im sick of it!



Even when we take the argument "everybody can ask what he/she wants" in consideration. How do you think a low level player, new to DAoC gets ripped off by SC-jerks? And yes when you can not be botherd, even then making such a respond with an for you obvious rip of price a very bad impresion.

People with this kind of behaivor are nothing more then jerks, people who actualy try to rip off people, should get a -100 skill on every try they make of doing this.



ah for your info i would like to add there was NO OC involved in this "order" , any quality would do and for the time the sc "would" be using?
we are talking about maybe 10mins.. any quality jewels would do, and as said before, it was all lowlevel stuff which doesnt take more than a few sec's to make.

if you know someone who can make 1p in 10mins, then give me his name, coz i want to know how :)


But that´s still no reason to charge twice as much for a +10/+10 item than the SC who charged 500g for my entire lvl 50 armour + staff. And no, not a guildie or anything.

Wow, if that stuff involved any overcharge then that sc'er either got bloody lucky or took a real bath on the costs. Either way, nice guy!

That said. 1p for that order with no overcharge is bloody rude! But with those prices I assume he has very few customers - maybe just too busy and therefore gave silly price, but does not appear to read that way! As for new players, they should be fairly safe from this given I doubt (m)any of them have that sort of money anyway!

<shameless plug> if anyone needs stuff sc'er then let me know. Only too happy for the business - and we can discuss prices up front ;) PM Strang if interested :D


I've often done these kinda of things for free especially for 'real' new characters rather than alts who just want bg twinking :)

But these days I can't even keep up with my own guilds demands nevermind actually do any crafting for profit.


priceless screeny bult.. priceless.... made me laugh :)


Screenie was awsome.

And still for the SC price: the SCer should have said he didn't want to do it, instead of telling you an outrageous price, and make you go post on BW about it :D


Originally posted by halgaard
ive experienced this issue so many times lately its not even funny anymore. Spellcrafters charging P's for low low lowlevel stuff.


just ran halfway through albion to meet this spellcrafter and as you can see above... i changed my mind.

I think 3-5p for a full suit of the high end of sc is fair but geez this is getting Rediculas!!

How about u STFU and make ur own crafter! Posting here some SCer who wont do ur lowbie job is PATHETIC! CRY MORE, FOOL! He prolly gave u a price of 1 plat to get rid of u, Idd do the same if I were him and busy! Saying 1 plat surely makes u ask nomore, instead of him saying 'Soz, im busy atm', cuz then I bet u would say some idiotic thing like: 'But its only 2 gems'!!!

Make ur own crafter, fool, and stop complaining about prices! U r not obliged to buy at that crafter, theres plenty around!

Originally posted by halgaard
spellcrafting is no diffrent than Any other craft
imagine the weaponcrafter doing your.. Bronze dagger charging 1p.... get the picture?

Yea, as if a lgm wc'er is gonna make u a Bronze Dagger :uhoh:

EDIT: Ok, Khalen would, but he is too nice for this game, tbh ;)


There must be some uber-sickness going on in Albion, everyone yelling about spellcrafted weapons and armours. As a lowbie you dont need one, hunt for items like the rest and buy your sc suit when you actually need one!


Like someone said, you get nice spell crafters ...
But that´s still no reason to charge twice as much for a +10/+10 item than the SC who charged 500g for my entire lvl 50 armour + staff. And no, not a guildie or anything.
I think that was me :) If I remember correctly it was a full overcharge set. 500g is a fairly normal (maybe a little low) cost price for a full lot of spellcrafting. Normally a set comes to around 600g for 7 or 8 pieces. If people want to tip me on top of that it's always no obligation but thankfully recieved. I haven't and won't get rich doing it like this, but it's enough to keep my other crafters funded. Anyone who claims that a normal cost price (without any markup) is 1p+ is either lying or doesn't know what they are doing.

The problem is that an awful lot of spellcrafters see the huge market and are doing it just to make money, so they are only going to get pissed off about the things that meant a lack of spellcrafters to start with. Yes spellcrafting is a long and drawn out process, but its not just about the crafting itself. It has perhaps the unique attribute that you NEED to interact with the customer to give them what they want, you cant just sell them a 99% helm and be done with it. Half the battle (and the fun) is in talking to the customer, keeping them happy and informed. I like to think that anyone who comes to me not only goes away with sc at a price they can afford, but happy with the way they've been dealt with, not just stuck in a queue and ignored.

...and you get cock monkey spell crafters.
How about u STFU and make ur own crafter! Posting here some SCer who wont do ur lowbie job is PATHETIC! CRY MORE, FOOL! He prolly gave u a price of 1 plat to get rid of u, Idd do the same if I were him and busy! Saying blah blah blah blah


Re: Re: im sick of it!

Originally posted by zlair
How about u STFU and make ur own crafter! Posting here some SCer who wont do ur lowbie job is PATHETIC! CRY MORE, FOOL! He prolly gave u a price of 1 plat to get rid of u, Idd do the same if I were him and busy! Saying 1 plat surely makes u ask nomore, instead of him saying 'Soz, im busy atm

if you had bothered reading the posts, and seen the screeny, you would have seen that 1) he WASNT busy 2) he WASNT lgm

Originally posted by zlair
cuz then I bet u would say some idiotic thing like: 'But its only 2 gems'!!!

and you know I would say this because??


I think that was me If I remember correctly it was a full overcharge set

Yup, that was you Simius, thanks again for the smooth and fast delivery. :)
Didn´t want to mention your name in this thread because I didn´t want to be responsible for entire Albion spamming you with SC requests. ;)



Spellcrafting can be tedious and boring but plaing ripping people off is not the way to do business.

Your either in it to help out the realm by supplying a service. or in it for the money. If its the later bugger off imho.

Before i quit spellcrafting when i changed servers. I never charged anyone more than 2 * material cost (OC obviously cost more) i kept my customers they were loyal i was happy.

If by your defenition. Because Spellcrafting is tedious and boring you can charge what ever you like. Then hell all those people that work in factories to get those pie's/dougnuts and coke cans you eat/drink in your fridge they should all be million aire's.


Originally posted by old.Emma
Before i quit spellcrafting when i changed servers. I never charged anyone more than 2 * material cost (OC obviously cost more) i kept my customers they were loyal i was happy.

har har har... yea, easy to say now that u were 'ohh, this nice and ohh sooo kind'... (ok ok, i donno know u, so this isnt meant as u personal, but to all those who 'claimed' to be nice when they played etc etc)

2x mat cost is shit. One will have a VERY HARD time finding ANY lgm SCer to make an oc5 bg1 suit at 2x cost... thats like 50 gold profit for 1,5+ hours work... riiight!

expect to pay top dollah for oc5 suits, or expect to stand screaming in Diogel for a SCer a very, very long time...


Originally posted by zlair
har har har... yea, easy to say now that u were 'ohh, this nice and ohh sooo kind'... (ok ok, i donno know u, so this isnt meant as u personal, but to all those who 'claimed' to be nice when they played etc etc)
Yeah, all I do is rip people off all day long :rolleyes:

If anyone reading this needs spellcrafting at the fairest possible price by someone who doesn't treat his customers like cattle then feel free to pm me now that I'm back in business after my summer break.


2 x Material cost was a fair price for me.

BG suit yeah prolly made 50-100g tops.
MP lvl 51 OC5 armour material cost averaged 600-900g sometimes more. so easily a good plat or 1.5p profit. Not forgetting that a lot of the people i did SC for were crafters anyway so often gave a nice tip.

Remember when i did an SC template for an in game friend of mine. Total cost for material 726g 48silver.. he gave me 4 plat. I was happy he was happy.

Some of the prices i see people charging now is rediculous. Can almost buy an mp suit with what most greedy people charge for SC.


Ahh another BW thread packed full with emotion ;)

I have to say I can understand both sides of the equation. Some people are happy to charge low price / cost 'for the good of the realm' others charge higher prices as they want to be compensated for the input of time.

I do not consider either party to be a <ahem> 'cock sucking monkey' or however articulately it was put and people should not get all upset when the crafter they ask quote them a price they consider unfair.

Me personally, I charge what I believe is a reasonable price (usually around 300g per item for full overcharge) or cost + say 50g per item for no overcharge. I justify this to myself (the only person I need to justify it to) as I am only GM sc'er and therefore the profit I make on crafting compensates me for the lost time farming to pay for skilling up.

If a customer thinks I am charging too much and we cannot agree on a price then we politely part company - and to show no hard feelings I have in the past recommended other sc'ers to ppl who did not like my prices or did not want a non-LGM crafter to do the work (which is always annoying as - (perfect gems aside which are rarely used anyway) i can do full o/c on lvl51 MP with no risk, but c'est la vie - apologies if incorrect French too :D)

So much tension on these boards!


Originally posted by zlair

2x mat cost is shit. One will have a VERY HARD time finding ANY lgm SCer to make an oc5 bg1 suit at 2x cost... thats like 50 gold profit for 1,5+ hours work... riiight!

expect to pay top dollah for oc5 suits, or expect to stand screaming in Diogel for a SCer a very, very long time...

no offence zlair, but you really should read this tread again if you even have...
ill repeat my self, this issue is NOT about getting a lgm to craft a bg1 suit. the spellcrafter involved was NOT above 500+ skill ( see screeny, he was not able of making a +10 stat gem. 2) i repeat again.. there was NO oc involved.


i suggest spending like 200 gold and making ur own SC`r to skill400 then u can make all ur lovly bg stuffs. for a few gold :)

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