If you play an infil you must read this


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
I'm not advocating the 50 thrust spec - personally I've dropped it and as the rrs raise I'll be increasing dw and cd. IMO thats the way to go and DF now isn't worth the points. Good luck to the infil TL who is campaigning to get it dropped to a lower spec.

The point was (I think) to be able to do what a NS does and get the stun makes an infil weaker than a NS. And yes i'm loving my new CS hits - best PA yet post NF was nailing a caster in a midzerg: 799 MH + 147 OH + 1 dot tick (no crits). Been a long time since I've one shot anything on any char :) And i'm only a liddul RR4 infil....

Sock Drawer

Fledgling Freddie
Aug 23, 2004
Well, I respecced a while ago now, and evade rate / hit rate / max damage cap is unaffected using CS styles.

As a side note, those who say GA/AH uses more end than the amy slash combo - need to do some research. GA uses .3 and AH uses .2, whereas amy uses .2 and the follow up uses .3 - both = .5 just garrote appears to use more as it uses the larger one first.

I used the info to drop my thrust (rarely use DF anyway, and hammy leaper chain wipes the floor, plus I've normally done a backstab or PA -> CD which negates the stun from DF anyway) and I then upped my DW and envenom. CS was always max and as i auto trained, the extra points now at RR4 have given me max poisons, max stealth and 30 + 14 DW giving me a 52.72% chance to hit with the offhand weapon - 1 in 2 swings if not more. If the target doesn't purge me envenorating poison, I'm EXTREMELY surprised if they're still standing after 5 hits, without a PA or backstab - with a PA or backstab, it rarely goes past 3. Naturally depends on target. I've been jumped by an SB before, and pummelled him into the ground with 40% health left. If my debuff poison isn't purged I'm normally hitting for around the 320-340 mark with the mainhand - no crits. Add in the 70 dot for lifebane, the 120 off hand damage (and possible proc from traitors) then the chance of crit with MoP 2 and I'd say I hold my own out there in per round damage. I think the most I've done in one round of combat combined was about 620 or so something like that. That kind of damage aint to be sniffed at - especially if it follows on from a 750 PA or something.

Naturally it's up to everyone to try it themselves. I did a lot of testing with regards to weapon skill etc and damage cap / miss rate before doing it. If you wanna test it yourselves - go spanking grey mobs to test damage caps - then dual to test miss / evade rates, then use yer full respec, spec yer weapon to 39 + 11 (or whatever it would be with RR) and go do it again. See if you notice any diff and if not, leave it as it is - if you do, spec back to 50 in yer weapon and proceed as normal. I just think the possibility it has given me with 50 env and higher DW is awesome.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Smilewhenyousaythat said:
best PA yet post NF was nailing a caster in a midzerg: 799 MH + 147 OH + 1 dot tick (no crits).

only 799 with 50 cs? well ur ws sucks hard m8


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Kalhid^^ said:
only 799 with 50 cs? well ur ws sucks hard m8

I'm not 50cs :)

44 cs. Standing caster, equal level, cold leg weapon (don't remember if he had cold buffs up - wasn't well buffed tho cause he dropped in 1 hit). Remember also still only rr4 :)

/shrug I was happy with it

Sock Drawer

Fledgling Freddie
Aug 23, 2004
At RR4 against a caster my PA will land for around the 850-900 mark. I've 1 shotted quite a few in NF, although I would imagine they must have been running unbuffed.

I'm just pleased that bar dragonfang - I am able to use practically every tool available to an infil being DW, CS and envenom - and use them well.

Now all I need is more fekkin time to play lol - bloody work!



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
i pa alb mages with decent gear for 500-600 because of spec af and no relics, with 50 CS... :( cap is 922


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Vodkafairy said:
i pa alb mages with decent gear for 500-600 because of spec af and no relics, with 50 CS... :( cap is 922

Never played a caster, but i somehow got the picture that spec af and self af buff didn't stack....?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
they do, caster af is classed as base af. the whole "hibs n mids dont get spec af" thing is bollox tho since u swallow spec af charges every 10mins if u got any sense :kissit: and spec af reactive actually has a use to u guys ;)

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