ideal groups



/whine thread

Well, after 4 days of 'full time' daoc i was able to find 3 groups (groups who gave me exp)

sometimes i'm waiting for more then 2 hours to join... join the group and group disbands :]
well i'm getting bored of exp'ing again, after 3 weeks exams/ only playing RvR.

Can't count the time i've been waiting the join a group.
Can't count the numbers of 'we dont want a scout in group' sentences.

Seems like ppl only want ideal groups and log or disband if they got killed.

tnx for the groups who gave me 7 bubs :]
/em is already scared for tree groups ;(


Sharp Thing

last time, i go to lyo since a long time (2weeks of exams, stil in it atm), i get myself a smal starting grp, so we meet up and wait a couple of mins, all if a sudden the other grp next to us (ive already asked to join them, they didnt respond) ask if we could merge, so they do. what they dont do is invite me because they want a mezzer, i was like WTF, we join you guys but dont take me? im really getting pist off by ppl doing this

so ppl: GROW UP!!!


So basically they poached the needed players and threw the others in the bin? Oh how wrong can you get? that's about as low as it gates mate, I feel for you!


If u cant get a group, try to form your own instead - thats what Ialkarn thought me to after complaining about groups to him ;)


Hi Aussie,
whenever you need a group, feel free to group with me or any other Rhombos Emreys group. You are allways welcome.


been getting that prob alot myself waiting for ages for a group one person leaves everyone decides to leave kinda sucks,

Bridge Trent

I have been getting so wound up lately with groups at the Tanglers. One day I waited half an hour and finally got into a group. The leader decided to disband, booting me by accident as i was still selected by him. The new leader (who will go unnamed) even though he knew I had been booted by accident didnt reinvite me and told me that there were 5 other people waiting for the slot and then picked 2 of those people to invite.
Hopefully they all died horribly soon after as I was so annoyed I logged to play an alt.
People leaving groups for others (then asking to come back) and people only staying around for 20 minutes is really getting on my nerves. I have stopped playing my main until there are more people around level 40 who can group properly. Or I will eventually resort to soloing dunters for cloth drops.
:rolleyes: :(


Its not surprising grps dont want scouts when so many of them dont even have doublefigure weapon skills. When I was xping with my merc I used to watch the "damage" some scouts did and it was laughable tbh :)

Many made little or no effort to actually hurt the mob (ie use styles) and it was painfully obvious they were merely leeching xp.

Scouts can serve a useful purpose in a grp and that is guarding the main tank. Saves mana, saves time. Those who have specd weapon into the 20's or 30's can also do decent, if not great, dmg in grps.

Having said that our realm needs more hi lvl scouts and on that basis by inviting a scout (or infi) into your group u are doing your realm a favour as well as him or her personally.


Well I seem to be the exception to the rule to be honest

I get quite good groups at the tanglers and yeah I have gone through the 3hr wait for a good group and the usual choosing a tank over me scenario, but I kinda expected that as I learnt how the infiltrators were perceived on the server as I levelled.

But if I do log and there are just no groups anywhere then I usually leave or hang around alot to see how lucky I can get or I simply create my own group, usually helps

I am lvl 44 now and u can usually start to do trees at this level but god help me looking for a tree group to be honest.

Oh and one last thing a good guild can help, I am in the Illuminati as the signature indicates and I can tell you they are one of the best guilds I have ever had the pleasure of being in.....!

Guild hunts 3-5 times a week, going into Dartmoor and for all levels to be honest, complete guild structure with about 40-50 members not too much and not too little

Oh and they have one thing most people in groups don't COMMON SENSE!

So yeah I am very lucky but lets say I am really lucky when I finally get to 50 which should be in a couple of weeks possibly months :)


The thing with tanglers is you need to fulfil theessential classes before u start to get the non-essential classes the essential classes for a good tangler group are:


If you have them then your laughing so as a scout or infil u have to try and occupy those last two spots


Best tanglers groups I've ever been in have had 1 scout and 2 infiltrators. No deaths, except when someone has LD'd... Only essentials are 1 cleric, 1 sorc, 1 minstrel. 5 other spots can be occupied by any class that can deal damage.


Fair nuff that can work too, I am just trying to be tight! haha

- Pathfinder -

You don't actually need a sorc if you have an ice spec theurg; root works well, as long as you have enough people to kill the baddies ^^


i've seen a tangler group yesterday with 1 theur and 2 AO smite clerics
theur roots.. clerics AO smite them and they are dead before they reached the clerics

only thing a tangler group needs is 1 cleric and 1 sorcer

-minstrel: makes it only go faster for power and tanks can take adds too
-caster: only makes killing faster
-theur: for bt? - all pygmys are mezzed, if everyone hits the same mob i dont know why you need bt ..


Or could try 1 bt-theurg, 2-3 ice-spec wizzies and minstrel ;)


Originally posted by Light
Oh and one last thing a good guild can help, I am in the Illuminati as the signature indicates and I can tell you they are one of the best guilds I have ever had the pleasure of being in.....!

ill second on that :D


Perfect groups?

Theres no such thing :)

People leave pygmy groups quickly due to the boredom from what Ive seen - personally I cant take more a couple of hours before Im ready to fall asleep and have to either move on or play an alt.

Anyway isnt half the fun making "weird" groups work at times? Sometimes the "shouldnt-work-but-somehow-do" groups are alot of fun :clap:

:m00: - just cos


We had an amazing group last night at the trees. One minstrel, 2 wizards, 3 clerics, 6 second pbt theurg and a leeching infiltrator :)

Just goes to show that a non standard group can work great and that tanks are pointless in PVE and RVR :)


Yup, tanks are very pointless.

And yet for some reason I created a spear wielding hero on hib/pryd :)

Tanks might be pointless, but theyre fun for a while which is exactly what an alt should be :)


All classes are pretty pointless if you take that view...

you can have an effective group with just about anything. It just changes what you want to be fighting.


and bah no sorcs and cleric dont work to good sorc cant mez aftyer 905 dmg thats why best tangler groups are

3-4 wiz
1 ice spec theurg
1 cler
1 mins
1 tank

aoe root aoe nuke aoe root etc tank clears up the few stragglers can take the whole beach in 30 secs or so :)

ok now for a good tank group
6 pallys (heal chant bashing on all)
1 cler
1 pbaoe ice wizzy

wizzy pulls tangler with low spec fb pallys get aggro and create a circle around pbaoer ,
ice wizzy poaboes his ass off :) dead tanlger pull :)


Well, I've given up on waiting for groups, I usually walk around the 'tangler area' to see if there's a spot free... Sometimes I'm lucky, other times, I'm not...

At 43, I'm just a tad to 'low' for tree's (might get a group, but xp is slower then tanglers)...

So far, I like tangler groups with a sorc the best, a sorc + some sword/axe/hammer using ppl a cleric (or two) and a minsy... Might want to add a wizzie, just cause its fun ;)

I dont like theurgies AE root... Dunno why, been in 1 group with a AE root, just didnt like it :rolleyes:

Oohwell, XP'ing is boring as hell... When I get asked for a tangler group, I always make clear that I'll stay a tops of 2 hours...

Yesterday I was looking for a group for about 1 hour, couldnt find any... Got a bit uhm, depressed, ran into the goblin tree's area (if you look carefully, you can still see my grave ;) )... Ok after that I was in Vale of Mularn, but thats another story ;)


Scouts have it bad and infils but most ppl in lyonesse i grp with dont seem very clasist..and dont mind infils scouts etc. and any template for tanglers that works is ok.

What i do think is kinda sad is most players only know their way to tanglers and nowhere else in lyonesse, so many ppl gonna reach high/er lvl's and not having been deep in dartmoor or llyn barfog or even past pikemen in lyonesse in their rush for lvl's. there is some fun mobs in the game and dartmoor has some grt drops and llyn barfog also, which will have a better drop rate in next patch.

Starion lvl50 friar
Fast lvl43 minstrel
<GM> Exiled


Best tangler group I've seen:
1 thurg with PBT and ae root

Thurg pet pulls the tangler and roots the nice tight group of kills and then peels one at a time off. they're dead in seconds and no deathes. was a kick ass group.


Personally i'd never refuse someone a place in a group simply because of what class they are, all classes have something to offer.
So long as the group has at least one of the essentials in it (healer, tank and spellcaster) anything else is a bonus no matter what they are.

There are good reason for refusing a group, maybe you grouped with the person before and dislike them, or maybe you your only want a small group for whatever your doing, but class should never come into it.


I never had a problem with scouts or infi's in my group when i was leveling my Arms to 50.(on the US server)

Prob is i think since 1.48 I dont think peeps have realised the extra damage that a WELL played infi/scout (that knows how to control aggro) can do i.e less heals for cleric (mob dies quicker) which leads to less down time.

Think about it (same with mercs) they have 2 weaps :) put an earth buff on them, at high levels that 2x30 damage without even taking into accout weapon damage yet or styles etc. + the fact that with fast weaps damage out put is by far greater than tanks will ever do. For trees especially at 44-50 Infis and a BOW Shooting scout do Huge damage:)

My basis for a good group always was

1 Def Armsman (Lots of blocks and parry)
2 Pally (chants)
3 PBT Thurg (Duh)
4 Reju Cleric :)
5 Minstrel (Mez, Pwr Song)
6 Scout/Infi (Damage dealers)
7 Another Pally/Arms/Merc
8 Anything

Besides I always as long as someone asks no matter what class always give them a fair answer i.e we are full, yet only 4 peeps are in the group..

We all pay money to play this game :)


Tangler group 42 - 45:

1. Wizard (ae nuke)
2. Wizard (ae nuke)
3. Theurgist (ae root)
4. Theurgist (ae root)
5. Minstrel (mana song)
6. Cleric (heals)
7. Leecher or Wizard
8. Leecher

Other groups are not as effective but you only need an sorc + healer + some tanks, still not as fast as thison.

You can do this on the trees aswell.. at 44+ but some tanks would be nice if the mezz would fail ;)


Why the heck would you want 2 AE-root theurgies in a team ;)
(the ae-root is 2 sec, each root halves time, you cast twice as fast as the AE DD's from the casters)

I say:

1. Wizard (AE nuke, fire spec)
2. Wizard (AE nuke, fire spec)
3. Wizard (AE nuke, ice spec, with heat resist debuff)
4. Sorcerer (AE root, Body Spec) or Theurgist (AE root, Ice spec)
5. Theurgist (Bladeturn pulse, Earth spec)
6. Cleric (Smite spec, why heal in this crowd :p )
7. Minstrel
8. ? ;)

The Ice wizzie is nice, they have the 'Burning Cloud' AE DD, which has a Heat Resist debuff... Which is pretty nice (at 46 you get a 131 damage -15% heat resist AE DD)...

The Earth-spec theurgie is nice to have since you can use the earth pet to 'round up' the monsters nice and tight...

Problem I get is, I currently already 'apply' this technique on several mob camps and LOADS of ppl get pissed off... Sending messy's like "thank you for taking all my xp" or "you could have left some for me"...

(also note, that this isnt a 42-45 tangler only thing, we successfully pull this off at level 13)


In RB when it existed and we were all pushing for XP we did Tanglers slightly differantley after a few tests organised by Ludwig the 1st lvl50 Wizzie on Excali but quess he's quit now not seen him 4 ages :(

1 tank as puller
1 preferably 2 BT Thurgs + AE root
2 - 3 Wizzies AE Nuke
2 Smite Clerics AE Smite PB Mez if they got close enough and the odd heals
1 Minst - power song
Sorc maybe in place of one of the Thurgs cause so few about then but weren't many sorcs about then either.

/effects self

Then tank runs into the gobbos collecting 30-40 and heading back and gives you a tight but huge pull.

Thurg(s) are forward a bit then AE root as many as they can and fall back. It's then nuke, smite mental til the lot still coming were dead then carry on with the rooted ones til they were all dead.

Sit for a bit and collect the loot then repeat. We died a fair bit but it was a laugh and the xp was huge.

Xp per pull was bigger than a tree pull but I think the right group doing trees on an auto pull is quicker xp.

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