If Mythic were to agree to open 3 servers in US that were officially classed European



...and their bulk CSR was in EU Gaming time, ie 4.0pm CET to 12.00AM CET how likely would you be to move over to US?

This is a question, not a prompt for a whine or flame.

If enough of the English Speaking/English Server playing populpus (Approximately 3500 Players atm is seems) are positive to the idea of using the US client playing on US servers that are labelled as Euro Servers (even though US players could play them if they wished) would you be interested?

Bare in mind this entails having/obtaining a copy of the US version of the game and starting over with a level 0 char.

Also bear in mind the potential risk of powergamers (like ladder gamers) to come onto these fresh servers and try PL to 50 in a short a time as possible just because they wanna see if they can be the quickest (I Don't like these kinda players at all).

I know there are already unofficial Euro servers out there like MLF and Bors, but these are very mature servers and have a very settled player base.

New servers in US would mean we get a level pegging with all who start on em.

Here are my Advantages and disadvantages and assumptions:


Latest Patched game client
Mythic in game CSR
Quicker patching


Giving up your current EU char and starting over new
Risk of having Powergaming US guys jump onto these servers as they are new


Mainly EU player base so most RvR should take place at EU times
Most of us English Speaking / English Server players move there

If the majority would see this as a viable idea, we could always e-mail Mythic and let them know our thoughts, concerns and ideas in relation to this.

If more than 100 peeps are positive to it, I will definately send such an email to Mythic.

The only thing they need to cost is new servers and the cost of releasing the English Language EU Licence form GOA (Let them have the French and German one)

Muthic would then pick up our subs and therefore they make additional revenue, Mythic have nothing to lose from such a move.

What do you think?
What other Advantages, Disadvantages and Assumptions have I missed?

old.Gombur Glodson

dont really know.
It would be nice to have the latest patches and all, but the US powergamers I could do without.
Also the community on prydwen is imho very nice, dont want to start all over again.


I would go tomorrow if my guild came with me, there are decent people in our realm I would miss but the rest of it I would not miss. Too many plonkers who kiss GOA's arse no matter what these days on our servers instead of having to balls to complain.

old.Gombur Glodson

I dont even want to reply to that :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Gombur Glodson
I dont even want to reply to that :rolleyes:

Why because you don't like people who express an opinion and complain? Hum think you better get out in the real world.

old.Gombur Glodson

could I have some more flames for my steak please?


more relivent post from gombur, when will they end..

well me my self i believe that would be a great idea, but i dont see it happening.

Plus alot of germans and french would probaly go to.


IF Mythic can put up servers for us, they can copy the content from GOA. Then I'd move, in a blink. ;)


This is exactly the oposite action to a whine or complaint, its a nice proposed solution, think I made my last complaint towards early retail soon after beta and realised my complaints and whining was wasted breaths, so gave up. Now I am turning to thinking up solutions to save the EU English server community.
I cant see myself playing a game I know will never catch up to the current US version esp with the prospect of SWH, Shadowbane, NWN, World of Warcraft coming towards back end of 2002, and 2003.

This game has real potential, and Mythic are doing their best to keep it lively and fresh. Shame we dont/wont see the fruits of their labour. To me it seems i the longer term there has to be only 3 things that can happend.

(In no order of likely hood may I add :) )
1. GOA get on par with US on Patches within next 4 months
2. Mythic take action to incorporate EU English Server players and many move to US
3. Players leave for New games like NWN, Shadowbane and SWG



Are all the Char databases and Item databases transferable from the UK English Client to the US English client?

I was under the impression we were playing a UK English translated client, with all americanisms converted to English. Your suggestion seems to make this idea all but perfect if Mythic would do it.

I can see us now in DF as we speak, with our current level chars all playing the latest client, ahhh PARADISE


The 1.4x database should be 100% compatible otherwise they would have to rework the US English client for us and the don't, we get the exact same client as US.


If they could move all the character over there, and the already paid subs fees, and my guild moved over there (which im fairly certain they would)
I would definately move to US, Mythic could also allow anyone who has got an offical EU game key, to download the US version, would save us paying to get the game again...:)


Ardwan they wont let peeps with EU game play on US as they never got a penny for the EU game, u bought the EU game from goa, you would, and rightly so as far as Mythic goes, have to buy a US CD to play on US servers. and you woul not and should not be able to transfer you subs across either as you have a sub with GOA not mythic. Again you would be required to start a new account on a US CD on US servers.

This point makes me think the transfer of characters will not work as they are tied to EU accounts. Seems it would HAVE to be a fresh server starting from level 0 for everyone


Please, I beg of you, no flames or sarcastic comments about this next question.....

How long does GOA have the rights to run DAoC in Europe for?

I mean, can they run the servers with DAoC for 3 years and then have to re-apply for the rights?

I sure would appreciate a good answer. :D

Thanks guys


Originally posted by Solid
Ardwan they wont let peeps with EU game play on US as they never got a penny for the EU game, u bought the EU game from goa, you would, and rightly so as far as Mythic goes, have to buy a US CD to play on US servers. and you woul not and should not be able to transfer you subs across either as you have a sub with GOA not mythic. Again you would be required to start a new account on a US CD on US servers.

This point makes me think the transfer of characters will not work as they are tied to EU accounts. Seems it would HAVE to be a fresh server starting from level 0 for everyone

There is no money it the client and CD so the rest it is irelavent, mythic makes over a million $ a month on subs, thats where the real money is.


If I could take all my chars...then maybe but not even sure then, I know alot of nice peopel here. And I realy dont want to play with the US peopel if I can help it , unless it would be a RP server and cool dude's would get trown off right away. It's not that im allways playing in char or anything, but I have have had enough of the cool dude atitude from my UO years playing an US server


I'm sure you'll never be able to copy your chars from Euro to US servers simply because they belong to different companies. Why would GOA even allow you to copy those chars because it would mean a dead account with no income for GOA.

Buying US version and starting all over again indeed does sound like a pain. But in a month you can be close to lvl 40 again. I left Euro DAoC for DAoC US exactly 6 weeks ago. In 3 weeks I got a level 25 scout with 525 in fletching on one server with whoom I even took it quite slow. Then in the other 3 weeks I started over on another server and focussed more on levelling, got a warden up to lvl 37 and a eldritch up to lvl 19. The warden will prolly ding 40 before the end of Monday (which is a holiday here in Belgium).

If you plan on hanging on to DAoC for a while and are an avid player I don't think starting all over is that hard. One month of play will get you to level 40.


I doubt Mythic will open new servers now because there will be an exodus from normal/RP servers to PVP servers soon. I think they are working on something to allow you to change characters between servers (they need this to allow us to move our chars to Pendragon too so why not inter-server). Inter-server char moving would mean Mythic can do the following:

1. Merge server databases or something so servers become free to be reused for PvP servers. If only 50% of the current players want to play on a PVP server then this might be a good idea.

2. Tweak unbalanced servers. The Lancelot server is known for its over powered Albion realm and IMO Nimue is the opposite (underpowered Albion). If they would allow moving chars from one server to another for balancing purposes... if would be cool.

But if you want to start playing on a fresh server with a clean database I think the PvP server is the best (and only) option now. Personally I wasn't too happy either about moving to US servers after the last server was 3 months old already. But I don't mind starting a char in a realm that already has lvl 50 chars. They fight to open DF for me, they give me high level items I can use, they already created the stronger guilds on the realm. When you start on a new server you never know what might happen. When I started on Prydwen Mid I would have never known Midgard would be so overpowered. Well when I started on Albion Nimue I saw Alb was the underdog (didn't knew it was that bad though :p) and for MLF I saw it was a nicely balanced realm.

Reopen your US account buddie and start a Hippie Hibbie too. :) I'll help you level (need to do that for Laroma anyway as she's still 10 due to RL work). Here is my long-term plan on what to play where.

1. MLF Hibernia. Great realm, great people and nicely balanced RvR. I'll continue playing there for a while for sure.
2. PvP server. I'll try this one out when it goes live but I haven't decided on which char to play yet.
3. Bors Mid. Xtro told me Bors Mid is a lot of fun. I think if I don't like the PvP server and I'm a bit tired with Hibs (or long for Midgard again :p) I'll start Mid on Bors. These long term plans though, not right now yet.
4. If the situation on Nimue changes or I can move my char there to another server I might continue playing my scout. But not for now, MLF Hibs is too much fun for now.


tbh - Mythic should have opened official EU servers at the start. But as with all things EU, the language needs to be localised which is probably why they couldn't be bothered.

If GOA don't give us a definate word on the PvP server soon, I'll probably grab a copy of the US game.


PvP first stage testing has started, Mythic say it will take about 3/4 weeks to test the code and if GOA do open a PvP server which I think they have no choice or loads will leave for US just for the PvP. I can see when it goes live EU DAoC will turn into 5 PvP server and 1 or 2 normal DAoC servers because the PvP server will be run in original code strate from Mythic and no translation needed and people will flood them just because the game is uptodate.


I am considering moving to the US version regardless of Mythic opening new servers.

I have had it with GoA - 4 days to respond to a question and the response was "sorry what was your question"


Nice idea and I might move if my guild and various other 'friends' moved as well (as with most other people). Would depend on whether I had to buy a new game and if my characters could be transferred - its taken me since release just to get to my current lowly level :)

Re. the comments on translation from American English to 'real' English - GOA themselves said in their web page news item that the English version requires NO translation so it appears that this is not being done. The only reason we have to wait for patches is so that all the GOA servers are running the same version at the same time (for technical reasons I would guess) i.e. we have to wait for the German and French translations, not for any changes to the patch for our servers.

old.Gombur Glodson

hmm if everyone would move, I wouldnt mind starting all over gain. if we could have a prydwen and exc server hosted by mythic and the french and german who dont understand english and dont want to learn could stay with goa.


Glad this is staying as a good thought provokign thread, lets keep it this way and leave the whines to otehr threads.

Nice to ehar so many would like the idea, I justw ant a kinda guesstimate of what the English Server populous think of this idea, if it is seriously supported I will e-mail sanya referencing this post and a few otehrs and see if they respond.

No harm in trying.

old.Gombur Glodson

nice of you taking the initiativ solid


Originally posted by Breydel
1. MLF Hibernia. Great realm, great people and nicely balanced RvR. I'll continue playing there for a while for sure.

Ooh, what's your name? Or did I miss it (rereads post) :)


I don't think I posted it there. So to be sure:

Breydel <Fianna's Wrath> lvl 37 celt warden.

Should perhaps put it in a siggy here but at the moment I can't be arsed to do that. :)


I think people will be a lot happier with GOA once the PvP server is opened (I'm sure they will HAVE to open one) as they said if they do it will be an English one so no translating, I just hope that the PvP server doesnt become so popular they decide to open German and French translation ones too and start the whole patching all servers at once again - meaning we start lagging behind again.

old.Gombur Glodson

lol people wont be happier with a pvp server, cause we will still lag behind the patches, and GOA wont get a pvp server untill christmas

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