Idea for camlann and new english server



Outstanding in both it's originality and intelligence!



this topic has been posted before ></



It has been discusses again and again and again and again

It won't happen


maybe just change the rules of it into a Co-op server? and let the ppl that have made chars there and put some time into it just won't get them deleted... (if you have high levels of 2 diffrent realms)

don't know if more ppl would play it if it was made a co-op tho ;p

but I guess they won't change it anyway...


how is it possible that you can't read, but are still able to post here, Bellona?

or are you really just a 1000 monkeys banging at keyboards and this was just a 'lucky' accident?


Hey you know what would be really cool? If Camlann was turned into a third English server.



you know Apathy, thats outstanding in both it's originality and intelligence!



this topic has been posted before ></



Originally posted by DocWolfe
this topic has been posted before ></


Do i hear an echo ;?


If only there was a way to turn Camlann into a server where there was no PvP and everbody spoke English...



Bellona you have trouble reading ???? Or what is it you dont understand when peopel write that we need a 3 english server as bad as we need too be hit by a meteor..well maybe if you got hit in the head it would help you can only hope


Originally posted by Apathy
If only there was a way to turn Camlann into a server where there was no PvP and everbody spoke English...


Add Shadowbane patch 1.0 and hack it ;)

Roo Stercogburn

There are days I log on and wish Prydwen was an English speaking server ;)


Too bad, my brother has a 50 ranger on my acc on pryd so I can´t try alb out, though I don´t think that it even would be worth it ;)


Learn another language! Improve your foreign relations!


Originally posted by old.Alliandre
Learn another language! Improve your foreign relations!

Bellona should learn to speak french, so he could annoy them instead of us.


Don't let it get to you Bellona

Even if it is a repost, even if it's been said a gazillion times before, its STILL a more constructive post then all the replys i've seen so far.

Try imagine all these Neanderthal forum deitys sitting on the toilet jerking off their incredibly small dicks thinking about how l33t and smart their replys were on a specific forum today...

And sure, now go ahead and make even more fun, half of you sad griefers are on my ignore list anyway...

Afun Mindbreaker
Getting sick of the immature/griefing nature most of the posts nowadays.


turn camlann into PVP rules in frontier zones , safe zones stay safe ,,,, i would play one of those servers full time if that was the case :) and still giff ability for all realms to play/exp together but as said above give rvr in frontiers and safe zones ars theyare now :)

p.sand add moreentrys to frontiers otherwise it be bottlenecked with bkcampers: P


turn camlann into PVP rules in frontier zones , safe zones stay safe ,,,, i would play one of those servers full time if that was the case and still giff ability for all realms to play/exp together but as said above give rvr in frontiers and safe zones ars theyare now

Some sort of co-op/pvp mix:D I would defenitely like that yeah, would be a welcome change with rvr the way it is nowadays as well

Afun Mindbreaker


I don't get it... people say things like:
we need a 3 english server as bad as we need too be hit by a meteor.
... but why don't we need a 3rd server?

We can currently only play 2/3 of the game as it was sold, without having to learn another language (...have you ever tried to do a quest on Orcaine with GCSE level French?), or having to pay a 2nd subscription fee (which also then leads to other problems such as cross realming whine).

I find it quite humourous tbh, that people will come and whine about zergs in RvR, or whine about xp spots being constantly camped by class x, and then come and say that by actually lowering the population slightly, that would screw things up completely. When you think about it, the number of people that you interact with in this game is an incredibly small proportion of the server, so there is no reason why population would be an issue. People still play PvP even though it has a low population.

Therefore the only reason I can think of for there not being a 3rd server is cost... but then there is no argument there either. With old servers being replaced by new servers, there's no reason why one of these old servers couldn't be converted to a limited size 3rd english server. Bandwidth usage would be the same overall, so all that is required is an extra IP address, and someone to hit it with a large blunt instrument when it acts up.

There are numerous reasons for having a 3rd english server, so can someone actually tell me why there shouldn't be one, other than saying there shouldn't?


Originally posted by iziz
There are numerous reasons for having a 3rd english server, so can someone actually tell me why there shouldn't be one, other than saying there shouldn't?

Because for every force in the universe there is a counterforce.

Some old geezer said that and he was right.

3rd english server might give you the possibility to play a third realm.

This would split your playtime to three realms.

This would split the playerbase to three servers.

This would cause the BG's and RVR areas to be even more barren.

The needs of the many exceed the needs of the few.(edit: in other words, keep two servers happy and don't test it with another)

*goes back to teh Icefloat*

EDIT: I really don't give a rats flying butthock asked.


Maybe people who want to have a third English server have a little too much time on their hands.

When you get job seekers allowance these days do they not force you to go for interviews?


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
This would cause the BG's and RVR areas to be even more barren.

but they're not... as an 'old.' I'd be very surprised if you haven't come across, maybe 1 or 2 posts, in your BW forum travels, about people whining about too many people in the RvR zones. :rolleyes:
And yet many of these people will also say that having less people will kill the server? I'm not understanding the logic behind this.

Originally posted by Rubric
Maybe people who want to have a third English server have a little too much time on their hands.

When you get job seekers allowance these days do they not force you to go for interviews

I thank you for your well thought out and well reasoned response. Perhaps when you remove your head from your sphincter, you may not need to try and issue a personal attack on someone you've never even spoken to, after they try to make a forum post that doesn't involve something along the lines of 'CWY MORE NOOOOOB!!!!111'.

Roo Stercogburn

Given the benefit of hindsight, and with no disrespect intended to GOA, I don't think they should ever have hosted the English speaking servers. I have no issue with the service GOA provide, in general it quietly outshines that on the US servers.

However, the English speaking servers have a slightly lower level of players than you would expect partly because many Euro players basically moved to the US servers so they didn't have the patch delays etc (though that is truely a double edged sword if ever there was one).

Now at first glance this sounds a bit "Hey, thats not fair to the other servers and is just selfish", but if you look at it a bit more closely there's no real difference between English speaking US and Euro servers. The new adventures that GOA can provide are interesting, but I don't think they will exactly be churning them out.

In the next few months there is going to be some player drop-off as new games come out, people get bored and move on, and whether you like to admit it or not, a lot of Mids on all servers are quitting the game if not moving to other realms on other servers. The player population is in flux like it has never been before and diluting the player base at this time is probably a risky thing for GOA to undertake just so people can get an English speaking 3rd realm: it isn't going to up their income, just their costs, and the long term incentive to keep playing is marginal when you compare a 3rd server to what people REALLY want: RvR Expansion, ToA, Foundations (and I believe most people agree with the order of preference on that).
People will still move on regardless of a 3rd realm as once they get to 50... its back to the same old places to RvR.

You ask people what they hate most and they all say the level grind almost without exception, which is basically what a 3rd realm would give you except with different dressing.

Regarding using a 'second-hand' server from the upgrades. Yes on the surface there is no cost, but in actuality there is: you have ongoing maintainance and increased support so GOA would increase their costs in a hidden way and still not have increased income from the addition.

There is one thing and one thing only that justifies an extra server to any business and not just GOA: it must be cost justified. In GOA's case, this means it must be shown that a level of revenue (ie subs from players) is there to support and justify it.

And I bet it simply isn't, no matter how nice it would be to dabble in a third realm.

Peeps, don't think for one moment that any decision to make a third server would be based on if it was a nice thing to do. Its a BUSINESS decicion and that alone.

Repent Reloaded

since pry isnt even close to bein filled up we wont get another UK server, and if we did it would be populated with Lv.19 alts.


Originally posted by iziz
but they're not... as an 'old.' I'd be very surprised if you haven't come across, maybe 1 or 2 posts, in your BW forum travels, about people whining about too many people in the RvR zones. :rolleyes:
And yet many of these people will also say that having less people will kill the server? I'm not understanding the logic behind this.

There have been few whines with cheese about the RvR zones being overpopulated. But i also noticed that low level BG's are quite empty. 10-20 people from 2500 isn't that much. I don't know if it would kill the other servers, people still have their "family" ties in these servers and probably the third server wouldn't kill them. But there is the "what if" factor that i believe GOA is leaning against.

What if it kills the other two?

What if the third server fails?

What if it's a waste of money?

This is why i believe they wait until the two other servers get rampacked with people before making a third one.

It's all business.


Great post Roo :)

But aren't some of the things you're talking about reasons for actually having a 3rd server? If Mr. lvl 50 Zerker #134 wants to try the 3rd realm, it makes a lot more sense that he should be able to do it without having to delete characters. I would have thought that it was a lot better business sense to keep people playing on a 3rd server than have them pack up and cancel their accounts.

The problem as you rightly identified is the xp grind. Battlegrounds are actually very popular. People stop the xp grind, or level alts especially for them. It gives them a chance to experience lots of characters with lots of different specs so that they can find one they enjoy playing. But I think the reason they are so popular is that the play dynamics are almost perfect in them. Damage is (with a few exceptions) at the scale it should be (and not the extremes that you experience in what many people call 'proper rvr'), cc is an advantage, but is not a battle imobilizing factor, there aren't any silly overpowered styles, RAs are what they are supposed to be... a help, but not an insta win tool, and the focus is on siege warfare on a defendable and attackable keep, instead of the mindless relay-race running between milegates / pks. The numbers you see in a bg, at any given time, don't actually give an idea of it's popularity. At level 50 there's nowhere else to go, so the numbers will only grow. BGs on the other hand have a limit... they are limited by 5 levels and a number of RPs... neither of which can be ignored forever. I believe that this is the only reason they are not even more packed than they already are.

Personally I wouldn't see a problem with a server full of bg alts, especially as you get to enter it immediatly if you have a level 50 char on some other server, from 1.62. imo it is 'proper RvR' as it gives a much fuller rvr experience. How many people remember Gorre when they put that 'insta level 24' NPC in it for the event there?

I still don't think cost is the issue here. They made camlann a non event server, so it can be done on a 3rd english server. Short of having an extra server to patch, or fix if it breaks, there isn't anything to do on the technical side. Of course there will need to be customer support, but I doubt that would increase as it would be the same people needing the support on excal/pryd as it would on a 3rd server. Without knowing the figures I suppose I'm just guessing at all of this, but I still believe that keeping your customer base would justify it.

Out of interest, how many people who have said we don't need it, have a 2nd account to be able to play all 3 realms if they wanted?


Originally posted by iziz

Out of interest, how many people who have said we don't need it, have a 2nd account to be able to play all 3 realms if they wanted?

One account here.

Simple reason for not needing((personally(!!!)) a 3rd server is:

I don't have time to play one, let alone three realms.

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