if GP gave no immunity it would be totally useless as many ppl do a 2nd or 3rd mezz, so mezz -> GP -> mezz and you're trapped again and only wasted 14 RSP's weeew. It would be a ress ilness cure RA like purge for necros then =) or maybe get rid of DoT's.
BoF is all very nice till you meet a pbaoe group - BAoD helps your support against stuns remezzes and roots against a tank group... not the best I'd agree but it does more than BoF against a caster group
SoS works against either...
However as lox has pointed out these "must have" RAs will probably all be toned right down.
sos+bof for me as i find pbaoe groups easier to gank as interupting isnt that hard....apart from vs DH. SoS is a must in groups with casters rlly saves ur ass too many times
Lets not forget that if GP was available to all realms that mids and albs would run a lot more caster groups, and BaoD would be a lot more popular.
People who say BoF and SoS for tank groups are thinking too much tank vs tank, you will most likely get owned vs a pbae group as neither RA really helps you very much.
GP is 100% needed for a caster group, not needed for tank.
SoS is needed 90% vs tank groups, 10% vs caster.
BaoD is needed 90% vs caster groups, 10% vs tank (shorter duration on effects).
PR useful in any situation.
Trouble with BoF in a tank group is it only effects the people being hit, SoS effects everyone, BaoD only effects those being nuked but that can be a lot vs a pbae group and GP again generally effects everyone, although not that great on det 5 tanks.
So if your a tank group I would take BaoD to use vs pbae groups, and SoS to use vs tank groups (Assuming det isn't nerfed).
If you run a pbae group then I would take GP (100% essential) and either BoF or BaoD depending on the amount of tank/caster groups you tend to face.
TWF would also be very useful when facing enemy pbae groups.
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