20 guilds in one alliance come from? I couldn't find anything about this.

Maybe it is just 20 followers per guild, which means every guild currently in the alliance could invite 20 more guilds ...

We need to test this, if the need arises ...

Herbal Remedy

bump with vea victis merging with dragon fighters and blade and quill leavingthe alliance as they wanted to focus on role play and pve more we will hopefully be adding more guilds to the alliance soon stay tuned ...


Originally posted by Herbal Remedy
bump with vea victis merging with dragon fighters and blade and quill leavingthe alliance as they wanted to focus on role play and pve more we will hopefully be adding more guilds to the alliance soon stay tuned ...

Dragon Fighters or Dragon Knights?


VV and DK (Dragon Knights) were the ones that merged.

Herbal Remedy

my bad - was reading a post on the other alliance at same time - i appologise to all 3 guilds

it is dragon knights vea victis merged with

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