I'd still choose to be a slow moving, infil attracting, minstrel chasing, arrow wearing, slam magnet that I am now. I picked the closest Char type to a Necromancer there was and have enjoyed every minute of it.
Healers are too fun to play in frontier combat, great in a group and great soloers if you're skilled enough. Enough self-praise, though, I wouldn't change realm, race, class, or even height (I picked the tall option on my height, while many others picked the tactical short models, but it helps me to look down my nose at people).
After having healer, hunter and SB as my mains (in that order and before that druid way back on US), I think I'd go back to hib and be a druid again. After all the slagging I gave hib I just think its a nicer realm, although mid definitely has more atmosphere in parts.
As for alb - hated it, too boring. Just could NOT get into it, maybe 'cos I'm a Brit and know that Ludlow really is a miserable stinking pit of a town in the middle of an unemployment zone in the UK irl
I played alb beta for a bit got bored, Hib excal - got bored - Alb excal not so bored.
Midgard probably again or Albion and knowing what i know now id make a decent Merc- or a zerker. Or maybe a really decent support charcter. or basically a charcter than can do something other than get killed in 5 seconds.
i would follow my online mates where they would go i would,
i rember starting in mid with some of my old tfc clan was great fun with like 8 of us playing could be hib alb or mid, but we picked mid an i dont think there any better class then skald... for me any way
so all over again i go skald then sb
all ways wanted to be a hib hero but its to much of a long run to emain :bore:
Of course I would be Mid. Ppl in here are awesome, and the guild im in, is PERFECT I wont regret a bit choosing middies. I lub teh trolls in here aswell Nothing beats big clumsy troll what rushes forward with skald speed :>
Too bad I wasted some time in Hib first ... <mumbles>
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