If your a reaver.. or thinking of making one.. pls remember



Re: Re: Re: Re: If your a reaver.. or thinking of making one.. pls remember

Originally posted by Tilda
u need to play your class better then, i generally hold aggro better than a pally...

/brag/edit i once keeled 3 brehons solo too :p
/edit2 and i dont have any sidi stuff, MP chainfortehwin!!11
/edit3 i'd acctually like to have a slower whip, so im going to get a MP weighted flail, if only we could use 2h whips, that would be cool ;)
/edit5 gif det please

After 50 lvl's, I think I know pretty much how to play a reaver thanks ;)

Putting your ego aside, I have no doubt your able to hold aggro.

It generally works better if the paladin is holding aggro well, as obviously if the mob is facing towards you, you can't execute leviathian ;p although cobra is mighty nice, and your clerics will love you if you pull it off.


I have already said, some of my points are not comepletly valid, and im being called a noob left right and center, or rather people are jumping on the bandwagon and just saying whatever the last person said, able to get some kind of ego trip ;)

Or rather, fellow reavers are only posting that they own in order to reserve their place in their RvR groups, :p

I'm not a noob,
come PvE / RvR with me sometime and you'll see :p

Thanks for 'usual' info, and being called noob for the umpteenth time :)



if you werent called it earlier, you are now :great:


Or rather, fellow reavers are only posting that they own in order to reserve their place in their RvR groups, :p
Thanks for 'usual' info, and being called noob for the umpteenth time

Rofl well you are tho , N00B

you can not get the basics of a reaver

Do you find it annoying how you have no Decent anytimes? <-- if you need go thrust / slash if you do desprate for anytime.
use youre head and hit only special on the right place.

All your styles use lots of end? <<-- played an 2 hander arms ? we got plenty of end / besides most of time there is end bot

SoulRendering is useless (after 30+), ever tried soul 45 ? the red dot and drain , oke is not the best you can wish but is great saves me plenty of time , and i can full heal on orange one's

No Determination no hybrid has it only wanna be hybrid arms
No grp qualities, < wehehee point proofen
Low hit points, well buffed etc im on 1905 hitpoints for me it is enough , not the first time im the last man standing in rvr group

Crap ra's - uToS, PBAOE Lifetap.. useless.... Utos rules when you got some ppl near you say 4 orso hit it , is a full heal second ip and they get hits for 250 - 300 each , man i LOVE it ;)

Your AOE's break mezz, and normally resist in PvE . yeah hitting the buttons witout brains casues more dmg to the group then arms not using assist.

OFCOUSE it brakes mezz muppet it hits them like any other aoe
but in youre opinion all the caster aoe sucks also cause they can brake mezz with aoe. whehe joke of the month

Take my advice since you are not able to unfold the evul of a reaver youre not worth playing them.
youre not a referance for most reavers around.
so don't moan around saying reaver are useless.

and no i don't need to save my butt so i get rvr group.
im in a rvr guild so np with that and if no group or none around to add or so , i go solo stealther hunting. great fun tho.
running w/o fear to beno en check our gate's.

wich reminds me , Reaver are GREAT keep defenders . attackers
aoe on the door , dots on wall casters , yep having a buzzy time taking a keep and is so fun with reaver.

Reavers for tha win :great:


Umm, Tilda? We know you are young and all, but don't you think it is time you learned that it is so much better if someone else brags about you than if you brag about yourself? And if no one goes ahead and does it for you, you'll have to accept that you do not pwn and not start claiming it yourself? :m00:


*yawn* seems a funny char as u describe it mmmm

mmm still wont make it :)

no stealth

no speed
no range
no cc

lerned in the hard way that having atlest 1 /2 ov thos abilities is a must for a soloer =)

but u rlly pointed reaver as funny class... in a group
n seems still have a wide spec way not a fixed template that is also good


reavers is a hard enemy to face with all those tools for interupt and survival. never played one tho.

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