If Mythic were to agree to open 3 servers in US that were officially classed European



Didn't knew you moved back to US (and even to MLF Hibs :p). Give me a tell if you see me online.



Originally posted by Solid

I know there are already unofficial Euro servers out there like MLF and Bors, but these are very mature servers and have a very settled player base.

That seems like an advantage to me as it also means the RvR 'scene' is already well developed, with no one realm dominating initially due to powergamers levelling rapidly.

I don't see the advantage of starting on a fresh server at all, I would much rather start in a populated server.

The other advantage specific to a Mythic Euro server is the CSR. Thats only a big deal if you need 'em. :) The fact that you'd be up to date on patches is not specific to any new Euro server.

Disadvantage: I guess you'd get more lag if only due to the distance.


Disadvantage: I guess you'd get more lag if only due to the distance.

Eh, on the contrary. My 150 ms ping connection to the US servers feels smoother than my 45 ms connection to GOA. :) I'm on cable from Belgium BTW.


Going anyway, and the American game is ordered.

Nor bothered about having to make characters again at all, as that is fun (to me) anyway.

Just mooching around Prydwen having quite a great time at the moment, trying all sorts of Mid characters out.

If everyone is lvl 50, just think of all the xp bonuses off those mobs used to living peaceful lives, for levelling up too! :cool:

old.Solomon Kane

This may seem a bit xenophobic but I would only go if the servers were for Europeans only.

I play on Prydwen and last night I was in a group with a Swede, a Norwegian, 2 Spanish and 2 Dutch and we all got on fine. In fact I have yet (only been playing a fortnight mind) to meet anyone I really dislike.
When I used to play UO every other American I met was a total and utter prat.

I'll stay behind thanks. The delayed patches don't bother me ( still a newbie I suppose ) and I'm happy to give GOA a bit more time to sort themselvs out - - - mind you, they better be sorted by the time Shadowbane comes out :)



Well if Mythic opened up 'Euro' Servers I would be there like a shot.

However as it stands at the moment I have left DAoC completely after GOA's continued crapness - and will never give that useless business another penny of my money - ever!

Come on .. End of June for 1.48. Mythic will be close to patch 1.52 by then which means GOA are translating and patching slwer than Mythic are developing and testing these patches.

Could GOA's performance be any worse ?

Currently I'm biding my time .. playing and modding Morrowind, until the next AsheronsCall Patch which fixes one of the biggest things wrong witht he game (the spell system) .. and then AC2 Beta.

If GOA hadn't been so awful - they'd have continued to keep my money because DAoC is a great game.

Unfortunately Great Game + Crap Service + Very slow Patching = Crap Gaming Experience.

And crap gaming experience = no money for GOA.

As a note to anyone worried about any lag on US servers ... I have to say that having played on them for three months .. any lag that there was (practically none) fades into comparison to the lag you get on the European Servers.


Whut, don't be too sure about that. You might think on the US servers there are only high levels but nothing is less true. People there also start other realms on other servers.

Some random facts:

1. I just had to leave Nisse's Lair on Bors with my low level shammie because it was overcamped. :)

2. When I dinged to 5 on Nimue with my scout 6 weeks ago and did a /who level 1 5 it showed 62 people. :)

Just to mention that players there ARE still starting new chars all the time. But you could be right about the camp bonusses because all the players are more spread out over all the zones.


This may seem a bit xenophobic but I would only go if the servers were for Europeans only

Morgan Le Fay and Merlin have basically been turned into euro servers by the community (have been since the start really). Thats the 2 servers that all the europeans play, and rvr is mega in our prime time on them servers.

If your unhappy with the way goa run things here, then my advice is to move. Best decision i made.


Well I have another 1 and a hafl months subscription left

I am with Matax tbh - I would only move if the guild I belong to were to consider moving. If they went - I would go. We have a really friendly guild - but then tbh most of the realm is very friendly. There are only 2-3 lamers in the realm from what I can see - so its pretty cool. Its just a shame that the patches are taking so long.

It seems a real shame that our only real solution seems to be to move lock, stock & barrel to the US. I will hold on for my subby and hope that the situation improves.




Originally posted by cHodAX
The 1.4x database should be 100% compatible otherwise they would have to rework the US English client for us and the don't, we get the exact same client as US.

If we had the exact same client we would be able to play on the US servers, and we can't.


Morgan Le Fay and Merlin have basically been turned into euro servers by the community (have been since the start really). Thats the 2 servers that all the europeans play, and rvr is mega in our prime time on them servers.

Yup, couldn't agree more. Yesterday I participated in a large scale RvR keep taking on Morgan Le Fay. It started about 20h CET and lasted until 22h or something. We were taking the Middie homekeeps while they were attempting a relic raid on Albion. Took 5/6 of their keeps, whacked a large group of Mids between 2 keeps and eventually got wiped at a relic keep. Quite fun. :) RP from 5 -> 1004 and 4 more realm ability points to spend, just enough for Serenity 1... woot.

37 warden MLF


If my guild and some of the other guilds i group with often all leave then i would like to join them in the US...but it aint gonna happen with my 56k modem.

old.Trine Aquavit

To answer the original question:

No, I wouldn't move.

I would only move if Mythic US took over the Euro English servers wholesale (i.e. everyone else did).

My reason is simple: I don't have the time to level up another character. Trine is now 31 (having /played just over 5 days) and Yodel is 19 (having /played just under 2 days). I have no idea whether this is 'good' or 'bad' progress, but I suspect it's somewhere in the middle (I don't generally have many complaints from my group-mates).

I got the game on the day of release so have had it for 13 weeks (and played for an entire week of that!), which means I've played for just under 2 hours a day since I started. This is, to me, an excessive amount - bordering on obsessive. I wouldn't want to waste that time on starting again.

If I was to start on the US servers I could probably level a bit quicker, but I wouldn't be at all suprised if it took me at least another 13 weeks (3 months) to get to level 40 and therefore take advantage of much of the new patches/content on the US servers. In the same time on Euro I might be in my mid forties with Trine and into my thirties with Yodel.

The truth is that very few people are happy to 'start again' and write off the time they've put in to their character and building up friendships and a reputation. Splitting up the DAOC playing population could only damage the community further, and for what? A few patches to game balance that are generally regarded as 'good' by some players and 'nerfs' by others. Some extra content, much of which you can't properly exploit until you're in your high forties. And potentially extra problems with lag connecting to busy US servers (I know I got much less lag when I switched to the UK server in EQ).

And before I get any flames, this is not support of GOA, who leave a lot to be desired and should be nagged until they start delivering a better service, but to support the DAOC community in Europe, of which I feel a part.

So, enjoy 1.45 while it lasts. Enjoy 1.48 when we get it. Enjoy what we've got here.

old.Burgess Prime

I somehow doubt firing off an e-mail to Mythic about this would have any effect whatsoever.

1) If Mythic wanted to open some European servers, they would have.
2) Despite owning the game, it seems pretty unlikley Mythic would be allowed to release the game in European territories. Why would GOA pay for the rights if they knew Mythic could pull the rug out from under them at any time?
3) From what I gather, Mythic are looking over GOA's shoulder. After all, wasn't it Mythic's idea to just jump straight from 1.36 to 1.45 instead of lots of little patches? If the slowness gets so bad that Mythic are pulling ahead of us (and to be honest, it's looking fifty-fifty at the minute), I'm sure there'll be repercussions for GOA.

Something to think about, though:

We started off at 1.36 to Mythic's 1.45
Now we're at 1.48 to Mythic's 1.5

So we have sorta caught up. Also, I believe Mythic are stopping development of DAoC at 1.5. They're just making little 1.5a, 1.5b patches at the minute, fixing little things here and there. These should require minimal translation, so we shouldn't be too far behind those once we actually hit 1.50. Of course, we could be looking at a gargantuan delay for the expansion pack. Ah well, I'll live. Can't be arsed shifting servers for the sake of a month or two's updates. It's really not worth starting over.


It's not about balance patches, it's mainly about content patches.

No DF in 1.48...so no DF for like 3 months...or more...


look how long its taking goa to translate to 1.48. now think how long it will take to translate to 1.50 with darkness falls etc in.

also its not just the patches, its the service. none from goa.


well solid if it where to happen i would prolly move fresh start in all

i will go for a yes on that solid :))


Also, I believe Mythic are stopping development of DAoC at 1.5. They're just making little 1.5a, 1.5b patches at the minute, fixing little things here and there. These should require minimal translation, so we shouldn't be too far behind those once we actually hit 1.50.


- PvP server
- player housing
- improved weapon styles (no more "you fumble" openers)
- strike team's class balancing
- spellcrafting
- ...

I wouldn't say 1.50 is where it ends. It's a MMORPG. If develloping new content ever halts the game's popularity will only go downhills.

The only reason they are not yet making 1.51 but instead 1.50i etc. is because Mythic is still finetuning the realm ability skills. Once that is more or less done expect 1.51 to show up on the Pendragon.

And as far as GOA catching up Mythic is about... also remember that Mythic brought the PvP servers to the front of their priority list. So it's not like they are adding new content to patches the fastest as they can. If the PvP servers were even non-existent things like spellcrafting and player housing could already have been in 1.50 or we would already be at 1.51 or 1.52.

old.Burgess Prime

Well, apparently that was the original idea, to stop at 1.50. Personally, as someone paying monthly, I think they should always be adding to the game. It's not as if I paid a one off fee like for a normal game.


I don't really expect Mythic to put housing and spellcrafting into DAoC with updates. Somehow I expect them to slide those into the Shrouded Isles expansion set. But we'll see. Maybe they will suprise us. :)

As for characters transferring between versions -- I fully expect that to be possible. The wrote the conversion code for the updates, after all. It's more a matter of not wanting to. I work with databases daily, and I can't accept that it would be hard. (And yes, I write conversion tools too. ;P)


I think they will handle XPac char conversion like Diablo 2 did.

ie select if you want to transfer the char over, once its been tranferred you wont be able to play the old game with them.


When EQ opened Euroservers it was instantly swamped by US players.

This was for three reasons:

1. The US could hunt during our night time and exploit the spawns.

2. US and Canada genuinely like European players.... we have funny accents and polite manners... (well some of us anyways)

3. The many power players could show off their American excellence to those from 'the old country'... but to be fair they were very generous in time and help to genuine newbies.

The euro server ended up being the busiest and with the most lag of all the servers. Most european players migrated elsewhere and said "Gee wow" a lot... which is certainly better than saying "Ta m8"!

So while it is a good idea in theory it wouldn't work in practise.


GOA and Mythic most likely signed a contract for rights to host daoc bla bla bla. so i dont think GOA could give up the british servers if they didnt want to.

a more realistic sollution is Mythic do the same thing they did with GOA to a british server company who can host them and patch them just as fast as mythic. so there would be more british servers and players who choose to stay with GOA or leave and join them.

i would if this happened even if i had to start again as im bored of my character and starting alts anyway.


Honestly, I'd always choose a European server over an American one as I like playing with all the Swedish, Dutch, Finnish, Danish (Insert European country without its language version here) players more than I like playing with Americans.

Its worth being a few patches behind just to keep the Yanks out! :flame:


Ive already moved to the us servers just waiting on the pvp servers to go live now

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