If your Armsmen has a full respec what would you do...


Madonion Slicer

I am asking simply because my Armsmen has been retired for a long time but has now become active, at the moment he is 42.9 with a hybrid spec going...


rest parry, is this still a viable spec.

Being on Mid i seen what xp machines shield spec warriors are so was also thinking


What do you?

And i have no idea about the viable 2hander spec, do 2hander Armsmen actually have anything over hybrid pole users.

What is your Armsmen spec? and if you have a full respec what would you do with it?

And no smart ass comment about respec a Pally, if i could i would but i cant.


and Kagato no need for you to post i know you love you Pole to much and would not dream of respecing


atm i am

42 shield atm
rest parry

i will respec to

rest parry


Atm I am:

44 pole
44 slash
42 shield
13 parry

I would say ur current spec leaves ur base and indeed max dmg to low imo.

I have a respec but am hesitant to use it, I was thinking of this:

50 Pole
42 shield
39 Thrust
Rest parry


50 2h
42 shield
39 thrust
Rest parry

I know most ppl say 2h styles negate the fact of slam as u give them immunity but thats not the point at all. Every time I tackle a caster or tank if needed I slam first and then take my pole out. Same would be for my 2h so it doesnt matter if I do my stun chain, slam still holds. Thrust seems to be the way to go, Slash is nice but when u hit mid warriors and indeed chain wearers in general its not so nice. I am waiting till 1.62 to decide, all the proper SC itamz are out by then. I was hoping for Gorre to come up so I can actually try the spec out but no luck so far :D

Givz Gorre :D


I'm 50slash, 50shield, 28parry atm, and don't feel gimped at all :p However it's kinda dull, and not really fun in RvR... But it's nice to have brutalize in duels :p

Madonion Slicer

Like i say i am 42.9 so if i am going to respec i best do it now as i lose it the moment i ding.

Reason for the doubt is while i am xping i find very little time i get use the Pole,

Soloing using the pole is not wise as i take on to much damage due to slow swing and poor defence, couple of misses on a yellow con and i can end up getting below half my hp or less.

Groups want shields so i can gaurd the highest tank or the pbaoe wizard, and again if i am aggroing or main tank then pole is once again to slow and not enough defence.

This is why i am drawn to the S&S 50/50/28 but then i am worried i will be a pally without chants, which is crap.

At least with Hybrid Spec i have the choice but at 42 i am 42pole 36shield and think off the top of my head 26-7 sheild which is not nice.

damn i hate making this type of choices as once it is done it is done.


If you have a full respecc then choose what spec u want. If its hybrid then respec totally out of polearm.

With ur current 42 lvls of spec points dump them into ur defensive side of ur spec.

For example.

if ur going Hybrid slashpole, then the first thing you should do is get 42 shield and 44 slash < or 39 whichever> then raise ur parry to what it will be at 50. With that spec u will be able to solo and grp v well. then with ur last lvls pump all of it into Polearm.

Your defensive skillz will easily be enough to get past in PvE and then when ur 50 u will be very glad u have some points in Polearm. If you choose that spec that is.


I'd keep my current spec of 50 pole, 42 shield, 39 slash 6 parry and continue playing my friar :)

Madonion Slicer

Thanks for the advise guys i will use it well.

Will respec tonight to..

42 Shield
39 Slash
24 Pole
5 Parry

then leave Sheild and Slash as they are and use my dings to 50 to finish on..

50 Pole
39 Slash
42 Sheild
6 Parry


Im 50 Polearm 50 Thrust and 28 Parry and wouldn't change it for anything else.
And I DO have all my respeccs still, including the FULL respec but simply don't need or want it. Pity I can't pass the full respec onto someone who does.

I also have 5 in shield and 4 in crossbow and 3 points left over, its tempting to respec so I can stick all the leftovers into crossbow as I never use the shield except to fire a charge of it.

End of the day decide if you want offensive or defensive play style and go with it, your only gimped if your not enjoying what your doing.


Like Kagato says very wisely, play the spec you most enjoy. Not the 1 that r0x0r's everybody b0x0r.

Then again he is a highlander full pole gimp with 0 in intel :D

< joking Kagato I have nothing but respect for ya >

Treniel, I was reading ur thread about ur hybrid spec and I was left wondering.

If you want that spec so much why not settle for 38 slash ?

So you lose back slash, if your 50 Pole u will be doing Phalanx/aegis anyway.

You will still hit 50 Slash with RR + items.

Well if its stopping you playing ur arms why not try a weird spec which is very nice imo and doesnt worry about ur auto-train :D

50 pole
44 Thrust / slash/crush
29 Parry
23 Shield < Rear positional 6 sec stun > Mini-anhil4tehwin!! :D


50 pole - max ws -
44 thrust/slash -low variance -
23 shield - 6 sec backstab stun -
29 parry(30 if you autotrained some) -30+11(items)+9(rr10) max parry(you get 0.5% chances of parry x point under 50,only 0.1% overcapping it) -

This is the perfect Spec for a pole armsman,
the other specs you have read in this thread are all gimped in a way or another,I could explane you why but I cba :) .


Originally posted by Ialkarn
50 pole - max ws -
44 thrust/slash -low variance -
23 shield - 6 sec backstab stun -
29 parry(30 if you autotrained some) -30+11(items)+9(rr10) max parry(you get 0.5% chances of parry x point under 50,only 0.1% overcapping it) -

This is the perfect Spec for a pole armsman,
the other specs you have read in this thread are all gimped in a way or another,I could explane you why but I cba :) .

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


hybrid is ghey :[


Originally posted by Madonion Slicer
Like i say i am 42.9 so if i am going to respec i best do it now as i lose it the moment i ding.

think u already lost it


Originally posted by adari
think u already lost it

Think your right, you get 2 levels to respec in including the 'respec level' so the full 40 counts as one of those levels, i.e 41.99 would be your last chance I believe....


Maybe he still has the full respec available because he hasn't leveled his char when he got it? (I think u lose it once you level once after u got it).

I am asking simply because my Armsmen has been retired for a long time but has now become active


gunz told me he wanted 50 xbow 50 parry rest sword.


Originally posted by Jergiot
gunz told me he wanted 50 xbow 50 parry rest sword.

u mean rest in shield..... not sword


Originally posted by ReaLX
Maybe he still has the full respec available because he hasn't leveled his char when he got it? (I think u lose it once you level once after u got it).

I think characters that qualified for the full respec keep it tills its used. I still have mine and I wasn't 50 when we got them. (I know because I tried to use a single line respec to drop the 5 i have in shield and it wont let me till I use my full respec I still have).


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
50 2handed
42 shield
39 slash

that spec it's really really bad..
Have any form of shield stun if you are 2h specced it's a waste,when 2h got 3 stun chains (3 sec on the backstab one on first style,6 sec on the anytime one on second style,and 9 sec on the side chain on second style too).

50 2h
50 slash
28-(30 autotrained) parry
7 shield (for engage)

50 2h
44 slash
29-30 parry
23 shield (not really for the stun..more for a decent guard)

50 2h
44 slash
35-36 parry (but whit an hight rr you gonna overcap 50 easy)
7 shield


I've got 44 pole hybrid specc and I like the shield but pole damage is kinda crap (might be the 39 slash + 44 pole combination but would go for 50 pole now at least)


same here khalen hybrid atm with 44 pole, thinking about going 50 pole, 39 slash and 42 shield atm


Mine on armsman is

50 Two handed
39 Thrust
24 Shield
37 Parry

Without a shield, you need parry. With the shield I can backpositional stun a bit but handy also to stop NPC archers on keeptakes. And guard III


Dont have a prob with my spec

44 pole
39 thrust
42 shield
24 parry

With +15 to all damage is ok

Think armsmen have had their day.. they used to shine brightly

Now for grps they come just above an inf or scout.

When (if) i get my Reaver to 50 will prolly retire my Arms

Reavers r way more fun to play :D


lets hope the new arms TL does some good shit and that mythic would listen and upgrade the char


It's funny I remember when I roll'd my arms it said that armsmen wher the master's of mele and would do anything to win a fight etc. That appeal'd to me :D

But really arms arent good hybrids tbh, a good Hybrid tank is a Hero / warrior. its the base speccing that leaves us lacking. Take plate away and give us base speccing in pole or 3.x spec points :D

We wont get loving simple as that. The armsman class to them is apparently balanced except for style fixies < the Snare on moves>.

Changing spec with patch's is only way to keep ahead now it seems :D.

I am hybrid also but I would never go as low as 44 / 39. I am 44/44 and I do good dmg, hit sourzi for just about 1k dmg before so I can still hit hard :D. Fully buffd I do alot of dmg, unbuff'd I would rather log my brothers Theurg.


that's the basic problem

many armsmen think they can do what hero /warrior do and go hybrid but it's physically impossible to go hybrid as an armsman and not lose out on a lot of things i.e. damage/defence etc


why u ask¿ well blame it on the double speccing

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