Ideas to improve the game



Well, this game, as mmorpgs go, hasn't had a lot of new stuff, and some of these ideas are my own, some I've heard before, and some Mythic promised us from the start... here we go:


-New NPCs added to cities/towns
-More guards that can give killtasks, especially in camp. forest and Vasudheim
-NPCs move around, the elf and lurikeen in Tir na Nog finally get married and move on, NPCs duelling each other... more NPCs that react like those brothers in Cornwell, who hunt you when you kill their piggies
-NPCs go into their houses at night, all those beds etc. are used for other things than two Avalonian's delight I saw in camelot once...

---Realm visual improvements---

-Tir na Nog needs neatening up a bit, Jordheim needs it's standard raising (I know Camelot was supposed to be the mightiest castle ever, but still)
-Seasons might be fun, snow in Camelot Hills, Njessi's lake frozen over...
-Forests given a bit more detail, expanded (camp. forest is impressively big already, imagine if it was twice the size, would be great fun getting lost in it ;) )
-Different types of grass, vary it a bit... Albion especially is not too pleasing on the eye, and midgard's snow-mud-grass concotion can get a bit boring
-More cities.... slightly smaller, but could be good - perhaps a teleporter to the frontier keeps in each, for example a castle in Cornwall...
-More weather effects, snowfalls, thunderstorms...
-Add passive animals, birds, sheep etc.

---Realm Vs. Realm warfare---

-Some of the harder monsters removed on the border-run to Snowdonia, Cruachon Gorge and Mount Collory.. I was suprised how easy it is to get to Yggdra compared to these places...
-Make realm frontier keeps passable, if you have a big enough army
-No realm points for greys OR greys get a bonus whilst in a group fighting in the frontier vs. invaders
-Make it possible to get to RR2 by Battlegrounds 3 - might see more people there then
-Give Realm points for killing keep lords, it's ridiculous how you can't get RPs on keep raids unless they're defended
-Give Bards plate armour ;)
-Take out some of the agressive monsters in Odin's Gate and Hadrian's Wall (I'm aware this might have happened recently, haven't been in the frontiers for a while)
-RPs for mezzing

---General Improvements---

-Horses. Where are our horses?!? We were promised these from the beginning, the expansion comes and goes, still no personal horses.. sniffle
-Guild Houses, which are the same story as horses - still waiting for them to turn up, so casters can blow their money on something for everyone ;)
-Warhorses. Let us ride into battle on a warhorse, Mythic, please? It would be amazingly fun... each fighter class could opt to swap their normal weapon for a pike, only usable against horses, which would be used to bring Dobbin down to earth, but couldn't harm other players - Dobbin would spawn back in your "stable" to avoid any huge money loss, but the player would now be forced to fight on foot.
-Boats (this really should have it's own section but this is getting big now) boats could be used for travel, along rivers, and/or... and this is the good part... the three realms could be connected by the sea, a third frontier "keep" - a beach - could connect each shore to the sea, so the realms could be in a triangle shape with the sea in the middle... you could cross the sea in a ship, perhaps even include sea battles/an island fortress that could be claimed by anyone in the middle - battles could be much more tactical, with armies attempting to form beach-heads etc. - and the boatbuses along the rivers would make a nice change to horses, perhaps they would be the only way you could get into new places
-Make it possible to name items (not sure if it can happen with spellcrafting) that you make, so you can have your own personal sword...
-Revamp some of the mobs, a lot are walking around looking identical, except for size, to others... also add some new mobs
-Expand the realms, maybe add a new realm... which leads on to -

---Possible New Realm---

-This could be something like Ancient Greece, Egypt, Rome, the Aztecs, or one of the Oriental mythologies
-Would bring back a lot of people, balancing would be out of the window again but maybe that's not such a bad thing....

Well that's all for now, I've probably forgotten some of the ideas I had/found but nevermind... feel free to discuss them :)


Aye i want a personal horse :/

Can hack elph's heads off without losing speed then


Most of the things are getting added in SI....


the frontiers need to be tarted up a bit, like small keeps, bridges, tunnels, moats, brick houses.

and maybe crafting boats?

new siege weapons such as that big thing used to get people over walls, and ladders too and a wooden horse and wooden sheep (oh plz give us sheep !) and build stakes or fences that are impassible, like moveable defences etc.. ( all craftable)

something to make the old, dl>crimm>valley>tower>leviathan>amg>bowl>crunchy>mmg run a bit more interesting


dl>crimm>valley>over bridge>check tunnel>camp stone houses(not coz they are pink)>valley>something else funky>amg>build big sticks>kill zerg>more funky shit etc..

bah im drunk so ill stop here


Horses: Not possible atm explained by Sanya somewhere, the coders need to trail all of the land apparently instead of the defined horse routes. In other words horses now run like trains, in a predefined route.

Houses: Will be implemented in the Guild Housing Patch (GHP) after the SI. In that patch there will also be the guild deposit.

Warhorses: nope :p

Boats: Sanya explained how difficult it is to implement them. May never going to happen.

Item Naming: Imaging killing your opponent with the Leet Sword of the Bastard Fart King (so eloquently put by Dunaiden :) )

Expand the Realms: SI

Aggro mobs in odins? Only if you are lvl 20 or something.

Also I think that you can hit rr2 in bg3

Rps for Mezzing: Still in discussion.

-Add passive animals, birds, sheep etc.
If they con they will be killed.

-Forests given a bit more detail, expanded
Try to xp in Myrkwood as a newbie :p

-No realm points for greys OR greys get a bonus whilst in a group fighting in the frontier vs. invaders
Gray vs Purple is already fixed.

---Possible New Realm---
Dragon Empires
Enjoy :p


Can you teach me how to be that dismissive too?


no, you can only be born with that level of dismissiveness. (take note of Aussie)


Some nice ideas there Chimera and many are coming in one form or another, I think.

What Id REALLY like to see is Guild Mascots, a little Guild Pet you "adopt" and who goes on RvR and so on and levels up as he goes. When he dies he returns to his Guild House or something. Eventually he will get to level 50...Ive said this before but I will say it again...

Level 50 Weewolf anyone?? o_O

As far as a new race is concerned, there was an interview with Mr Head honcho bloke at Mythic (forget his name) where he answered this question. He said there had been thoughts on this but the difficulties were insurmountable. For example, they would all get ganked out of existence for ages, their Relics would be totally plundered, they would never be able to go into their frontiers or to DF... well not never but they would all have to XP like blinking crazy until they had enough level 50s to be able to defend themselves. Who would decide what was enough and what security measures would they get to stop them getting totally rampaged. Nope, I think the guy was right. The existing 3 Realms have had too much of a head start. But.. a Germanic/Teuton Order of Dark Knights or so would be great as would some kind of race based on Far Eastern Feudal cultures such as Japan or China... or maybe Orcs :) Now that would be cool :)

I like the idea of seasons as well, would be nice to have a bit of variation.

Im not sure if this is an urban myth or not but apparently Mythic turned the moon into a big ol Pumpkin face for Halloween this year on the US servers.. any truth in this? Nice touch if so :)


small things

I'd just like to see a few small changes, of course a lot of what has been said is good.
But I would just like to be able to sell a whole bag full of items instead of each item separately. Atleast the new autostacking should help some, whenever that patch comes along.
I think that since you can get crafting tasks upto skill level 650 (600?) you should be able to buy those supplies in the cities where the task is given.
I think the horses should run more like buses, meaning that you either get on the northbound horse or the southbound horse and just jump off wherever you want, or just keep going in circles if you want.
Now we get a little crazy, but I would like to get rid of the merchants that sell armour and weapons. Make these things only available through crafters or drops. The whole crafting thing is kind of a joke. Who ever heard of a merchant paying less for a finished product then the cost of the goods?!? So, what if someone actually makes a profit. Or, why not have merchant robots who would sell the goods I make as a crafter, or loot for that matter?
Just a few small changes that I would like to see....

Bleri McThrust

Originally posted by Tasans

Item Naming: Imaging killing your opponent with the Leet Sword of the Bastard Fart King (so eloquently put by Dunaiden :) )

:clap: lol. Would love that :p


I have one idea to improve this game!


Re: small things

Originally posted by Vatech

Now we get a little crazy, but I would like to get rid of the merchants that sell armour and weapons. Make these things only available through crafters or drops. The whole crafting thing is kind of a joke. Who ever heard of a merchant paying less for a finished product then the cost of the goods?!? So, what if someone actually makes a profit. Or, why not have merchant robots who would sell the goods I make as a crafter, or loot for that matter?
Just a few small changes that I would like to see....

I think that somewhere I read that when the guild housing comes in you will be able to have a merchant that you can sell your crafted items through. Sorry I really dont know where I read that other than at the time it was someone from Mythic discussing the guild housing. (I think this also included the guild bind stone, guild merchants, guild vault keeper, guild banker and a few other things that i cant remember).

Sorry if im confusing this with a wish list post, but im pretty certain it was from an interview with Sanya (Sorry - cant remember name - Mythic person :)).



Well none of this is going to happen for months upon months, if at all, in Europe... I'm seriously considering moving to the US servers...


I've always wanted a personalised weapon (anyone from Mir, might remember my quest to get the GM's to make me an 'Archeons Keys' Puri :))

Think i'd definatly call my hammer that if i could. it would be too funny to see

"You were killed with Archeons Keys"

Maybe they will introduce that, it would bring an awsome lvl of customisation into the game but for some reason no game designers want to include it :(

Horses, yeah i want a white horsey called snowflake :)

What would be really cool was if NPC guards did RvR too. I mean like, they would sporadically take keeps and mount relic raids, move to bled and defend it if under attack. And so on

I know some people might say this would be over powering but i mean like each realm would have its own army (lets face it, the players are more or a malitia) of equal strength, they would occasionally announce their plans on broasdcast (Especially relic raids, it would be Wayyy to embarrising if the albis got their relics nicked by NPCs :)) to allow all the cross realm spy-skum to warn their mates.

Still, i'd imagine that programming in large armys for all three realms to do

- Genral RvR
- Keep Raids
- Relic Raids
- Keep Defence
- Skirmishing One Another

And the one hundred and one other fun little things would take way too long to program to make it practical. which is a shame, could you imagine being out in emain one day with the albions camping the MMG and suddenly in port 50+ members of the midgard army, you link up with them and charge to the MMG only to find that 50+ members of the Albion army have also arrived at the MMG and there was a HUGE!! battle with NPC's, Players and maybe even some aggro mobs thrown in for fun.

<sigh> to dream the impossible, thats one of the luxureys game players have over developers :(


What this game needs is more of the roleplaying element.
Last time I checked this game was still classified as an mmoRPG.

The rpg elements in this game is poor, taken out or was never in the game in the first place, this game is all about powerleveling to 50 and be "teh uber 1337 master of rp farming".

The class progression method needs to be completely changed, instead of customizing ur char to ur liking and be individual, ppl are told how to progress and when theres only a couple of specs u can play around with without gimping urself for eternity all players of each class end up being the same, biggest choice u have is weapon/magic spec, in other games u can even mutliclass.

This is imo the biggest problem of daoc, all other things are minor details that will be fixed some time in the future.

But ... I would like to see a way of striking a critical blow to other realms, just taking over a keep for a day or stealing a relic isnt enough, if there was a possibility of invasion, where one realm takes control of the other if they can manage to make their way from the frontier to the capital city and claim ... this would grant said realm access to the defeated realm and force the losers to make guerilla warfare to get their realm back, and then theres still the problem for the invaders that they now have 2 realms to defend, spreading their army over 2 realms makes them weak and open for attacks ... would bring alot of depth to this game imo ;)


Nice ideas, althought I dont think horses would be a good idea. Minstrels have limitted appeal now, pow song and speed buff, sometimes CC. If horses were implemented everyone would have one, making mistrels near enough redundant. Making them little more than a mana battery <cue matrix music>


Horses, if ever implemented, would be extremely expensive I gather, so not just anyone would have one.


I would like to see player collision added to the game cos atm tanks have no way of protecting there caster / healer friends (apart from guard etc), for example..

A group of 8 , 6 tanks 1 caster and 1 healer.

Tanks form a line with the other 2 standing behind, the enemey charges and usually they run straight through the tanks and take out the caster & healer first! With player collision they would have to A) kill the tanks first, B) run around the tanks.

It would make RvR tactics more viable and would help prevent the usual Zerg problems


Originally posted by vestax
I would like to see player collision added to the game cos atm tanks have no way of protecting there caster / healer friends (apart from guard etc), for example..

Of course, on the other side of that you get prics trying to charge people to let them go into a building (less important in DAoC i know) but all the same if i was strolling arround and wanted to get to my Gna vault and some little prick was blocking the door i'd be very VERY pissed off.

Afterall, i don't think they can have player collision in RvR only. but if they found a way round this that still allowed for using your body as a human shield then sure, i like the sound of it :)


Collision detection only on enemies (i.e. mobs and other realms)?

No real gripes with the game here, but my wish list would include:

Horses that go to any town.

Ability to see what damage my pets do.

An 'RP' Flag (or graphic), similar to 'AFK' to indicate I'm Role Playing.

Spells of same type to automatically sort into level in spell list.

Quickcast for Middy Healers :)

A wider variety of colour codes on team mini display, to indicate things like 'poisoned', 'out of range', etc.

Oh yeah, I want to see a Santa Troll before christmas :cool:


Yeah I agree, it could be used for exploiting but not if it was just mobs / enemy realm players. It would add a whole new dimension to large scale RvR, battle formations and tactics....

Cos atm its just..

1) Click on whoever will die quickest
2) /stick
3) F8



collision detection could be implemented using the method UO felucca uses? i.e. if you have full endurance you can push past a player which will cause you to lose some end and hence not beable to do it again until your end is 100% Or perhaps if your end is a higher % full than the person you try pushing past, you'll get past. If that makes sence :p


Ideas to improve DAoC:

/format C:

Har! Just had seriously this is a good game...

for me to poop on!!

Oh i'm killing myself here... carry on. :p


Here's some more....

-Elf heroes/blademasters/wardens... perhaps a boost to Elf starting strength, and the option to be one of these classes.. I want an Elven Warlord in shining mail ;)
-Warriors in "plate" armour - warriors are getting a big damage output soon, but they will still die easily to ranged/stealthers - armsmen have plate, heroes have moosemode, effectively an insta-heal... Warriors could maybe be given "Reinforced Chain" or something.. would obviously look different from plate armour, more Norse-ish, but with the same absorb... either this or give them evade 2/an insta-heal ;)
-New dyes... who here wants a white dye - would be great, gold/silver dyes could be nice too


I know Im replying to an old post, but Ive only just read the thread...

Originally posted by old.Noita
As far as a new race is concerned, there was an interview with Mr Head honcho bloke at Mythic (forget his name) where he answered this question. He said there had been thoughts on this but the difficulties were insurmountable. For example <they would get owned>. Nope, I think the guy was right. The existing 3 Realms have had too much of a head start.

Hmmm... I'm not sure that's so true. Look at the PVP server. How long has it been open? A week? And there's level 50s. And that's under the intensely hostile environment of PVP. Stick a load of very experienced DAOCers into a new realm (which is what you'd get, I reckon all the old hands would want to try at least one new character) and you'd have a capable fighting force inside a fortnight. Especially if it was Oriental - imagine all the Samurai and Ninja running all over the place. A new realm won't get added because it's too much work, basically.

Anyway lots of nice idea suggested, hopefully lots of them will get taken on board for Imperator - most of the restrictions in DAOC are down to, quite simply, shoddy game construction, hopefully Imperator will be more open-ended.


White dye definatly...

Silver, just don't dye your armour :)

Gold, (only applys to epics) use a brown. My healer epic is light brown (the 1s stuff) and it looks like its golden (or Urine soaked if you listen to my guild mates :))

Not sure i agree with the new realm though, true it would be cool but i'm inclined to agree with Mythic.

You mentioned the PvP server, well those peeps have been lvling intensly and all the same there arn't nearly as many lvl 50 characters on Cal compared to Excal or the other servers and there won't be for a long time (especially when you take into account people with more than one lvl 50 character)

and their relics would be totally raped and pillaged by enemy realms. The once consessions you could give them would either be that they start at lvl XX (thus cutting out the annoyance of doing the lvl's below that but meaning they lack the experience gained while doing them), making their relic keeps literally un-attackable untill they are able to seriously contend with the other realms (this would have to work both ways of course, they can't take relics) keeps are less of an issue just because you need more than 2fg to take a keep doesn't mean you can't take one (though you'd be suprised how many people would disagree)

All in all your right, it probably would be too much effort not only to code a new realm but also to set up a reasonable ammount of advantages to protect the realm while it grows stronger.

I think the only sure fire way of getting arround this would be to either

1. Only have this new realm on a new server, Excal/Pyr/Etc would never see it

2. Increase the XP multiplier per mob to allow for faster/easier lvling even if it might take some of the achivement out of getting to 50

...Both are kind of bad ideas, maybe some kind of account transfer. you can switch your current realm but keep your current lvl's, Class types. E.g.

If you have a lvl 50 primary tank (warrior) and you want to switch to the new realm you can request this to GOA and they create your character with the same name/stats (assuming they use the same stats) into a primary tank for the other realm.

Again, this would probably cause a lot of bitching and whining. But it doesn't really matter i genuinly can't see a 4th realm ever being implemented without a lot of long term grieving about somthing or other :(


they should make an npc realm, with certain ppl playing say commanders etc, so instead of going to emain you go to this new realm for rvr, kinda like the bg set out with gangs of these npc classes fighting you and other realms :D would be fun


My lil bit would be

- The ability to hire "mercenary" NCPs to group with, costing you in your personal BPs
- Guild houses, taking over the properties already in existance, bigger guild = bigger house. This would help cut down the number of guilds, theres way too many IMO.
- Horses (like everyone else) be nice to get to lair in one peice.
- Once a guild claim a keep, they can "buy" a certain type of merchant.
- When upgrading the keep guards, this means they should not be able to be soloed by a solo infil ffs, as i witnessed one solo a level 6 guard in bledmeer. The other guards just stood there.
- Merging the Prydwen and Excal DB. Then turning Prydwen into this 4 realm place other have mentioned, I like the egyptian idea - Anubis and mummy type dudes or the ninja aspect of the Oriental idea (you want lice with that?)
- Capping the numbers of players in each realm!
- Resetting the relics after patches that make it sooooo frikken hard to get them back ffs! (OK, albs will now comment on its ease - with 40% higher player base :p)

As for the rest, well SI wil offer a lot, but 6 months down the line, will it be enough to keep us here, or will we just find better things to maon about :)

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