Idea for camlann and new english server



Originally posted by iziz
I thank you for your well thought out and well reasoned response. Perhaps when you remove your head from your sphincter, you may not need to try and issue a personal attack on someone you've never even spoken to, after they try to make a forum post that doesn't involve something along the lines of 'CWY MORE NOOOOOB!!!!111'.

OK so you want to play all realms, ok fair enough. How far do you want to take your characters on a realm? A level 50 in each realm? Well i for one wouldnt be able to achieve that in the whole time DAOC has been running. TBH i have no idea just how quick you can level a toon to 50. Id imagine it must be something like say 5 days actual playtime. I may be wrong. But say it is 5 days. Of pure XP.

Thats 24X5 120 hours per toon. so 360 hours to have one 50 on each of your English servers. So thats 1 hour play per day if you dont play Bank holidays in a year. Now if you want to explore the realms properly as im sure you do becuase your reason for wanting a third server is excactly that. You could say double you play time to 10 days per toon. So thats 2 hours a day everyday for a year.

Thing is though by playing 2 hours a day your never going to get a group quickly or regularly enough so lets say you play 4 hours a day for 6 months. 4 hours a day ouch.

Let me see:
7AM get up & ready for work eat breakfast etc.
9AM Start Work
12PM Lunch
1PM Back to Work
5PM Leave work & travel home
6PM Eat Dinner
7PM Play Daoc
11PM Stop playing DAOC
11:30PM Fall Asleep.

Ok fair enough maybe your not a doley maybe your just sad.


Sheeeesh...anyone able to spot the guy who's bitter about having to hold down some shitty job just so he can afford his subs?

My mummy pays for mine. :D Well, I pay for it out of my stipend.



Originally posted by Apathy
Sheeeesh...anyone able to spot the guy who's bitter about having to hold down some shitty job just so he can afford his subs?

My mummy pays for mine. :D Well, I pay for it out of my stipend.


Arn't we all bitter about working? Even if i didnt i wouldnt play DAOC all day.

Basically i think this request for a 3rd server is coming from twats who are jealous of the French & Germans because they have the number of servers they need for their population. Oh hold on we have enough servers for our population. No i have no idea why the hell they want it. Twats.


I do agree, of course. There is no need for another English server.



Maybe if Goa gives us the /lvl 30 alts and the frenchies and germans the /lvl 20 :)


Dont get me started on /level.........................rant.......................ramble..........................rant.....................whine...................mumble....................moan...................Stop it Rubric.

/em slaps himself.


You know what i love about this kind of threads? When people say some thing they love about something that is in no way or form relevant to the thread in question. :p


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
You know what i love about this kind of threads? When people say some thing they love about something that is in no way or form relevant to the thread in question. :p

You mean spam seel?


Originally posted by Rubric
You mean spam seel?

It's not spam, it's something like:

Jibbly writes:

Originally posted by Murf:
..and then i was in battlefields.../endquote

You know what i love about battlefields? You can like, fight people there. Not ai but people from usa and afganistan KEWL.

That is what i mean Rubric.


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
It's not spam, it's something like:

Jibbly writes:

Originally posted by Murf:
..and then i was in battlefields.../endquote

You know what i love about battlefields? You can like, fight people there. Not ai but people from usa and afganistan KEWL.

That is what i mean Rubric.

Ah not come across one of those.

Plenty of spam though. Forgive me.


One reason why people (I) would be in favour of a 3rd english server is that those of us (me) who don't have any L50 yet due to being a relative newcomer to the game have the ability to weild relatively more power. - Explanation : not "power" but erm.... clout? when i get to l50 i will be one in 500 toons there in mid/pryd, a new server means ... god im lost sorry

Although I understand all arguments against and see the logic in them.


Originally posted by Rubric
Ok fair enough maybe your not a doley maybe your just sad.

...says the person who starts working out calculations of how sad I must be based on random guesses about my life and daoc play time...

Have you ever read a fictional book? Have you ever just sat there doing nothing at all? Do you watch TV? Do you troll forums and make totally useless posts in order to flame random people in an attempt to feel uber? Please explain in your infinite wisdom why doing any of these things would make your life any more worthwhile than someone playing a computer game... Of course, if your life involves only doing useful things, it must be a barrel of laughs.

Do you even play daoc or are you lost? If you do you should know that you can get a level 24 character in 10-12 hours, which would take you to the bgs and is more than enough for someone like myself to have plenty of fun in this game.

Who ever said that you had to be level 50 in 3 realms? And why would I be jealous that there are more French / German players than English speaking ones?

You're missing the point completely (although I'm fairly confident you never had one to begin with, so that doesn't surprise me). We should have 3 servers, or at least one server in which you can play all 3 realms, because there are 3 realms in the game. It doesn't matter that we don't have 9000+ english players, we should still have access to all 3 realms without having to delete our characters in one place to play in another. I don't see how you, or perhaps someone who actually plays the game can deny that.

Let me explain how a forum is meant to work as you clearly haven't grasped it yet. There is a topic. People respond to that topic and present arguments as to why something should or shouldn't happen. In the past people have said in the that we shouldn't open a 3rd server and given reasons such as it will kill rvr etc. I have argued that it won't. If you disagree, present your argument. If you don't have an argument, do not grace us any longer with your copy and paste ability.

edit: if you have a valid argument post it, if you fancy just spending all your valuable time flaming me, you can do it in a pm.


Edited vb code & screwed whole post and im not typing it again.

Roo Stercogburn

Wow, last time I saw a post that long someone had just shoved a plank through my letterbox.

<Thinks about his own posts>
<Shuts up>



Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
Wow, last time I saw a post that long someone had just shoved a plank through my letterbox.

<Thinks about his own posts>
<Shuts up>


<joins the shut-up club on posts>

But that plank thing is a gem Roo :D

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