Im leaving DAOC Level 50 runemaster Account up for grabs !!


Uncle Sick(tm)

/puts on scholar hat

De gustibus non est disputandum :)



Bite me :flame:


Hmm, too bad my Latin isnt up to snuff, i can only guess on a translation....

"Out of respect(?) s/he is not arguing" far as i know. Which isnt very far :)

Uncle Sick(tm)

Remind me to put the translation right below in case I fell like a 1337 show off again.

"You cannot argue over taste."

In other words:
SFXMan can't see any long term excitemnt in FPS'ers
Sar likes playing FPS'ers.


That's it from me,


Bite me, beiss mich, mordez moi, mordalo, morda me, muerdame (gawds.. romanic languages are boooring;)) :flame:


Didnt know what gustibus meant, i guessed at respect :)

Plus im no good with latin anyway, im GLAD i fecked up or someone might think i have some intellegence or something =D


bye snoz,good luck.
but you have too pay for losing our relics like that ffs ;)


Many of those replies really did make me lol.

First and foremost, again take it easy Snoz mate, shame to see ya go, even if everything was your fault as Kal said, and giving away our strength relics like that for a mere two hours with a lurikeen lady.

As for the selling and buying of accounts. I wonder if the eula would actually stand in court. Who does actually own the account, very similar to intelectual property and rights in my opinion. Good luck to anyone that wants to buy or sell accounts.


Originally posted by old.thorungla
As for the selling and buying of accounts. I wonder if the eula would actually stand in court. Who does actually own the account, very similar to intelectual property and rights in my opinion. Good luck to anyone that wants to buy or sell accounts.

I bought and paid for the game in Denmark, in EU that means it would have to be filed in a Danish court (or i could file to have the case overridden while in progress). And according to danish consumer law, the consumer cannot be held to something that he hasnt been made aware off... and since no rightminded consumer actually bothers to read any EULAs, they are not enforcable under danish law.

Did you read the EULA before clicking accept?
Would a normal consumer read the EULA before clicking accept?
- no? then it isnt valid in Denmark.

now who holds the property rights to the digital data that i have created from denmark, in france, on GOA's database, trough GOAs game that i have bought and are paying to use in denmark?


And according to danish consumer law, the consumer cannot be held to something that he hasnt been made aware off... and since no rightminded consumer actually bothers to read any EULAs, they are not enforcable under danish law.
So you're saying that in Denmark if you sign a contract without reading it, it's not legally binding? COOL! Can you also argue that you were shown the contract but you were too stupid to understand it? Does the Denmark Principle also apply to criminal law? Maybe you can kill somebody and get off if you can prove in court that nobody ever actually told you it was illegal.


"By clicking Accept you hereby confirm that you have read, understood and agree with EULA and are bound by the terms therein".

Not sure if that are the exact words, but Im sure similar ones are there, meaning:
You dont have to read the EULA, to be held responsible if breaking it.
Since you clicked 'accept', you have stated that you HAVE read it even if you haven't.
Sorry Blood, your argument wont hold in a court, but was worth a shot ;)



I'd agree with sar tbh .. FPS have more life in them then mmorpg's

FPS's online once ur fully into one is all about competition etc.. and that can go on forever wheres mmmorpgs are about getting to certain levels and tbh daoc is a prime example of you getting to a level and being left with nothing else to do :)


That's why I'm takin me time :)
(and I have a bzillion chars.....)

I get too bored of FPS's unless there's some teamwork involved...

I still play tribes 2 a lot (coz I'm in a Clan and we practice/play matches) but it's a bit different to the average FPS (there be tactics involved!)


Originally posted by Alrindel

So you're saying that in Denmark if you sign a contract without reading it, it's not legally binding? COOL! Can you also argue that you were shown the contract but you were too stupid to understand it? Does the Denmark Principle also apply to criminal law? Maybe you can kill somebody and get off if you can prove in court that nobody ever actually told you it was illegal.

nope.. what i am talking about is point and click contracts, and shrinkwrap contracts.. and only for consumers.


Originally posted by old.pebr
"By clicking Accept you hereby confirm that you have read, understood and agree with EULA and are bound by the terms therein".

Not sure if that are the exact words, but Im sure similar ones are there, meaning:
You dont have to read the EULA, to be held responsible if breaking it.
Since you clicked 'accept', you have stated that you HAVE read it even if you haven't.
Sorry Blood, your argument wont hold in a court, but was worth a shot ;)

actually it will in Denmark, since every 5 year old knows how to click the accept/yes/i agree button, hardly anyone bothers reading even the first line of the EULA..


Dont take blood to court, hes only a Kobold and he cant see over the railings


A lvl 50 i think i never seen
Not a prominent one i guess


thx blood :( ill miss you too man ! ill still be on irc and stuff so cya there !!

and delket, i never really got into RvR, got too bored of the alb pk campers tbh :)

I was one of the first generation level 50's apart 1 week after the first person on midgard :)

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