


Originally posted by old.Sepiritz

As far as PVE go I dont know what camps are avaliable in hib, but im sure the classes is no big issue in hib, a tank with protect and a manachanter should do as fine as a pally and an ice wiz, maybe even better. Theres no shortage of manabombs in hib, like theres with ice wizards in alb (because of poor rvr performance.. (I have a wizard..))

A tank with protect and a manachanter don't do as fine as a pally and ice wiz really. Ok, when hunting one or two mobs, yes there's hardly any difference. But consider the following:

Suppose a Hero pulls 6 mobs solo, he will need to taunt all the 6 mobs with a taunt style once, maybe even twice before the manachanter can nuke freely. (this is on red/purp mobs) Also, a Hero must get healed by healers, and I doubt very much that the hero can taunt all 6 mobs before he needs healed.

Now the pally. A paladin has a heal chant that gives more aggro then taunts. It's like insta aggro. all the pally needs to do is hit the mobs once. With spec af + plate armor it can tank mobs way better. Also the heal chant, endurance chant makes life hella easier.

I'm not saying hero/mana chanter duo's wont work. I'm only saying that Paladins are absolute pve gods from what I've seen, and they can tank way more mobs, way easier then any other tank mainly due to the heal chant progressing so much aggro.


My very personal and humble opinion as player of Hib/Exc-Alb/Pry (so anyway neutral) is that the reason why Albs do zerg is that 1fg Albs will always loose against a similar RR (and ability to play) 1fg Hib/Mid. The reasons are many but i think is a fact that at the moment Mid>Hib>Alb as 1fg (unless untill ToA).

But I dont think this is anyway a problem. I love the variety of the game even if this means little unbalances.

The reason why so many people choose alb is a different matter probably. I dont have an answare.
But I agree with all those who said a method of hard balacing should be part of the game.

Altho I dont dislike at all great battles on open field, big amount of people attaking and defending keeps etc I think the situation on Exc is getting unbearable (dont remeber the same thing on Pry even if i have not played there for a while).

And I wonder what the life of an Alb on Exc could be: you log, port to emain, go to amg, form a 10 fgs zerg, wait there a poor solo hib that passes, kill him for you heavy 2-3 rps reward..... is that any fun?


Here's an idea, don't go to emain? :)

If the moronic zerg is there try odins or hw etc., all the alb guilds that actually want rps will leave emain if like recently there's 160 odd albs there.

Although just blaming albs is the usual ofn, going odins after getting bored of emain the hibs obviously had the same idea and had about 4-5 fg zerging odins AMG. Fail to really see the logic behind that, you hate zergs so much you form one somewhere else to wipe 1fg of albs as apposed to having 5 fgh vs 5 fga.

And yeah unless an alb group is set up perfectly with all the right classes it'll lose to most Hib/Mid fgs, hib is all high rr guild groups so the random alb groups with gimped setups get bored of being owned by them or a fotm savage train so they zerg 4tehwin.

I really don't think the numbers mean that much though, yesterday there was about 800 albs online and betwen 100-160 in emain, with df open that drops to about 80, imo hib/mids have the smaller population sure but overall around the same number active RvR.


Originally posted by Legolias
Alright you don't have insta AE mezz. But you DO have bolt range AE mezz

Yep, almost as good as a the hib cc class...
Now if sorcs only had speed 5, base buffs, base heals and did get at least some armour instead of that big neon sign saying "I'm the sorc kill me now plz".
Then if the sorc gets a mezz in you'll just stand there and not use gp?

To me it's rather obvious that mythic are well aware of the general diffrences in the populations, hence alb classes given lower utility.


Originally posted by old.Sepiritz
Indeed I am, alb is easily the most underpowered realm, except once every 30 minutes when we can compete...
Those 100 Albs we met at AMG yesterday didn't seem underpowered. :)


Originally posted by telaron
Yep, almost as good as a the hib cc class...
Now if sorcs only had speed 5, base buffs, base heals and did get at least some armour instead of that big neon sign saying "I'm the sorc kill me now plz".
Then if the sorc gets a mezz in you'll just stand there and not use gp?

To me it's rather obvious that mythic are well aware of the general diffrences in the populations, hence alb classes given lower utility.

When do people stop comparing two ENTIRELY different classes to eachother just because they have one common spell?

Really a Bard is totally different from a Sorc, so don't compare them two.


Originally posted by Legolias
When do people stop comparing two ENTIRELY different classes to eachother just because they have one common spell?

Really a Bard is totally different from a Sorc, so don't compare them two.

Think the reason why people are comparing them is because that even tho they are different they do have the same roll which is CC, now you gotta agree with me on that one :) Now people see 2 different classes with the same roll and they'll spot all the little stuff 1 Mezzer has over the other, i.e. Hib CC has better armor and insta mezz Albs CC doesn't, now Albs have bolt range mezz with in theory should be uber but vs. speed 6 mids it isn't gonna help and vs. range 2.300 instant Amnesia it's not good either as the sorc will get interupted before hitting the botton and hibs will still be coming at speed 5 :)

Anyway, my 50cent on this ;)


albion 4 the win if u have a gimb char


i think we have a bit more players (who cares, most are noobs -->like me perhaps--> more realmpoints 4 u)

We have better stealthers, with bb perhaps, because we outnumber u.

But the other 95% of chars are gimbed in rvr (and all know this),
no albgroup can beat a good(very good) hib or midgroup if albs only playing on the same or a bit higher level.

Btw i think hibs can make best meleegroup, better then mids:
druid druid druid bard bm bm bm shieldtank, because of gp and instaroot and pets to go on healers (healpower is all).
Hibcastergroup if rr5 and well played is very nice too.

The advantage of alb is we need many classes 4 rvr groups (pala, 2clerics, theurg, mincer, sorc, dettank, dettank) and the rest of albs know that they suck and have the balls to join rvr with gimb groups. I have never seen groups like this with 1friar as mainhealer, necros, wizis, no mincer, no sorc and so on at other realms. So they learnt to live with it and move in bigger groups because they know they would die if they meet random hib or midgroups. Thats all.

Solution, give the ability to transfer ur level 50 chars with realmrank to one other realm without autotrain, gold, amor and stuff and alb would be empty in no time, because we are so ueber!!! :) .

Thx 4 reading

Smith Mincer on the way to rr6
Sandokan Cleric on the way to rr6
Jarla Sorc on the way to rr5
Johan Pala making lunch at the way to rr3

Wearing the colors of Royal Bavarians!!!!


Originally posted by Hit ^_^
hibs mids zerg as much so stop whining.

lol mid only zerg when is needed (to kill other zerg), believeme, try to make more than 1 fg in mtk and see.


Originally posted by cha0tic
lol mid only zerg when is needed (to kill other zerg), believeme, try to make more than 1 fg in mtk and see.

Yeah and santa clause is still alive :clap:

be real :D


rofl shut up and try it, i really want to see it.


Originally posted by excs
Says the Mentalist !!!

If you're saying that because mentalist is a "fotm class" because mana spec is so easy and gets you groups all the time... then get your facts straight since I'm light spec :clap:

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